Thursday, September 12, 2024

Goes to show you never can tell.

Funny thing, Fake News was trying to convince the world Chlamydiya killed it the debate. They were talking about a lead in the polls of 23 points, making it sound like one of those Saddam elections where he took 99% of the vote and the other 1% was unavailable for comment.

Now all they can talk about is some feud between MTG and Laura Loomer (this time they've gone too far) or how those nice Hatians* in Springfield OH really aren't eating everybody's tabby. The city fathers swear up and down it ain't true, even though Governor DeWidiot is sending the state fuzz there (to protect the Hatians, of course). Now we learn people are being driven out of their homes and replacing them with Haitians and that the Biden-Harris government is paying them to do it.

Now I thought Chlamydia did just swell. Fake News said so. Now we hear she had to bus people into her NC rally. And that's about all we hear. In 2 days, she has disappeared from the headlines.

Funny that.

The Donald, for a guy who just got creamed, says no more debates, even though Chlamydia says she wants one. He's saying the polls are going his way (we shall see). And the lawfare is going his way. 2 counts have been dropped from Fanny's suit in GA.

*For those who don't know their history, Haiti was only stable (sort of) under the French. Once the French were driven out, thanks to the Napoleonic Wars, votes were measured by the severed heads of the opposition, one "Emperor" was literally torn to pieces by a mob, and it is, and has been, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

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