Friday, January 28, 2022

Funny How the Deep State Isn't

This will probably win me no friends, but I think it's worth airing.

Mama has taken note of Substack, so I think at least one pair of eyes will taker a gander.

Here's the story, including a lot of stuff that's only previously come to light, of how 4 Americans were murdered by their own government. Included is how Ashli Babbitt tried to stop some Lefty from breaking windows inside the Capitol, including giving him a well-deserved, doubtless long overdue smack in the head.

This was our Bloody Sunday. There's a lot of Satyagraha going on here, in Canada, Australia, and across Europe. We're getting close to the edge.


MamaM said...

I don't think it's about friends or approval anymore, edutcher. It's about integrity and how willing one is to take in new information, consider differing opinions and search for truth somewhere in the pile of what passes for news. I've reached the point of going with a half right approach. Even if the piece I'm reading is only half right and the rest bias, spin, drama or distortion, what stands out as plausible, hard to dismiss, worthy of another look? Supposing what's been observed and recorded in the piece you linked to is only half the story? Even then what's been presented, though difficult to take in, deserves attention and another look rather than complete and outright dismissal. Even at half right, what comes through appears damning, to say the least.

I wasn't sure if Satyagraha was one of your special names for something else, and was intrigued (after putting up a post on Truth and writing the above in this comment) to look it up and find out it's a real deal word for a real deal movement in history, describing what I was circling around and attempting to get at in my own way.

The three main principles of satyagraha are ... Satya Ahimsa Tapasya … or, the truth, the refusal do harm to others, and willingness for self-sacrifice in the cause. These three principles, really, form the core of a weapon that Gandhi was determined to use against the British Raj enslaving his country.

Better yet, this explanation: According to Gandhi, “Satyagraha is literally holding on to Truth, and it means therefore Truth-force.

Yes to a lot of Satyagraha going on, here and elsewhere.

Appreciating the post, link, and mention of Satyagraha.

MamaM said...

BTW, Surber hit the nail on the head with this one, addressing the dualism I was seeing in the SOB clip, where huge ego-driven need for control and his loss of control both showed up for all with working eyes and ears to see and hear:

Biden is in over his head.

Between his fabulism and his vacuity, Biden lives in his own little world in which he is standing up to Corn Pop and driving an 18-wheeler. Add dementia, and you have the worst of all worlds.

Fabulism and Vacuity

edutcher said...

I think we were all raised to believe there was as peaceful, legal, constitutional answer to everything, but, as I've noted, we're off the map here as much of the post-1848, -1918, -1945 world is (many post-colonial (pick your era) nations notwithstanding) and it's looking as if we'll need an extralegal, non-constitutional way out of this mess.

Whether it's peaceful is, as the article warns, up for grabs.

And, in all your caveats, I realize I should have installed a YMMV. I was a tad apprehensive about some of it myself, but it seems that's what substack is.

PS I've been toying with the idea (I know how weird this sounds) Trump knew the chicanery was going to happen and let it, just to show us what the Commies and the turncoats were prepared to do with it, just as his letting state governors handle The Plandemic would bring out their inner Mao.

YMMV, indeed.