Friday, September 13, 2024

Maybe I have this wrong.

OK, nobody's perfect and that certainly includes me. Maybe I'm not seeing something that everybody else does.

Saw a couple of Chlamydia's vids today, in between seeing my sister and her son for the first time in 25 years and I just don't get it.

Look at this one first. Does she look exhausted, wrung out, uncaring (and I mean about the election)? Like somebody who still doesn't really want to be where she is? I just don't see any kind of fire or even (dare I say?) joy. Just a kind of listless "Let's get it over with".

Now try this one. Same old word salad. I saw a little blurb of the debate where she started talking about let's talk about one of her big ideas and there were no specifics. I don't think she has the mind (I'm serious here) for real political discourse and it's making itself clear. She can talk platitudes, but she herself has nothing to back it up in terms of being able to articulate an idea. We are talking even worse than Brandon and his hate-filled tirades.

Something else beside more word salad. Am I wrong or does she catch herself in an alcohol-tinged moment? If I'm wrong, let me know.

This does not seem to me a woman neck and neck with Donald Trump. She seems like she knows it's over and just doesn't care. It was a lot of fun for 4 years, but that was then.


Phil said...

Not so fast Buster! The votes haven't been counted yet. (I imagine that George Soros could say that).

Brown said...

She's vacuous. Were that not so she wouldn't be there - just like New Zealand's Adern.

CT Ginger said...

From bitter experience, I know drunks when I see them. This is a lifelong lush whose word salad speeches give the game away.

edutcher said...

Thnak you, all. I never did a piece that caught the attention of 3 new commenters. I am much gratified.

Dad Bones said...

In the good old days she could have a laugh over her salads and everything would be fine. They're training her not to do that anymore just like they trained Biden to keep his nose out of little girls' hair.

edutcher said...

She did an interview with Channel 6 in Philadelphia and the salads were still there.

PS The body doubles don't have the same perversion.