Monday, September 11, 2017

"Antifa militants ready to break bones, invade homes"

Via InstapunditReveal published a story Tuesday titled “Antifa has a rapid response team that targets alt-right organizers.” The kind of targeting the article describes is not just keeping an eye out for people on the streets, this is more organized and specific behavior that results in a published hit list of right-wing targets. In this case, “hit list” is not a metaphor. This is the list of people Antifa members plan to hit and injure if they encounter them. Reveal reporter Will Carless spoke to one of the “most militant” members of the Bay Area Antifa, a guy called Dominic who sees himself as a “Nazi hunter.” Dominic is ready to take his street battle into his target’s homes if necessary:
One antifa activist, who would give only the name “Dominic,” talked proudly in a series of interviews with Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting about forming this broader alliance of “Nazi hunters” to seek out, reveal and fight these enemies wherever they might show up. Their goal became even more specific after Charlottesville: to prevent more casualties like that of activist Heather Heyer.

“We’ll go to their house, I’ll put it that way. We’ll go to their house,” said Dominic, an imposing, muscular man in his 30s. “I don’t want to hurt anybody, but I want those people to stop it. If I have to put Richard Spencer or Nathan Damigo into the hospital critically, and it would have saved Heather Heyer’s life or the next potential Heather Heyer, I would do it without question.”
(Link to more)


edutcher said...

Bay Area?

Let's see these clowns try it in TX.

Or South Philly.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I look forward to their visit. I can prepare a nice spread for them in advance.

Leland said...

I fear for DBQ. Not that they would harm her, but for what I think is actually happening. Calexit doesn't have the votes. It is not even close. So rather than acknowledge defeat; the communists in California, wanting so bad to have a socialist state of their own but to chicken to immigrate to Venezuela, are trying to silence the opposition. Either make them afraid to vote or get them to self exile. It might be like making an omelet for awhile, but I'm sure this is their goal.

Normally, I would write these idiots off as loons. But the press and local government officials seem to be supporting their crazy ideas. So I think innocent people are going to get hurt before people given responsibility realize their irresponsible behavior. I think a few of the liberal DC crowd have figured this out, hence their recent remarks regarding Antifa.

And though on this blog, this point is preaching to the choir; let's never forget Antifa's origins go back to Stalin trying to drum up American support for communism after Hitler decided to invade Russia. They have the same name and flag that Stalin gave them. So calling them Stalinist is acknowledging the history they claim.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lets see the Clinton-Bernie-Warren-Kamala-Reid-CNN-MSNBC left climb into bed with the Stalinists. When democratic mayors and governors hold back the police so that Antfia Stalinist anti-free speech fascists with masks and weapons can terrorize a nation - well, lets see if the democrat party wants to embrace that.

Amartel said...

These privileged fascist pussies and their bourgeois "revolution" make me want to vomit.
Apparently - I've read a couple of articles now on this topic - there is a lot of cross-pollination between Occupy, Antifa, and related groups, and the "white nationalist" assholes. Several spokesmen and and upper-echelon organizer of the white nationalist group used to be Occupy people and voted for Obama. They may be infiltrators but the more likely explanation is that they're all a bunch of angry aimless nitwits with nothing of substance to complain about but they want an excuse to rage. In San Francisco, they named themselves the Turd Reich after a profile in courage moment where they salted the earth with dog shit at a location where a conservative group was going to hold a protest. The Turd Reich! They were so proud of the rhyme and not even a hint of irony. Pure projection and stupid.
Trump's initial take on Charlottesville was entirely correct-hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. All the "analysis" since has been virtue signalling, ass-covering and agenda-driven horseshit.

Amartel said...

"Lets see the Clinton-Bernie-Warren-Kamala-Reid-CNN-MSNBC left climb into bed with the Stalinists."

Already in bed with the Stalinists - actively covering for them - but too shy to let us know.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As per CNN - we are all white nationalists because we didn't vote they way they wanted.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amartel 1:33 - you cracked the code. A bunch of nitwits with nothing to do but rage, indeed. A sprinkle of real white nationalists, mixed with some fake white nationalists, smothered in occupy sauce, and leftists anti-free speech a-holes. Ladle generously over turd reich.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What the left are doing now, (not that I need to tell any of you, you get it)... The mainstream progressive left, from the top down - Hillary, CNN, Maddow, they are forcing anyone who wants to discuss issues to disavow white nationalists and Hitler first. it's their pathetic Hillary lost butthurt party extended out... we are all deplorables.
If you have an opinion that differs from the progressive left, or if you support Trump in any way shape or form, you must be a white nationalist with a photo of Hitler on your desk.

In roll the antifas to hunt you down.

Methadras said...

They are literally advertising their plans and yet they aren't being considered a domestic terrorist organization? Please come to my house. Break down the door. Please. I have some things waiting for you.

edutcher said...

Meth, this is in Mexifornia. They know Moonbeam will do nothing.

Let them try it where people are armed and not all Lefties.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Antifa and ISIS should join forces. Same religion/same hate.

Michael Haz said...

I live in a Castle Doctrine state.

I have an NRA legal defense membership.

I have trained in close arms combat.

I have shooty things in a range of sizes.

So yeah, ring my doorbell and try to punch me in the face. Have ID in your pocket.

deborah said...

I wonder if she wonders if using the 'deplorable' line cost her the election by a smidge.