Thursday, September 19, 2024

And this is Britt, Lee, Chico, and a couple of the guys from the village

A FL Congressman spoke to a DHS official who told him there are at least five known assassination squads gunning for Donald Trump. Three are Iranian, Ukrainian, and Pakistani. The Persians I can understand, but the Ukes will lose the Big Guy regardless (if they haven't already), and I doidn't realize the Paks had any beef with us.

2 are supposedly not foreign.

Which, of course, spells treason, if so. I'm not particularly inclined to buy anything DHS is selling, particularly if they can't give us better intel than that. It's the same Keystone Kops game we've seen all along out of them.

And why ChromeDome's DHS? Where's the CIA? NSA? Military intel? They're the ones who should know.

Unless this is some dodge to try to scare Trump into quitting. Which I don't think will happen.

As I've said, Chlamydia must be sinking by the bow.

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