Monday, September 23, 2024

Notes and speculations

OK, first the nut we have alive. He wrote a letter of apology if you can believe it, offering $150 Gs to somebody who could off Trump. He also had a list of dates and places where Trump would be until October. What's more interesting is that this guy traveled all over Eastern Europe and proved himself enough of a psycho even the Ukes wouldn't take him. 

Now, if you're as old as I am, you remember James Earl Ray and how he wandered around Europe for some time before killing Martin Luther King. Lots of people wondered about that, but I don't recall ever hearing an explanation. Same thing here and guess what? He's been on the Feds' radar for about 5 years.

OTOH, we had Chlamydia demanding another debate with The Donald and he turned her down. The Left gave us their usual he's scared for a day or so, but it just faded out. My own theory is that, post-Oprah, the Demos needed something to get her back in a forum where she could deliver her word salads in sound bites, the celebrity rally being a dud. Couple this with some of the weekend polling (I know) and it looks like people have stopped listening.

I know, we're 6 weeks out and the Demos are full of dirty tricks, but I get a sense something has moved.

What, exactly, we shall see.

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