Friday, September 20, 2024

And now for something different.

Jews are known for their intellectual vigor. Also for their ability to make a dollar. Combine these 2 qualities. Throw in an everlasting war.

Consider the possibilities.

F'rinstance. The Moslems who claim to be soldiers of the Old Time Religion love their technology. Except when said technology blows up in their faces.

Which has been happening a lot. Seems it wasn't lack of quality control responsible for all those casualties. All the pagers, phones, radios, and other electronic whiz-bangs were manufactured by an Israeli front and, yes, equipped to go boom at the press of a button.

So, the bad guys who bought their stuff wholesale were dumb enough to do it without checking who was behind their equipment or looking under the hood to see what was there. Even better, besides letting their enemies engineer their destruction, they paid them to do it. Yes, all the proceeds went to a division of the Israeli government.

Now tell me that didn't make you smile.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

And this is Britt, Lee, Chico, and a couple of the guys from the village

A FL Congressman spoke to a DHS official who told him there are at least five known assassination squads gunning for Donald Trump. Three are Iranian, Ukranian, and Pakistani. The Persians I can understand, but the Ukes will lose the Big Guy regardless (if they haven't aklready), and I didn't realize the Paks had any beef with us.

2 are supposedly not foreign.

Which, of course, spells treason, if so. I'm not particularly inclined to buy anything DHS is selling, particularly if they can't give us better intel than that. It's the same Keystone Kops game we've seen all along out of them.

And why ChromeDome's DHS? Where's the CIA? NSA? Military intel? They're the ones who should know.

Unless this is some dodge to try to scare Trump into quitting. Which I don't think will happen.

As I've said, Chlamydia must be sinking by the bow.

On Dodging & Pinning Down Responsibility


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I'm starting to feel like Yul Brynner counting gunfighters

Now it's Harry, I think. That's 3.

Cops found a car with a blue barrel full of explosives near the Uniondale NY venue where Trump is going to hold a rally. Police Commish says says it may have been for a dog training exercise. My first question is, much like the mayor in Springfield OH, what's this guy's political affiliation?

And with whom do you arrange a bomb sniffing dog exercise using real explosives in Nassau County NY? And why doesn't the head lawman know?

I notice MI is pushing through all kinds of vote fraud initiatives. The Obersturmbannfuhrerin must want to get back in the DNC's good graces real bad. Take that with all the other incidents (no, I don't trust anybody's polls that cue off 20's results) and you get the distinct impression RMS Chlamydia is sinking by the bow. She showed up at a friendly venue and went into her word salad. Even people on her side are wondering if she's plastered at these events.

Well, if something does happen, we can always fight dirty.

UPDATE: Is this Bernardo? You've probably heard about the Arizona rally where people behind Trump had severe eye irritation.

Dry run? Another MK Ultra gone sour? Or another Georg Elser?

Monday, September 16, 2024

And suddenly old news really isn't all that old

If you think we know all the incompetence and cover-ups for Trump's first assassination attempt, there's all kinds of ghastly to come.

Here's a few points among many:

• The lead agent responsible for the entire Butler visit, including the rally, failed a key examination during their federal law enforcement training to become a Secret Service agent. 

• Secret Service intelligence units—teams of Secret Service agents paired with state and local law enforcement to handle reports of suspicious persons—were absent from the Butler rally.

The hospital site where former President Trump received treatment after the shooting was poorly secured, and the hospital site agent could not answer basic questions about site security. 

There's a link to Sen Hawley's full report which is full of facts even more damning in the linked website.

When does he get the Jeffery Epstein suite?

OK, another of the zillions of VC-wannabes, unable to go to war in the cause of Glorious World Socialist Revolution, turned MK Ultra (born '66, do the math), did it without the help of the Feds (maybe) and blew it. 


He hits all the check boxes, including dumb enough not to be "tactical" in setting up the hit. A bit less Keystone Kops than Butler, but apparently with a source inside the country club (a round of golf was a spur of the minute decision), so this poor dumb slob will be meeting Karl Marx a lot sooner than he otherwise may have intended.

Why? Maybe to put the Trumplicans, growing by the hour, off our guard (he's safe). Maybe to set up something bigger; possibly once Trump is dead, set up an incident to impose martial law (worked for Hitler, after all). Maybe to install Chlamydia as PUS once the lying dogfaced pony soldier buys his driveway back and the body doubles are no longer needed.

I think the polls (the real ones) aren't going to look good for the bad guys after this and the undecideds may start figuring if the oligarchs that got us in this mess want him dead this much, maybe he's really that worthwhile.

Then, as I've mentioned before, martyrs are the original unguided weapon, you can't really control how people will react (just ask the Romans). Killing Donald Trump may get them more trouble (and converts) than they ever imagined (there are enough people in this country who can think for themselves to ignore all the propaganda that all the bread and circuses may not divert them, after all).

Lock and load.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

On their radar:

 As I have written before, they are not going to stop until Trump is dead. 

On Insanity & Weird Disturbances in the Force


Friday, September 13, 2024

Maybe I have this wrong.

OK, nobody's perfect and that certainly includes me. Maybe I'm not seeing something that everybody else does.

Saw a couple of Chlamydia's vids today, in between seeing my sister and her son for the first time in 25 years and I just don't get it.

Look at this one first. Does she look exhausted, wrung out, uncaring (and I mean about the election)? Like somebody who still doesn't really want to be where she is? I just don't see any kind of fire or even (dare I say?) joy. Just a kind of listless "Let's get it over with".

Now try this one. Same old word salad. I saw a little blurb of the debate where she started talking about let's talk about one of her big ideas and there were no specifics. I don't think she has the mind (I'm serious here) for real political discourse and it's making itself clear. She can talk platitudes, but she herself has nothing to back it up in terms of being able to articulate an idea. We are talking even worse than Brandon and his hate-filled tirades.

Something else beside more word salad. Am I wrong or does she catch herself in an alcohol-tinged moment? If I'm wrong, let me know.

This does not seem to me a woman neck and neck with Donald Trump. She seems like she knows it's over and just doesn't care. It was a lot of fun for 4 years, but that was then.

On Questions Not Asked & Answered


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Goes to show you never can tell.

Funny thing, Fake News was trying to convince the world Chlamydiya killed it the debate. They were talking about a lead in the polls of 23 points, making it sound like one of those Saddam elections where he took 99% of the vote and the other 1% was unavailable for comment.

Now all they can talk about is some feud between MTG and Laura Loomer (this time they've gone too far) or how those nice Hatians* in Springfield OH really aren't eating everybody's tabby. The city fathers swear up and down it ain't true, even though Governor DeWidiot is sending the state fuzz there (to protect the Hatians, of course). Now we learn people are being driven out of their homes and replacing them with Haitians and that the Biden-Harris government is paying them to do it.

Now I thought Chlamydia did just swell. Fake News said so. Now we hear she had to bus people into her NC rally. And that's about all we hear. In 2 days, she has disappeared from the headlines.

Funny that.

The Donald, for a guy who just got creamed, says no more debates, even though Chlamydia says she wants one. He's saying the polls are going his way (we shall see). And the lawfare is going his way. 2 counts have been dropped from Fanny's suit in GA.

*For those who don't know their history, Haiti was only stable (sort of) under the French. Once the French were driven out, thanks to the Napoleonic Wars, votes were measured by the severed heads of the opposition, one "Emperor" was literally torn to pieces by a mob, and it is, and has been, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

On Decisions, Decisions & Forks in the Road


Monday, September 9, 2024

There's a man with a gun over there, telling me I got to beware

I think I may have just had an artistic inspration. Either that or the Legionnaire's and the pneumonia are making one last stand.

We've all heard about the shootings in GA and KY. The kid in GA was another gender, like most of the rest this year. The guy in KY we don't know AFAIK.

We have the Great Debate tomorrow and we know Chlamydia wants to void the 2nd and 9th Amendments (if she even knows they exist), so she will get up on her hobby horse. So, yeah, all the MK Ultras and the rest of the 5th Columnists are being activated (Raymond Shaw is the kindest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life) for one last push (Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?).

I don't think it's going to work, but, if I were Christopher Wray, I'd have a plane warming up all the time between now and Goundhog Day.

On Moving to Red & Putting Pieces Together


This spring I put together two sets of squares to form the above pair of tablemats. Hand pieced and machine quilted, I'd made them to accompany a monetary wedding gift for a nephew and his new bride.  My hope was to create something real and tangible that reflected my heart and conveyed my enjoyment of beauty and order, pattern and color, freedom and choice.  Like the money, the mats were sent with love, and are now theirs to do with as they wish.  Whether they end up liking them, using them or sending them elsewhere, the process and the result brought me purpose and pleasure.   

In order to get through these next few months of election uncertainty, I decided this week to start putting together another set of tablemats.  Only this time, I'll be making them for our use with a focus on red, the color of Trump's tie and our kitchen/dining area.  I'm in need of something physical and forward moving to do apart from entering into political spin searching the chaos for news and clues that makes sense.  A project like this will provide something tangible to focus on, and yield results that aren't subject to the whims and control of others.  Just me, deciding what I like and putting the pieces together one stitch at a time.  

Thursday, September 5, 2024

To the surprise of absolutely no one.

 I think this has been alluded to before, but it now seems to be taking form. After denying security to the Trump campaign on the day of the Butler shooting, Homeland Security threw in 1000 or so untrained agents with only a 2 hour briefing fraught with technical problems.

So we have a fall guy, whose parents were known to the FIB, cremated after photos show none of the evidence of a rifle round(s) to the head, whose house was swept clean by the time local authorities were allowed to enter almost a full day afterward.

We have forensic evidence indicating 3 or 4 shooters with at least 3 people in a position to open fire and visual confirmation by multiple civilians, including video recording.

Keep your powder dry. This ain't over yet.