Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I'm starting to feel like Yul Brynner counting gunfighters

Now it's Harry, I think. That's 3.

Cops found a car with a blue barrel full of explosives near the Uniondale NY venue where Trump is going to hold a rally. Police Commish says says it may have been for a dog training exercise. My first question is, much like the mayor in Springfield OH, what's this guy's political affiliation?

And with whom do you arrange a bomb sniffing dog exercise using real explosives in Nassau County NY? And why doesn't the head lawman know?

I notice MI is pushing through all kinds of vote fraud initiatives. The Obersturmbannfuhrerin must want to get back in the DNC's good graces real bad. Take that with all the other incidents (no, I don't trust anybody's polls that cue off 20's results) and you get the distinct impression RMS Chlamydia is sinking by the bow. She showed up at a friendly venue and went into her word salad. Even people on her side are wondering if she's plastered at these events.

Well, if something does happen, we can always fight dirty.

UPDATE: Is this Bernardo? You've probably heard about the Arizona rally where people behind Trump had severe eye irritation.

Dry run? Another MK Ultra gone sour? Or another Georg Elser?

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