Wednesday, February 26, 2014

NYT: "There was little consensus on why the decline might be happening, but many theories"

"Federal health authorities on Tuesday reported a 43 percent drop in the obesity rate among 2- to 5-year-old children over the past decade, the first broad decline in an epidemic that often leads to lifelong struggles with weight and higher risks for cancer, heart disease and stroke."
The drop emerged from a major federal health survey that experts say is the gold standard for evidence on what Americans weigh."
“This is the first time we’ve seen any indication of any significant decrease in any group,” said Cynthia L. Ogden, a researcher for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the lead author of the report, which will be published in JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, on Wednesday. “It was exciting.”

She cautioned that these very young children make up a tiny fraction of the American population and that the figures for the broader society had remained flat, and had even increased for women over 60. A third of adults and 17 percent of youths are obese, the federal survey found. Still, the lower obesity rates in the very young bode well for the future, researchers said.
Another possible explanation is that some combination of state, local and federal policies aimed at reducing obesity is starting to make a difference. Michelle Obama, the first lady, has led a push to change young children’s eating and exercise habits and 10,000 child care centers across the country have signed on. The news announcement from the C.D.C. included a remark from Mrs. Obama: “I am thrilled at the progress we’ve made over the last few years in obesity rates among our youngest Americans.”
While I gladly receive the good news, I'm also skeptical and I have good reasons supporting my skepticism. Just before the 2012 election, the job number were manipulated to help Obama's re-election. Now, there is a midterm election coming up and the administration is under some pressure from democrats made vulnerable by the ObamaCare disaster. Along comes news that child obesity, the first lady's pet project, is producing results? Like the church lady used to say “Well, isn't that special?”... 'Back-off, vulnerable democrats; we've ended an epidemic.'

This administration cannot be trusted. They have spin, manipulated and outright lied too often.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

If you are going to ignore all evidence provided by the media and government what is the point in presenting it other than to fuel your own paranoia and that of others?

Shouting Thomas said...

Because media and government don't present "evidence."

Obviously, LEM didn't "ignore" the "evidence," because he just brought it to you attention.

He suggested that the "evidence" might be questionable.

Shouting Thomas said...

Here in the good old U.S. of A, Mr. not so Reasonable, we regard "paranoia" about the intentions and actions of the government and media as the obligation of a good citizen.

Your act is pretty amusing. You clearly aren't very bright, and given your ass licking approach to Crack, you are a coward and a moral cripple.

Dressing that up with that icon and your chosen name is hilarious. Are you a government Moby?

Unknown said...

Since the media are incurious, and unable to report the news in an objective, honest, biased free manner, all information becomes suspect. Especially when most "news reports" sound like official White House press releases and talking points.

Lem makes an excellent example with the reporting on the jobs numbers before the 2012 election. Notice now the horrors going on in Venezuela, and the most the leftwing press can muster is an ignore, a yawn, or a token anti-capitalist statement.
Venezuelan citizens are being murdered in the streets by official state officers. US media? Yawn.

It's major news that doesn't fit the leftwing template. And if the news doesn't fit the template, then news is ignored or twisted to fit the template.

AllenS said...

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

AllenS said...
Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you.

While I don't generally disagree with this I think the government has bigger problems than worrying about doctoring the stats on how fat little kids are.

The rule of Lemnity said...

ARM I'm reminding people how much Obama has lied.

Shouting Thomas said...

While I don't generally disagree with this I think the government has bigger problems than worrying about doctoring the stats on how fat little kids are.

You density is, once again, hilarious.

From an abstract point of view, yes, the government should be concerned with more important things.

In reality, petty, corrupt individuals comprise the government. The Obama admin has repeatedly demonstrated that it is exceptionally petty and corrupt.

You are not bright.

Unknown said...

The media must produce something for the holy democrats to hang their hat on.

Note that the mainstream press spit out bogus ACA enrollment numbers all the time. They breathlessly report the most optimistic numbers, ignore the millions of cancellation notices, ignore the fact that most plans are incomplete, not on-line and not even paid for, and that a majority of sign-ups are in the Medicaid column. Now the HHS are airbrushing their own projections. The media will no doubt assist.

chickelit said...

Your act is pretty amusing. You clearly aren't very bright, and given your ass licking approach to Crack, you are a coward and a moral cripple.

Yes, that was a huge tell. It will be hard for him to live that one down.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

chickenlittle said...
Your act is pretty amusing. You clearly aren't very bright, and given your ass licking approach to Crack, you are a coward and a moral cripple.

Yes, that was a huge tell. It will be hard for him to live that one down.

You guys need to calm down over Crack. He has your number at the moment. I find it funny. Man up and deal with him like a man.

And, I don't think it was a good idea to purge him from this site. He brought a point of view that doesn't get heard often and added a lot to the blog. Now he has gone back to Althouse's blog. Whatever else you may think he drives a unique discussion that gets people interested and motivated.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Until somebody trustworthy combs over those numbers I'm not trusting them.

Unknown said...

Imagine if a Republican president had promised, up and down and all over the place, in speech after speech -- "If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it. Period".

Then boom - millions of people get health insurance cancellation notices.

The pro-democrat media would be all over it like Rachel Maddow's obsession with Chris Christie.

chickelit said...

ARM wrote: Man up and deal with him like a man

Ah, the old "man up, bigots" line. It never gets old


edutcher said...

Nice observation, Lem.

The one issue where the number of fat kids declining is important is that you often see this as a familial thing and a decline may signal some "parents" are actually starting to act like adults.

AnUnreasonableTroll said...

If you are going to ignore all evidence provided by the media and government what is the point in presenting it other than to fuel your own paranoia and that of others?

When you have been lied to, time and again, by the same people, their credibility should reasonably take a hit.

After all, isn't it the Lefties who define insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Since I can't read the article.....there is no way in HELL that I'm going to subscribe to the NYT....I have suspicions about the study.

WHO did they survey. What geographical areas. Demographics. Income levels. How MANY people did they use in the survey to extrapolate to the entire US population. As Mark Twain said: there are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics.

Children in affluent neighborhoods are generally not as those in poor neighborhoods. Certain ethnic groups abound in fat kids...Hispanics and Blacks are fatter. 22.4% fat hispanics to 14% non hispanics. It is genetics, diet and exercise levels.

The wealthy and upper middle class kids in Sonoma have different factors that contribute to their NON fattness: including a lifestyle of intact families, emphasis on outdoor sports and activities, better food and more home cooked meals.

When the government wants us to feel good about ourselves, they will over-sample a selected demographic to get the results that they want. When they want us to all feel bad and agree to support massive government programs like food stamps, they OVER sample the poorer demographics and urban in order to make their point and propagandize their agendas.

Even IF they are using a sample of the fattest demographics, another factor to include in the lowering of fatness level is the skyrocketing cost of food. All food and especially junk food. At $4 a bag for potato chips, less will be consumed.

Gee if we make food really really expensive and no one can afford to EAT, just think how thin we will all be.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If you are going to ignore all evidence provided by the media and government

Those are both one and the same thing.

And since BOTH have a documented history of lies, deceit, subterfuge, spin, distortion, obfuscation and manipulation of facts in order to control, keep power and in general benefit isn't likely that we will be taking their word for it.

Icepick said...

I wonder if the blip might have been because of Mexicans NOT entering the country illegally (0r even leaving it) for a couple of years there in 2008 and 2009. Mexico is the only nation on earth fatter than the USA.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

With respect to Crack the weird thing from my perspective is that you guys are in agreement with him on most issues, whereas I am in broad disagreement. Wasn't it Reagan who said “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.”

Shouting Thomas said...


After years of reading Crack's bilge, I long ago ceased thinking of him as a person I should be discussing issues with.

He's as very seriously damaged, very depressed, desperate man who doesn't know how to managed basic existence. By his own admission.

As I said, you aren't bright. You aren't noticing the obvious.

I've actually been dealing with Crack in a compassionate way, although you are too fucking stupid to grasp it. I dislike seeing a man festering in hopelessness and hatred. So, I've been suggesting ways that he can get an education, find employment and build a life. And I refuse to be drawn into his delusions of grandeur, i.e., his notion that the he needs to fix the entire world instead of fixing his life.

The fact that you continue to have a dialogue with Crack about political issues shows just how seriously stupid and morally bereft you are.

Unknown said...

ARM - You are ignoring the threats that Crack made. Personal threats. That's a deal breaker, and should be for anyone.

Michael Haz said...

Step One: Concoct a study in which is it determined that children are less fat then they used to be.

A few days pass.

Step Two: An NYT article crediting Michelle Obama and her heroic efforts for this wonderful and healthy change.

Count on it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Icepick said...
ARM, Crack was not in agreement with anyone on this blog on any issue

He seemed to remain in good standing with most Republicans for many years, up until the Trayvon Martin trial.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

April Apple said...
ARM - You are ignoring the threats that Crack made. Personal threats. That's a deal breaker, and should be for anyone.

I am not sure how seriously you should take threats made over the internet by a guy with a very bad back. I didn't see him say anything worse than was said to him. Remember ST was his most vocal critic much of the time. As I said, I am not defending Crack, we disagree on most issues. I do think he brought a unique voice.

Amartel said...

If you award government credit for YOUR weight loss ...
you might be a progressive.
Also, stupid.
(You didn't lose that.)

chickelit said...

I do think he brought a unique voice.

His thought pixels were black on white just like these...just like everyone else's. He claims to be different [note the present tense] but really, who knows? He made his blog unreadable.

There are lots of unique voices on the internet.

Amartel said...

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you.
-Joseph Heller, “Catch 22"

Dust Bunny Queen said...


I am not in agreement with anyone who continually calls people names. A person who tries to put the guilt of the past on the present and upon people who have no connection with that past. I have no "white guilt" because I am not guilty of anything. Period.

Calling everyone racist is not a way to win arguments. It is a way to turn off dialogue. Insane fixations and turning every single fucking topic to your paranoid delusion is not a tactic to be heard.

Is there agreement on topics. Who can tell beyond the static and noise. Tuned out long ago.

Shouting Thomas said...

I do think he brought a unique voice.

Well, yes, that would be the unique voice of a man who's failed miserably and can't manage the most simple demands of daily life.

Unfortunately, I've met a lot of these unique voices in Woodstock. Crack failed to make the big time in the music biz. It's very common for musicians who fail to make the big time to adopt the same posture as Crack.

Crack, and the others, have transmuted their anger over the failure of their dreams into a general critique of society as evil.

Crack, like most failed musicians, is a megalomaniac with a cure for everything. This is a depressingly common fate for the failed musician, or for any failed artist.

Rabel said...

From the CDC report cited:

"Conclusions and Relevance: Overall, there have been no significant changes in obesity prevalence in youth or adults between 2003-2004 and 2011-2012. Obesity prevalence remains high and thus it is important to continue surveillance."

So how to explain the stupendous 43% drop in obesity in 2-5 year olds? Well, I used to do some simple stat work for my employer and I found that working from an outlier point could produce really impressive numbers. Not that I would do that.

Go to figure 10 on page 16 in last year's report and you'll see that the data for 2-5 year olds gets hinkey around the year 2002. And 2003-2004 was the outlier which produces the 43% improvement. Nice work.

There may have been an improvement but, per the CDC itself, toddler obesity is very difficult to measure and the numbers I see are too noisy to draw any firm conclusions when one considers the lack of improvement in other age groups.

Unless, of course, there was political influence which required a positive interpretation of the data.

Trooper York said...

Things are so much more pleasant without a certain deranged commenter who has said he was going to find someone to come and shoot me in my place of business. He brings nothing and should stay where his ongoing troll persona is valued to bring blog comments and controversy.

Trooper York said...

Anything the Obama administration is involved in is almost certainly a lie. Pure and simple. He lies with a straight face and when gets caught in a lie the lapdog media covers for his lying cheating ass.

If you like your childhood obesity you can keep your childhood obesity.

Icepick said...

ARM, I am certain I never threatened Crack, either with rape or with any other bodily harm. But why let that stand in the way of a specious claim on your part....

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The culprit is almost certainly too much refined foods, heavy with sugars (or simple starches/carbs that readily become sugar). That is what makes you fat.

Fat does not make you fat. Fat helps regulate appetite, so in that sense it makes you thinner (because you are less prone to snack).

Known Unknown said...

Hey, the market works!

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Icepick said...
ARM, I am certain I never threatened Crack, either with rape or with any other bodily harm. But why let that stand in the way of a specious claim on your part....

I am not saying Crack didn't make some over the top comments, mainly because I tuned out of many of those 'discussions', but given what others said about him I think that there was a rough parity.

Shouting Thomas said...


Are you really this stupid?

You know, I read Crack's blog during his breakdown.

The guy is close to suicidal in his depression. He has no life. He can barely manage the basics of existence.

And, you continue to blabber like a fool that his problems have something to do with politics.

Are you really this stupid? Or are you just so wrapped up in the struggle for political advantage that you refuse to see the obvious?

chickelit said...

Are you really this stupid? Or are you just so wrapped up in the struggle for political advantage that you refuse to see the obvious?

The other "Occam's Razor" possibility is that Crack is a fraud and ARM knows that Crack is a fraud and therefore it would never cross ARM's mind that Crack is ill.

Trooper York said...

You need to stop enabling that persons madness ARM. He needs help that only competent professionals can give him.

Enabling him will only make it worse. If it can get any worse. Have mercy and leave him alone.

JAL said...

Unless Michelle can date her hectoring starting in 2004 this isn't her crown.

JAL said...

DBQ -- one can often get around those subscription firewalls by googling the article title.

Voila. As they say.