Thursday, January 20, 2022

Holy wokeness Batgirl!

Do you remember Batgirl? The delightful milk fed Yvonne Craig.  A nubile and sweet example of the American woman circa 1965. She was a part time player on the Batman TV show which as you were a camped-up version of the DC Comic. A corny as it was it is still a big part of the cultural zeitgeist to this very day.

Now it is 2022 and this is the new Batgirl. Actually, Batwoman since you are not allowed to call anyone a girl anymore for some fucking reason:

She is a Black lesbian as part of the continuing movement to replace all white superheroes with women. Or gays. Or gay women. Or trans theys or thems or whatever the fuck. This CW TV show is famous for two things. The hatred of the comic book fans and the extremely low ratings. The worst ratings for all of the Superhero shows on the CW by far. This is endemic in the comic book and movie industry. They are constantly swapping the race and gender of characters to empower women or the poor discriminated against POC's that are suffering like they were still on a plantation somewhere. The net result of which is lower ratings and diminishing box office. As the saying goes "Get woke go broke." Except that really isn't true. The momentum of these giant corporations like Disney and Amazon and Netflicks and the NFL are such that they can shove these knats off and continue on their politically correct way while destroying our memory of the source material be it books or comic books or even older movies and TV shows.

I know Mama M thinks I should get over it. That complaining about it is not useful and it seems like it is the only thing I do these days. I don't care. I don't want to try to amuse myself with something else. Too many of us do that. I try to not support these venal corporations as best I can. In the meantime, I can at least point out things for us to avoid if it is all possible.

Which brings me to the point of this diatribe. 

You have heard me talk about Robert B. Parker and his greatest creation Spenser. The subject of 51 books, several TV movies, a feature film and a couple of TV series, this series was the epitome of hardboiled detective fiction. It put Parker on the Mount Rushmore of mystery writers with Elmore Leonard and Lawrence Block. When Parker passed away, they brought this guy Ace Atkins on to continue the series. 

The first couple of books were Ok. Nothing to write home about but somewhat enjoyable. A workman like effort that many writers could have done. He simply copied Parker's style. Hell, even a talentless hack like me can cobble together some halfway decent pastiches of his work. However, with the last book that was issued yesterday he screwed the Pooch. 

The plot of the story is that Spenser is hired to guard a congresswoman who is a doppelganger of AOC. Ultra-liberal communist bitch who is being threatened by the nonexistent white supremacist right wing gangs that are the staple of every movie, book and TV show these days. It is the worst kind of virtue signaling bullshit that ever polluted the memory of a great writer. I mean I bet Elmore Leonard was a lot more liberal than me, but I never knew it from reading his books. If this ass wipe wrote a new Raylan Givens novel, he would be joining Antifa and putting away his six shooter for a bowl of tofu.

It is a betrayal of Parker's vision. Spenser was a cynical wiseass, and he would have recognized the hypocritical excess of the socialist sensibility that is AOC. Not turn into a fan boy. This is typical of the new style of insulting your core audience. Who reads these books? Not women or soy boys. Most of his audience is hard boiled crime fiction fans like me. Atkins is directly insulting me and using the source material of a classic detective to push his liberal agenda. 

There are several reviews on Amazon that point this out. I am going to put one up too. In fact, I am going to spread the word everywhere I can to warn people about this shit. It is too late for me because I have already purchased the book the minute it came out. In fact, I preordered it, so I am fucked. I wish I could get my money back, but it doesn't work that way. 

Still and all give this crap a pass.


ampersand said...

It's BatMA'AM! BatMA'AM!

MamaM said...

Oh yeah, with BatBOY being a much more fittin' fit than Batman? In fact, why not go around referring to an adult male in any neighborhood regardless of wokeness as "boy" and see how well that works out.

Honestly, what's up with deliberately labeling a female mature enough showcase an adult body kitted out to especially highlight and emphasize breasts and ass, as a "girl"? Seems like woman would actually be the better fit, regardless again of wokeness. Unless of course, it's that "You're Sixteen" thingy coming up again, in an attempt to tap into and stir some good old-fashioned male fantasy into action.

And what the hell is "milk-fed" all about? Veal? Infants? Children? Only thing I can find about that is this: "Used in referring to babies and baby animals. Fed with milk. Young milkfed animals were eaten as a delicacy...

But I'm just winding up. And here's the clincher:
In my 12 years of commenting here and at Trooper York's place, I've not advocated for or encouraged anyone to "get over" whatever distress, unfairness, dismay, trouble, trauma, disappointment or loss they were experiencing or had in their past. Move THROUGH, Yes! I'm all for people moving through whatever might be in need of processing, but doing that is a whole different deal and dog than getting over something. I go by the maxim that every loss deserves an appropriate season of grief, with loss and season covering a whole lot of territory.

Trooper York said...

It’s Batgirl because girls are cute.

Women can be a pain in the ass.

Just sayn’

Trooper York said...

Plus Batgirl is part of a trope like “Superboy.”

I just read that the Batwoman show has set up a black Joker.

They are changing things just to wipe out the whites and replace them with blacks.

Hence the ratings.

ampersand said...

They released something called "The 355". From what I gather it's about a diverse cast of middle aged women who can beat up 250 pound men. It's budget was 75 million and it took 4 million on open, 9 million to date.

At this point I have to believe H'wood is doing this on purpose to kill of the young male audience. I see no reason why girls or women would have an interest in action movies.

Cubby” Broccoli made his family billionaires financing the James Bond movies, now his daughter is doing everything she can to kill the franchise.

MamaM said...

It's BatMA'AM! BatMA'AM!
LoL, with Batsis or Batrans as a different way to run!

With regard to the Old Boy defense of girl use, that came through as a swing and a miss, albeit with a cute deflection.

In my experience, men and women run neck and neck when it comes to who can be a pain in the ass and who comes through as the bigger one.

Dressing up a grown-ass woman in a costume designed to enhance and call attention to prominent female adult features while presenting her as a girl that brings a perception of cute sweetness and milk-fed nubility to mind, is a ruse. More acceptable to some than others perhaps, but a ruse nonetheless, intended to shape thought, invite reaction and appeal to a certain audience.

It appears as if a similar sleight of hand is currently taking place with the way the new Batwoman is being portrayed, with the intent of focusing on diversity and appealing to the woke crowd? How broad will the appeal for that be? I don't know.

I can say that last year, MrM and I stopped watching 3 television series shows we used to enjoy (one for 17 seasons) in response to the CRT teaching, Covid indoctrination, and emotionally laden lesbian drama worked into the scripts on a weekly basis. (With the lesbian exchanges, peculiarly enough, involving dialogue and behavior that wouldn't fly or be considered acceptable by HR between heterosexuals in a real work environment.) In addition to what's being presented on television not capturing or holding our interest in this current age, as we approach our 70's, the aging Old Boy audience that used to spend money on comics, books and movies in their younger years is also in the process of folding up their tents.

edutcher said...

FWIW I do believe there's still a Batgirl, who serves as sidekick to Batbroad or at least there was when Batbroad was a Jewish Lez (I recall seeing a panel or 2 of Batbroad and Batbabe changing (nude, of course) into their Batsuits in the Batroom).

As for milkfed, much like cornfed, an acceptable adjective for girls and women (usually plump, blonde, built, and Midwestern) in the days when the English language was still a thing that was allowed to be descriptive. This particular evolution seems to want her to be a lezzo Lizzo (which I don't think is gonna sell) and the megacorps that push the wokeness are feeling the financial heat; I mean IBM and Microshaft have seen their day and even Disney is in trouble.

As for throwing a fit, how else do you get anything done? If it weren't for a few guys throwing a fit over No Taxation Without Representation, we'd be talking about Sir Bruce of Wayne.

As it were.

PS and FWIW I never liked Yvonne Craig. Always the bitchy, whiny, I'm-a-man-with-a-pussy feminist back before we ever heard of Betty Friedan.

PPS Except maybe for the A-Team, I gave up on most things made after 1965.

PPPS The Old Boy Network gave us this country and made it work for 250 years. Don't knock it.

ampersand said...

Long Live Batboy

MamaM said...

Truth is, milk-fed may have been considered by some to have been an acceptable adjective back in the day, but it's one that's always walked close to the line of being a pejorative with sexual overtones. A code word for ripe and naive, fulsome and innocent, tender and delicious. Most definitely not a term the woman and girls I've known would receive as a compliment or use on others, unless they were intent on being catty or were sour old women themselves.

As for not knocking Old Boys, how much honor I am willing to accord them depends on their ability to stand in the present, consider the past with respect and regard and envision good for the future, which is what the Old Boys who were effective in forming, leading and protecting this country managed to do.

It's all about balance rather than age or gender. One of the older gentlemen who sometimes frequents here is fond of assigning structure to men and emotion/feeling to women. In my view, it's the balancing and integration of both (structure and emotion, or internally, thoughts and feelings) that can take place within individuals regardless of gender, or is realized through assigned or accepted societal roles, that allows countries, corporations, marriages, families and life to "work".

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

Holy Cow! and Zowsers!, ampersand.

Fauci as BatBoy?!? Who knew?

Bringing to mind a mental image of him with Robin's bare skinny legs (as portrayed in TY's ancient vid above this post), along with the weird antennae atop the moth creatures, with their Web Gun (Kaccoon Kreator?)coming through as the media with their paralyzing and embalming fear porn that hits the spot. Dead ON! Oh My!

If you haven't seen or heard of a book called "The Trickster's Hat--A Mischievous Apprenticeship in Creativity", by Nick Bantock, I encourage you to check it out if you ever have the chance to darken the door of a bookstore again. Or look click on the "look inside" link online. It's almost as good. There's something about the author, his work and approach that intrigues me and bears a similarity to the creative invitations I see you extend.

edutcher said...

MamaM said...

Truth is, milk-fed may have been considered by some to have been an acceptable adjective back in the day, but it's one that's always walked close to the line of being a pejorative with sexual overtones.

Any word from the mouth of man directed toward woman is fraught with sexual overtones.

That, madame, is the nature of the beast, now and forever. Just because the feminists take a certain view has nothing in common with women. tHey are not women, but wxmyn, hating themselves for not being born men and hating men for being born.

A code word for ripe and naive, fulsome and innocent, tender and delicious. Most definitely not a term the woman and girls I've known would receive as a compliment or use on others

Maybe. You describe the traits of women who love men, who love being wives and mothers, who enjoy the pleasures of true love in all its forms, as opposed to just sex, and who see themselves as a force for love, not hate, in this world.

I think you read too much into a word that simply describes what some would use corn-fed as a synonym.

Or do you think all men are predators? I tend to doubt it, but you may be hanging around with too many menstruators (actually menstruatices).

MamaM said...

We are going to disagree on this one edutcher. Milk-fed and corn-fed are not synonymous. Milk-fed tracks back to infants, young children and animals who aren't given or aren't able to handle solid food. Corn fed implies plumpness and goes back to the fattening up of animals for consumption, those raised on grain rather than pasture.

I didn't read too much into the word. It is what it is. And the list of synonyms that accompany the definitions online all relate to age. With animals, it refers to those who have not yet been weaned. Oddly enough one of the sites (Thesaurus Plus) paired milk-fed with "boyish"!

Also in the "what do you know and who'd have thunk" category, there was a link presented by BoyDrudge yesterday (in the middle of the page no less) to a scolding article written by a woman about how breast milk is not for men, in which she describes how "fetishists and bodybuilders have created a booming black market" catering to men who are willing to pay to big bucks to be milk-fed. For those interested in that particular form of sustenance, corn just doesn't fill the bill!

edutcher said...

Given the sex trafficking going on and such, I see how you're influenced, but you talk about corn in the sense of the fattening up of animals for consumption and milk as making women tender and delicious.

I would suggest they're closer than you want to believe.

MamaM said...

I appreciate your response, edutcher, and believe I understand your point. Which is why I turn to, appreciate, and advocate for balance.

Neither practice, that of milk or corn feeding, is necessarily out of line, unneeded or inappropriate. However, as practices and terms, they can also both be misapplied, misused or considered unnecessary or inappropriate, depending on the situation. The same goes for the sexual thoughts, urges and actions of others, driven by differing sets of powerful hormones, and different life experiences and outlooks.

While my life now includes more daily contact with men (young and old) than women, the life stories I've spent the most time listening to have mostly come from women, menstruators and menopaused alike, who've experienced significant if not outright abuse during childhood, primarily at the hands of older men in power-over positions of authority. What comes out is not some sad, twisted tale they've cooked up to make someone look bad or an attempt to grind a personal ax in order to chop men down and take on the mantel of feminism. Its usually something laden with shame that in some way involved them as a participant, as someone who didn't or wasn't able to say or enforce a "No" to protect themselves.

At this point, I believe I have a fair albeit not complete idea of how normal and perverted men and women alike can be. I've also been reading TY posts and comments for 12 plus years and am well familiar with the "I'm such a dick" routine along with the veil of nostalgia used to cover the considerable talent, insight and humor the person who threw out the term in question also possesses.

edutcher said...

FWIW Most guys will tell you, when what was said draws an exaggerated (in their opinion) WRT sex or race, it wasn't meant as anything more than an observation.

We used to say everybody was entitled to their opinion. I think therein lies the rub.