Monday, February 10, 2014

Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want'

"[I]n the latest big delay of the health-law rollout."
The Treasury Department, in regulations outlining the Affordable Care Act, said employers with 50 to 99 full-time workers won't have to comply with the law's requirement to provide insurance or pay a fee until 2016. Companies with more workers could avoid some penalties in 2015 if they showed they were offering coverage to at least 70% of full-time workers.
The move came after employers pressured the Obama administration to peel back the law's insurance requirements. Some firms had trimmed workers' hours to below 30 hours a week to avoid paying a penalty if they didn't offer insurance.
On his usual Fox News appearance a frustrated Charles Krauthammer said “This is stuff you do in a banana republic

(Post title quote here)


Shouting Thomas said...

He's right.

His black skin gives him immunity. No sane person wants to impeach the first black president.

He knows it. A person with that big an ego and thirst for power without any restraints... that's a serious problem.

All we can do is wait out his presidency. Sometimes, there is no solution to a problem, but to wait.

KCFleming said...

Obama is the law.

Does Althouse now teach American History?

chickelit said...

Shouldn't we celebrate POTUS's tacit admission that that something was terribly wrong with the timetable and/or mandate and go from there?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Does Althouse now teach American History?

She took a test and the test said she is like Obama.
So, I guess she's all good ;)

bagoh20 said...

Even though this helps my company and my employees immensely, like your kidnapper giving you a sip of water does, it clearly shows, along with that quote, that this man is unfit for this position in this republic. He's an embarrassment. This law is a disgusting display of corruption, incompetence, and hubris unworthy of this nation's people, traditions and law. Worst President ever, and the worst government we have ever assembled at one time.

Trooper York said...

No. Because he has no respect for the rule of law. We have to point out how the Congress and media have enabled this behavior.

It is really unbelievable.

Shouting Thomas said...

The American electorate is very tricky and routinely decides to change course dramatically.

Ronald Reagan's presidency followed that of Jimmy Carter, for God's sake.

We're stuck until Obama is gone. What happens after that... I wouldn't venture a guess.

I don't think it's gonna be Hillary.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Although the quote "I can do whatever I want" is not directly attributable to the latest singlehanded change of Obamacare.

In my opinion, the quote does crystalize the Obama presidency.

bagoh20 said...

I'm not sure you can even call the ACA a law - maybe "a suggestion" or "concept Obama is working on" is more accurate. Even if it was beneficial overall - which it isn't, but if it was, there is still no justification for how it has been done. It's simply un-American, and illegal under our constitution, even if nobody who should be has the balls to say so.

I simply can't understand how anybody who respects the Constitution in word or spirit can accept this behavior from the executive branch under any President.

chickelit said...

I do think Krauthammer is correct here, but political expediency has always been part of maintaining power in D.C. The problem is that perhaps well over half of the nation is still O.K. with what is happening in plain sight.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've noticed that the rationale for why the law was needed in the first place continues to shift, too.

First, it was to insure the uninsured.

After several transmutations, the rationale is to release people from job-lock.

Clearly, the Dems just wanted their hands on the power, money and patronage that control of healthcare represents. Just as clearly, they really didn't have a clue what they wanted to do.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Jonah Goldberg ‏@JonahNRO
I remember when wanting to delay O'care meant you were a racist anarchist. Now it means you're the president. That's progress, I guess.

Trooper York said...

Barack Obama just likes to play the Knock-out game with the Constitution.

Trooper York said...

But what's the biggie.

Did you hear that there is a gay football at a junior college jv squad who won't get drafted because of discrimination?

That is the kind of thing that should consume our interest 24/7.

chickelit said...

The people who it's OK for an executive to usurp lawmaking power aren't think about an executive not to their liking usurping such power. Maybe they think they can change enough laws by executive fiat that they'll never have to worry about being out of power.

Shouting Thomas said...


You wouldn't believe how many leftists have crowed to me that a there will never be another Republican president.

chickelit said...

The people for whom it's OK for an executive to usurp lawmaking power aren't thinking about an executive not to their liking usurping such power. Maybe they think they can change enough laws by executive fiat so that they'll never have to worry about being out of power. That the best I can do.

Trooper York said...

The Left wing is convinced that there will never be a Republican or more accurate a conservative President. You hear it all the time.

Hey they may be right. The takers might have surpassed the builders. If they legitimize the illegals and they can marshal those votes then the game is over.

But don't worry. Listen to Oprah. Soon all the old white guys will be dead.

Next stop. Detroit! All aboard!!!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Maybe they think they can change enough laws by executive fiat that they'll never have to worry about being out of power.

Look what it does to the children.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

It is sobering to be reminded that you live in a country that is not subject to the rule of law.

It is terrifying how many people will defend this, some of them honestly believing that this is a good thing in a constitutionally limited republic.

If we can keep it . . .

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I also don't think Obama has the stones to veto a bill delaying the individual mandate.

Hell, if the Senate didn't over ride it, they absolutely are going to be slaughtered.

chickelit said...

Lem, What do La Befana, Santa Claus, and Bronco Bama have in common?

chickelit said...

But don't worry. Listen to Oprah. Soon all the old white guys will be dead.

Love or hate them, the fact is that "the old white guys" still have a lot of technical know how in a lot of STEM fields. The H1B clamoring folks are trying to change that ASAP, but a futuristic culture which dismisses "the old white men" en masse is as stupid as a dying culture which dismisses the face of its youth.

Trooper York said...

But they can't wait until we die off and they can take over.


chickelit said...

I mean, the "old white men" can be vanquished to future h8r's heart's content -- all the way to extinction if they so wish -- but a certain amount of wealth and knowledge transfer has to occur along the way else it just be lost.

Trooper York said...

The forces at work only want to steal or "redistribute" the wealth. They do not value knowledge because "you didn't build the business." The government did. They have no understanding about what will happen. But it will happen.

Winter is here.

Revenant said...

No sane person wants to impeach the first black president.

It wouldn't be any different if he was white. Nobody is going to impeach a President for delaying a mandate the opposition never wanted in the first place.

"Yeah, I know we said the mandate was a horrible idea, but we're prosecuting him for not enforcing it" is not an argument voters are prepared to take seriously. The simple fact of the matter is that voters don't really care about the letter of the law, they care about the outcome. If they cared about the letter of the law, every President of the last eighty years would have finished out his term of office in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

bagoh20 said...

It's not about impeachment. It's about historical lessons that the electorate can learn. Hire people with a track record to evaluate. Look for people who have shown restraint with power, who respect the rules. You don't roll the dice with an unknown in a critical position wielding great power. It's just crazy.

ampersand said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Icepick said...

Obama is the law.

Has SlyRockyRambo been informed?

Icepick said...

Shouldn't we celebrate POTUS's tacit admission that that something was terribly wrong with the timetable and/or mandate and go from there?

No, because he and his lick-spittle ass-licking sycophants will state exactly the opposite if pressed.

Icepick said...

I'm not sure you can even call the ACA a law - maybe "a suggestion" or "concept Obama is working on" is more accurate.

Bagoh, the PPACA is a conceptual framework for the achievement of the President's personal 'stretch' goals.

KCFleming said...

I am sure this disregard for the law will only impact Obama and Obamacare, and that regular citizens will still dutifully follow the bazillion regulations, rules and codes heaped upon us.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Unknown said...

Notice the push back dates. Always after an election. Too bad the party of stupid doesn't have a clue how to capitalize on how a majority of Americans feel about the ACA. They hate it.

Unknown said...

Headlines at Drudge:

Obama Rewrites Obamacare...
BOEHNER: Exempts Corporations, Not Families...
Directly Violates Text of Affordable Care Act...
FOURNIER: Nearing 'impossible' to defend...
Krauthammer: 'This is stuff you do in banana republic'...
Doctors 'Astonished' To Find Themselves Listed On Obamacare Exchange...
FIT: Gym members forced to pay new tax...
'Avalanche' of Regs Still to Come...
OBAMA: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want'...

edutcher said...

Remember this is the Nobel Peace Prize winner who bragged about how many people he's "killed".

If he takes this attitude now, how long before he decides who gets to stay free, or worse? He's already mulling whether to kill another US citizen.

Shouting Thomas said...

He's right.

His black skin gives him immunity. No sane person wants to impeach the first black president.

No, the Whigs don't.

A lot of Conservatives, Libertarians, and Republicans do.

deborah said...

"Even though this helps my company and my employees immensely, like your kidnapper giving you a sip of water does, it clearly shows, along with that quote, that this man is unfit for this position in this republic. He's an embarrassment. This law is a disgusting display of corruption, incompetence, and hubris unworthy of this nation's people, traditions and law. Worst President ever, and the worst government we have ever assembled at one time."

I foresee the employer mandate being delayed over several years, with tweaks being added yearly.

The individual mandate will be used to get as many on medicare as possible, i.e., an ersatz single payer.

Aridog said...

chickenlittle said...

The problem is that perhaps well over half of the nation is still O.K. with what is happening in plain sight.

The problem is that the vast majority of what is happening is NOT in plain sight. Lack of a formal budget does that...every time. We have no budget, regardless of the fact the media and politicians keep calling the sniveling butt licking "deal" just made a "budget." BTW...this "deal" required both Harry Reid's and Obama's chops...neither exactly "Tea Party" eh?

Trooper York said...

We have to point out how the Congress and media have enabled this behavior.

Add "and the electorate" and you've nailed it.

bagoh20 said...

I'm not sure you can even call the ACA a law ...

Oh, it is a "law" alright. However, because we have no budget, the supporting appropriation was not actually vetted by Congress. I'd say the PPACA is a "Major Item" in federal expenditure terms. "Major Items" (currently $5 Million...up from $700K just this year) normally require line item approval via appropriation by Congress. When working under CR's (Continuing Resolutions) 95% of prior period expenditure is permitted without this Congressional review. A favorite technique is to simply amend existing jumbo defense contracts. I will not confess details...but I have been there, done that.

How else do you/we think we got the PPACA designed by a defense contractor, and upon screw up, a call center awarded to another defense contractor, and now the remedy database work awarded to another defense contractor? Does anyone here or anywhere think that fantastic tank builders or fighter jet builders are the best sources for complex medical IT & database work?



Aridog said...

deborah said...

The individual mandate will be used to get as many on medicare as possible, i.e., an ersatz single payer.

A change in the supporting legislation for Medicare will be necessary, because as of now, you must be 65 years of age to qualify for Medicare, and have 40 quarters of Medicare tax payments to boot.

I think you meant an expanded "Medicaid" perhaps? Criteria can be expanded without new legislation under this administration.

deborah said...

Yes, I meant Medicaid...thanks :)

Icepick said...

Well, this waiver isn't without its own administrative problems.


Is the latest delay of ObamaCare regulations politically motivated? Consider what administration officials announcing the new exemption for medium-sized employers had to say about firms that might fire workers to get under the threshold and avoid hugely expensive new requirements of the law. Obama officials made clear in a press briefing that firms would not be allowed to lay off workers to get into the preferred class of those businesses with 50 to 99 employees. How will the feds know what employers were thinking when hiring and firing? Simple. Firms will be required to certify to the IRS – under penalty of perjury – that ObamaCare was not a motivating factor in their staffing decisions. To avoid ObamaCare costs you must swear that you are not trying to avoid ObamaCare costs. You can duck the law, but only if you promise not to say so.

Just another opportunity for the Obama Administration's IRS to ream people in the ass for not QUITE following the law, whatever that is at the moment.

So Bagoh, remember that any hiring or firing you do can and possibly will be reviewed by the IRS.

Icepick said...

Seriously, this PPACA thing just gets better and better with each passing day.

Aridog said...

At the moment I have what would be considered a "Platinum" plan....and not through any ACA exchange. However, my plan is impacted and the impact is driving costs upwards (doubled in the past year).

Prior to 31 Dec 2013 authorization for a treatment or diagnostic procedure was up to you primary physician. Now, due to Obamacare [I asked hard questions and the hospital admitted, yes, it was the PPACA] it takes authorization by some new board at the insurer, not the hospital. I am a cancer survivor (so far) and I am due to a follow-up scan and appointment. Before 31 Dec that took less than 4 days to arrange, both the PET CT Scan and the appointment to see the radiation oncologist. Now it takes 6 weeks. The insurer must now certify to H&HS that they "evaluate" all radiological diagnostic procedures.

Add in that I now get to indirectly pay for birth-control and abortifacients because we 71 year old males could get pregnant any day now, married or not, with a family plan or not.

Amartel said...

Too bad for those of us who pay for our own health insurance.

Amartel said...

chickenlittle said...
"The problem is that perhaps well over half of the nation is still O.K. with what is happening in plain sight."

Until it affects them personally they won't care. Hence, the moving of the compliance date.

chickelit said...

Until it affects them personally they won't care. Hence, the moving of the compliance date.

Well, the non compliance postponement won't improve employment for reasons which revenant already spelled out. It sounds to me like the regime is counting on a steadily increasing cohort of people losing their jobs, being forced onto Obamacare by default. This will generate a groundswell of appreciation come next November at the ballot box.