Thursday, September 5, 2024

To the surprise of absolutely no one.

 I think this has been alluded to before, but it now seems to be taking form. After denying security to the Trump campaign on the day of the Butler shooting, Homeland Security threw in 1000 or so untrained agents with only a 2 hour briefing fraught with technical problems.

So we have a fall guy, whose parents were known to the FIB, cremated after photos show none of the evidence of a rifle round(s) to the head, whose house was swept clean by the time local authorities were allowed to enter almost a full day afterward.

We have forensic evidence indicating 3 or 4 shooters with at least 3 people in a position to open fire and visual confirmation by multiple civilians, including video recording.

Keep your powder dry. This ain't over yet.


MamaM said...

There's a lot that isn't over yet. Enough to make me wonder what the big secret really is? And what the harm in revealing truth would be? Are we being protected? Diverted? Deceived for a greater good? Caught in web of lies that would topple current world order if hidden reality was exposed. Controlled by the power hungry? It's all so weird, and so obviously intentional, I don't know what to do with the dissonance except hold it and wait.

MamaM said...

"They're hoarding the information, keeping it from the public..." Josh Hawley

edutcher said...

Not as controlled as we may think. WWII was against Fascism in all its forms; WWIII was against Communism, which is nothing but tofu dreg anymore; WWIV is against the last holdouts of II and III and wants to reverse the outcome of WWI.

The whole world is in on this one, whether they think so or not. Ever since The Slob shot off his big mouth, we all know the deal.