Sunday, January 30, 2022

On a Sense of Anger & the World Wound Up Like a Huge Spring

 From Richard Fernandez, On the Post Pandemic World:

 "In the aftermath of the pandemic, hard questions will be asked about the origins of the virus, the integrity of the social media censors, the ‘snail speed’ at which the administration pursued anti-COVID therapies, and the future of all the controls promulgated in the name of necessity. And what people learn may not exactly please them. David Brooks, writing in the NYT, notices a sour mood abroad in the land and wonders why the public is so surly." 

(Fernandez quoting Brooks from the NYT article) “I couldn’t figure it out. Why would Americans be driving so much more recklessly during the pandemic? ...a Substack article from Matthew Yglesias hit my inbox this week. It was titled, “All Kinds of Bad Behavior Is on the Rise.” Not only is reckless driving on the rise, Yglesias pointed out, but the number of altercations on airplanes has exploded, the murder rate is surging in cities, drug overdoses are increasing, Americans are drinking more, nurses say patients are getting more abusive, and so on and so on. … Teachers are facing a rising tide of disruptive behavior. … What the hell is going on? The short answer: I don’t know. I also don’t know what’s causing the high rates of depression, suicide and loneliness that dogged Americans even before the pandemic and that are the sad flip side of all the hostility and recklessness I’ve just described." (end of Brook's quote)

"Maybe David Brooks doesn’t know the cause of the anger he senses, but we’re about to find out. The pandemic wound up the world like a huge spring and it threatens to snap back with as yet incalculable results. The next few years will be full of surprises, not more of the same."


Wassily Kandinsky - Free Curve to the Point - Sound of Geometric Curves (1925)


edutcher said...

May I suggest stir crazy?

You can keep people bottled up only so long.

May I also suggest the longer this nonsense goes on, the worse the breakout is going to be. Big problem here is that Lefties think money is the answer to every problem (a corollary of, if all you've got is a hammer...). Truth is, we may have the most comfortable poverty in history, but there are spiritual needs money can't fix.

MamaM said...

What's rumbling under the stir crazy is a deep sense of betrayal and broken trust. The volume of out-and-out lies being pedaled in addition to the censoring of information and shutting down of differing opinions has eroded trust in a big way. Even if people aren't willing to say so, they can feel something off, yet don't want the shame of being wrong, so it's like being stuck in a double bind.