Sunday, September 6, 2020

Back to the Garden

This time I got several unblurred (almost) pictures of things that were further than six feet away. I continue my slow, steady progress toward becoming this century's Ansel Adams.

"My God, It's full of flars!"

The Mutant Japanese Maple oozes onto the walkway in search of prey.

We got Canada Geese around here like New York City's got rats.

Tennis Balls of the Gods


The Dude said...

Ferners! Canada geese, eh? Japanese maple emulating killer tomatoes! Run away!

Theology, too - looks like you have solved the question of whether or not God (or gods) can create a tennis ball that He Himself could not hit over the net. Heavy, dude!

Amartel said...

Canada geese should be called Canada's revenge. Flying poo machines.
Gorgeous garden.