Sunday, February 2, 2014

How Did Everyone Else Miss This?

Richard "Duke" Wagner

The Duke explains what happened here in a chirbit:

Check this out on Chirbit

 h/t: Ron at Ambiance


The Dude said...

Yuh huh, Pilgrim, pull yer valkeries into a circle...

Chip Ahoy said...

You put on the best voices ever.

john said...

I missed it because I cancelled my churbit account.

WTF is a churbit?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Ron question is an imponderable.

Not to be confused with La Ponderosa Ranch. Which coincidently, was the fictitious setting of another larger than life character, many of us grew up with, who also wore a cowboy hat, very much like the Hollywood Duke, brought up on Ron's Post.

That is, unless, we are talking about Trooper. Which we are not. #justsoweareclear.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You put on the best voices ever.

Just don't ask him to lift it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

But then again. What is the point of an imponderable if one couldn't engage them?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Imponderable impound.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Despite my best effort, I think I've manage to avoid the question very successfully.

I will now retire for the evening.

ricpic said...

Even the great Ray Nitschky had no defense when Wagner reared back and threw his love and death bomb. Score!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Just don't ask him to lift it.

This way.

The rule of Lemnity said...


Just read some sad news.

Actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman died from an apparent drug overdose.

The Dude said...

Okay, what's the sad news?

The rule of Lemnity said...

He was good, imho.

The Dude said...

Stupid, too.

Let me say, at this juncture, that I, for one, appreciate the analgesic properties of opiates. There are times one needs one's morphine.

However, thinking that one can purchase heroin on the street, use it with impunity, not become addicted, not overdose, that one is better than that or smarter than that - well that idea is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

At some point you have to stop believing your press clippings and pay attention to reality. Reality cannot be denied.

So, sorry you died, PSH, but you played with fire. You lost. Not the first, not the last. Next time, don't be an idiot.

Unknown said...

Sad. You made the big time. You have children. What are you doing with a needle in your arm?

ricpic said...

Reality cannot be denied!

This is what my Mother kept telling me as I whiled countless days away on the couch.

"Tomorrow, Ma, tomorrow," was my idiot adolescent reply. But Ma was right and the piper must be paid!

Icepick said...

Sixty, most people on heroin aren't hooked because they thought they were invincible. They're hooked because they were badly fucked up individuals before the first hit.

chickelit said...

Lem, that is terribly sad news about PSH. For me, he was the kind of actor that I'd look up on Netflix to see what else he was in and watch just because he was in them.

chickelit said...

Chip Ahoy said...
You put on the best voices ever.

No Chip I do not. But, I do the most personalized impressions for this group, of whom I'm very fond.

chickelit said...

The Crack Emcee said...
They're hooked because they were badly fucked up individuals before the first hit.
Spoken like a true white idiot.
Lives have nuance, fuck face.
Some people, especially actors portraying the "human condition" as Hoffman certainly did, are more likely to be more-than-a-little aware that we're, at least, 1,000 years behind where we should be as a species, so the sheer agony of waking up to face another day of this neanderthal existence deserves a salve of any kind, but preferably one with an ephemeral pillow.
He felt no pain.
And this ain't no paradise.
YOU are fucked up if you think it is.
Happy Black History Month.
Your punk ass ought to take us up on it,...

February 2, 2014 at 11:35 PM


Thanks for the total non sequiturd, Crack.

Icepick said...
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