Thursday, July 31, 2014

Former President Bush surprises Derek Jeter


Meade said...

Lem and/or Shouting Thomas —

Please delete the lies you published here and here.

ndspinelli said...

you know although, if Jeter had a brother he would look like Obama, he is much closer to W politically. Virtually all athletes are. There is a great HBO doc about 9/11 and the Yankees. You can see both W and Jeter like and respect each other. W threw a strike during the 2001 WS and throws like a man.

ndspinelli said...

Must be deader than a doornail @ the failed blog.

ndspinelli said...

Who the fuck even checks anymore?

Meade said...

Oh, hi, Nick. Don't you mean W throws as a man?

You write like a child.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Blogger Meade said...
Lem and/or Shouting Thomas —

Please delete the lies you published here and here.

Here we go again..

If I don't do as Meade asks, you guys think he sue me?

I'm not a wealthy widow... just saying.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I have to go somewhere, I'll be back.

Meade said...

"If I don't do as Meade asks, you guys think he sue me?"

Sue you? Where do you get that, Lem?

I politely asked you to take down Shouting Thomas's published lies about me. Published on your blog. How do you get from that to a lawsuit?

Shouting Thomas said...

Getting rid of this dumb bastard is not easy, is it?

Trooper York said...

Voices carry.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Derek Jeter is a much, much better man than I am, not the least reason for which is I'm quite certain my heart would burst through my chest if I ever turned a street corner and bumped into Minka Kelly.

Shouting Thomas said...

How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?

Trooper York said...

I thought it was telling that when I went to Madame Tussards wax Museum the Yankees on display were the Babe, Joltin Joe, Mickey Mantle and Jeter.

He belongs up there with all of them in the pantheon of great Yankees.

Unknown said...

LOL Lem. :)

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, You forgot Ron "Super Jew" Bloomberg and Celerino Sanchez.

I thought of you when Torre dissed Steinbrenner, knowing how much you revere the latter and hate the former. I loved it.

The only inductee who prepared and gave a decent speech was Glavine. But, my speech teacher still would have thrown a pen or whatever else handy @ him because he read it.

LOL, voices do carry and it is a real echo chamber over there, so they also reverberate.

ndspinelli said...

Lem, We know you're busy so don't sweat it. You're colleagues are quite worthy.

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing. Clueless Joe was
always a prick and a sanctimonious twat of the first water. He never would have won dick if he wasn't the manager of the Yankees and if George didn't spend the money and Gene Michael didn't scout the Core Four. Without the Yankees Joe Torre would have been Gene Mauch with five o'clock shadow. The prick.

Aridog said...

Meade said...

... published lies about me ... How do you get from that to a lawsuit?

Aw gee golly whiz, maybe basic Tort law vis a vis libel or slander....which can stretch even to "false Light" Torts of similar impetus.

IANAL, but you do not have to state intent to file a suit, merely imply it by asserting a publisher, print media or social media, for a respondent to presume you may be implying a future lawsuit...e.g., you are also creating a "false light."

Maybe Lem can sue you,eh? :-)))

You are married to a lawyer.

Aridog said...

Sorry for going OT, but the gardener's parsing of terms was just to much to pass up. Knee jerk reaction to his usual semantic trope of of "Omigosh, what do you mean!?"

I mean, give the guy a break, he's still learning how to use a camera and wide angle lenses...maybe later he'll get to a study of Semantics. [I recommend S.I. Hayakawa's and Wendall Johnson's texts for beginning students...always glad to help teh Meadster.]

I will behave henceforth. I promise. No lie (whoops!). The devil made me do it. Waaaagh. ;) Cue scene in tunnel where Belushi begs Fisher for forgiveness, in the "Blues Brothers" movie.

PS: I didn't get any email from Meade or Professor Althouse, however I doubt they'd consider me worth all that. Feeloing is mutual I assure you. I have a nice "delete" key for such events. Crack's missives I will read and consider, given what I know of the music business and his background. A & M...forget it. They had no respect for me when it mattered, and now it doesn't.

BUT, I did get a fairly nice email from Crack describing his new circumstances...and I am glad he is in better shape now, an unrelated issue to whether he agrees with me or I with him. I'll probably respond after a bit of time to consider what he has said to me, given we've had similar conversations previously.

Rabel said...

How was the dog walk today?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hey Southy you know what Meade is talking about?

ricpic said...

Forget it, Jake, it's West Virginia.

ndspinelli said...

ricpic, LOL. Good to see your humor today, dude.

The Dude said...

Cheese and whine - it is the Wisconsin way.

Chip Ahoy said...

Traditionally like is a preposition and as is a conjunction.

The traditional way to distinguish which to use is to determine if what follows is a verb or noun.

The dispute that rages for a 100 years until convention writes a new rule and dictionaries offer description over prescription.

But I reject that determination because sometimes the verb is inferred so there goes the absurd rule. And because of other languages that force the issue by thinking differently. I do not accept an argument, "But we're speaking English here" because often that is not how I am conceptualizing.

Chip used to throw like a girl.
But now Chip throws as a man (throws).

Either is acceptable.

As a speaker of English this is acceptable.

Like English speakers worldwide, I often make up my own rules.

These lyrics I will show you in ASL sometime if you behave:

"Her passport shows a face from ... another time and place, she look nuth'n like thaaaat."

"Like", similarity, twins, "the same," is shown by both hands coming together, index fingers extended and set next to each other. It is so clear.

The other kind of like means affection toward something and uses an entirely different convention. It pinches the middle finger and thumb at the heart and pulls forward, as if tugging the heart with the "feel" configuration.

"Same-o, Same-o", this next to this, is shown with one hand "Y" configuration moved a hand width and set in space "Y," so, "Y" + "Y" right next to each other; "that exactly that."

But which one to use for the lyrics? Either one will do.

The lyrics say the face does not match the photo anachronistically on the passport. And that is easily done either way by changing the syntax. Indicate the face, indicate the photo on the passport, indicate them not matching.

I chose not to say more naturally, the face and the photo are different. That strays from the lyrics too far, in song the word "nuth'n" is emphasized and I want to emphasize that too and for the word to fall on the beat. From the point of view of a person looking at the passport the face does not match the photo, that is the thing being expressed.

So the "V" hand configuration for eyeballs looking at something, but this time not the speaker's eyes, but someone standing in front of the speaker, someone looking at the passport, their eyeballs look at the speaker's face and look at the passport shown being handed and stamped.

The word for "that" is a "Y" slapped onto the other hand's open palm.

The word for passport is "book" + "stamped" as a passport is stamped.

The word of "Photo" is a "C" against the palm.

So it's all right there ready to use. The little picture, the speakers own face, eyeballs looking at both, "that" face not matching "that" little picture on the passport.

So the open palm is already there for "Passport" and for "Photo" making "that" slapped on the palm mean "that photo," and all this leans heavily toward the same-o same-o double "Y" option. And this is how sign becomes so graphic and so clear when stripped from its English origin. Just think differently and show the thing like a movie clip being run using the conventions of the language to demonstrate the meaning that the lyrics are conveying. Now, that's understanding a language, and not just simply slavishly loyally transcribing from one to another as beginners do.

Chip Ahoy said...

Incidentally, two days ago I was introduced to an attractive young woman specifically because she signed, and the person I was speaking to in English wanted to hook us up. It was embarrassing. The things I endure. I was explaining to the first woman what I was up to because she asked me, and she goes, "Wait!" She disappeared and returned in a flash with the beautiful 20-something woman who also speaks sign. So I was put on the spot and expected to perform language in sign just for the sake of doing it, so I did. I switched to sign while vocalizing in English so not real sign, rather, a pigeon in-between language to make sure all parties knew what I am on about and carried on with the original conversation that I was learning Spanish sign through YouTube videos. That was the original question I was answering. Maybe I'll show you one or two such videos. At any rate I could tell immediately the girl was beginner. She disappeared as fast as she appeared, and that was that.

ricpic said...

Feeling better today, Nick. Hotchkiss is back on!

deborah said...

One giant leap for rickind. Grats!

ndspinelli said...

Kudos! "Go west, young man."

deborah said...

Rabel, Rabel set the table.