Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lead foot

"[Sarah Palin] was stopped in her hometown of Wasilla last Wednesday for going 63 in a 45 MPH zone in her Toyota Tundra.  The cop wrote her up and she was on her way.

Palin cops to the crime, telling us, "I wasn't speeding, I was qualifying."  She didn't accept full blame, saying Sammy Hagar's, "I Can't Drive 55" on the oldies station contributed to her lead foot.

We're told Palin will pay the $154 ticket STAT.

TMZ via Memeorandum


Calypso Facto said...

At least we know she can still drive a car, unlike Hillary who confessed that she's only ridden in limousines since 1993.

AllenS said...

Obama: "Oh, man, you just pulled me over because I'm black."

bagoh20 said...

Dissent is patriotic.

edutcher said...

We've all been there

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We don't have a Sarah Palin tag?

Amartel said...

Gore got stopped and ticketed for speeding in Oregon. He was doing 75 in a 55 zone.

deborah said...

Amartel, I beleive that qualifies for reckless driving.

MamaM said...

She's right. Going 63 in a 45 MPH qualifies her as up to speed.

Amartel said...

I guess so. Maybe? Not really sure about the distinction. I'm a speeder when I'm on the highway and view the limit as a suggestion rather than the rule. The cops do, too, until they pull you over. I once got passed by a cop going at least 100 mph. Same asshat pulled me over 20 miles down the road. This was in Death Valley. That particular highway where The Goracle was detained (I know it well) gets pretty twisty turny in places and goes through small towns. One report I read said that Gore was polite and another report was that he went all Do-you-know-who-I-am? on the cop. Not sure which story to believe with regard to Gore. The story about Palin being nice about it is totally believable.

ricpic said...

In Colorado under 75 is a slowpoke. Just ask Chipaholic, he'll tellya. If he's in the mood.

ricpic said...

Something in me divines that Hillary drives with a lead foot...if she drives...which she don't.

deborah said...

I typically do approx. eight miles over the speed limit.


Definition of Reckless Driving in Ohio
The definition of operation in willful or wanton disregard in Ohio, while intentionally vague, encompasses any vehicle operation that disregards the safety of other drivers, passengers or pedestrians, or both public and private property. A number of routine moving violations, given the context of the act, can easily be enhanced to operating with willful or wanton disregard in Ohio.

AllenS said...

Romney was so confident in his driving abilities that he put his dog in a cage on the roof, so the dog could go on vacation with it's family.

Obama never gave a dog a chance, if it meant not eating it.

Amartel said...

In other words, it's subjective.
The many variables would include: time of day, road conditions, other traffic, whether the roadway is a highway or a surface street and whether the roadway is near a populated area, has a lot of turns, has guardrails, etc.

deborah said...

Am, I don't know all of the details in the two states linked, but doing 90 in a 70 seems like a good place to start. States' rights given due respect, of course.

Amartel said...

The 55 mph speed limit comes from a Carter-era federal law which designated that speed as a national maximum due to energy conservation concerns. It was opposed by many states, later revised up to 65 mph on certain rural highways, and has since been repealed.
Almost everyone speeds. Speeding tix are revenue generation.

deborah said...

Yes, but they don't seem to bother with people going 10mph over, plus. Unless it's the end of the month.

Amartel said...

Yeah, see how they're mainly concerned with public safety? (Sarcasm.) Just look at it as a lottery.