Friday, July 25, 2014

Importing The New Voter Base

He will do it and he doesn't give a shit what you think

This would be a good time for HRC to speak up and distinguish herself from BHO.  Except she won't.


Icepick said...

None of them really will.

Icepick said...

And it is highly unlikely any reporter will ask how this helps American workers and people seeking work. It's all about ruining the middle and working classes, and destroying the social fabric of the nation, ans every god Damned one of them is in on it. Some will just pretend otherwise because their voters scare them, but that's the only reason.

chickelit said...

Organized labor must somehow feel immune to any effects of free-flowing immigrant labor. The immunity comes from the exclusivity of their own closing ranks. Either that or they think it's a boon to their cause.


chickelit said...

While on the topic of irksome twerps, here a comment from dear Titus which Althouse and Meade deemed worthy:

Titus said...
chick hates, yet is obsessed by gays; no wonder that thing is underemployed in a city where he should be gainfully employed in his area of specialty. Why is she selling wine?

Any pics of gay assholes being filled chick at your service. He has a filled gay asshole folder in his pic directory that he can show you ASAP!!!!! He has studied, chronicled, and observed the filled up gay asshole with the so much detail. Miss Chickla is so Sullivanist.

chick, the most insane, passive aggressive, poster ever here or anywhere. Now thrill us with a passive aggressive post about how you hate how Althouse voted u freak.

I thought you were never cumming back here chick? She is drawn to the homo postings....natch.

I am sorry u can't get your dick hard anymore...not.

Have a super republican, non gay, Sarah Palin! weekend.

7/24/14, 11:07 PM
Did I somehow goad Titus in an earlier comment? Judge for yourself.

I have been critical of Althouse recently in comments over there. You probably didn't notice. I find the correlation between that and Titus' nastiness towards me interesting and suggestive.

YoungHegelian said...

The Democrats are at a crossroads here. They have a major problem: if they please their Hispanic activist base, they piss off the blacks, other minorities, and struggling blue collar whites. The blacks already got blind-sided by SSM & the Democrats. They're bitching & moaning on talk radio about why Obama won't give them $4.4 billion to take care of their kids. They won't vote Republican, but how much more before they just stay home on election day?

The complaint against the Republican Party is that it's a bunch of white people. Well, the advantage of the Republican Party is that it's a bunch of white people, and there's a homogeneity of outlook that simply doesn't exist on the Democratic side. The Democratic Coalition is based on groups that want to divide up the Federal pie, and the more folks that come to lunch the smaller that piece of pie gets.

If Obama does anything more than tinker around the edges on Immigration, what with the catastrophe of the Children's Crusade on our southern border, Obama will single-handedly kill the Democratic Party for 2014 & maybe for 2016, too.

deborah said...

Suggestive that Titus is actually someone from her inner circle? Could be, but truth be told, Titus could be anyone here. Anyone.

That's the thing about commenting; it's a head game.

chickelit said...

Could be, but truth be told, Titus could be anyone here. Anyone.

I just don't buy that. Titus spouts misinformation. It's what we used to call a "labeling experiment." The little fucker plays so dumb but he's showing his hand.

Rabel said...

Just reading the tea leaves and coincidences, but there were a couple of mentions of impeachment today by high level Obama spokesmen. They both ridiculed the idea.

This may have been preemption directly related to the action he will soon take to legalize many of the 12 million illegals that was leaked to Time.

It is well beyond his authority and if he doesn't back down will lead to a movement to remove him from office. Could be interesting to watch if it happens.

Rabel said...

Chick, you lay down with borrowed dogs you get up with borrowed fleas.

deborah said...

" I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die."
-Batty, Blade Runner

deborah said...

"It is well beyond his authority and if he doesn't back down will lead to a movement to remove him from office. Could be interesting to watch if it happens."

Better than the Super Bowl.

Amartel said...

Don't worry about it. Titus is an angry obese cat lady who frequents gay porn sites

deborah said...

Whoever 'he' is, you've gotten under his skin.

ndspinelli said...

chick, Habit Burger just barely beat out In and Out for the best fast food burger in Consumer Report. I've never been, what's your take? Culver's made #7 I believe. Macs was dead last.

Trooper York said...

What Rabel said.

ndspinelli said...

Folks forget that in his first term Obama spent all his time and political capital on the disastrous Obamacare. He could have gotten immigration reform then but he said fuck them, they can wait. I need to fuck up healthcare first.

rcommal said...

Every bad joke, every endorsement deal, all of the things that a typical host would normally get creamed for, people don't mind, because they know I don't cheat when it comes to the work I actually try. I'm a lab rat. I'm a perpetual apprentice. The joke is on me if there is one. - Mike Rowe


rcommal said...

I gotta high-schooler now. And I wasn't bull-shittin' 'bout that cusp, when I was anticipating and foreseeing and planning w/r/t it: that reality.


That said, I get why most of you don't get that--for one, another or myriad reason[s].

I do.

rcommal said...

It's easy to admire Rowe when you're not like him and, more important, you didn't raise (aren't raising) a kid within that perspective--and, not just that, but *choosing* to incorporate that perspective (however unpopular) into an expansive (also however unpopular) goal.

rcommal said...

I admire Mike Rowe because it's hard to do that without taking inventory of oneself. FWIW, that's how I find him inspiring.

The Dude said...

You read TOP? Comment there? That's on you buddy.

Many here know Titus' real name, he has posted his address, some have seen his Facebook page, he is HIV positive, and an unfaithful wife.

He is immoral, illiterate, diseased and a liberal - in other words, no different than the illegals he wants to skull fuck and infect with AIDS.

This really isn't so difficult to discern, if one pays attention.

So, go over there, comment on or about or with those douches and get what you get. But own it, don't whine.

chickelit said...

rcommal said...
I gotta high-schooler now.

Congrats! I gotta junior w/ wheels now!

deborah said...

"Many here know Titus' real name, he has posted his address, some have seen his Facebook page, he is HIV positive, and an unfaithful wife."

You've bought into a make-believe sockpuppet personality.

chickelit said...

You've bought into a make-believe sockpuppet personality.

And you know this how? Real or imagined, Titus is malicious and contagious.

chickelit said...

Rabel, Amartel, Troop, and Sixty are right. Titus fits and belongs over there and is best left over there. I'm sorry for dragging over the doggy poo.

bagoh20 said...

What I admire about Mike Rowe is that he's simply right. As far as a career goes, it matters what you spend your time and money on, and there is no reason why you should have to wait for years to be employable. Make sure you actually end up with something for your trouble - not just the appearance of competence, but real ability.

deborah said...

Because 'he' is over the top.

Years ago I posted on a board where you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a sockpuppet. Anyone can make a fake Facebook account and post some random pic of some guy with his dogs.

ndspinelli said...

I have a standing offer on Titus. As I've said, if he crosses the line w/ anyone, get me the info you have on him and I'll take it from there.

MamaM said...

The persons crossing the line with Titus, are the hosts who went to moderation to protect themselves from vicious attack, while regarding this comment by Titus to be thread worthy.

Since Titus comes (cums--hahahahahahahahaha, that's one of his better word "jokes") over here to drop his load, and is considered amusing by some, it's fitting that the malicious words said about another also be considered.

Chickelit has been one of the few people who hasn't gone the dismissive route with Titus, and for that he is targeted, for refusing to play one-way, my-way-only game Titus appears to enjoy.

KCFleming said...

Titus is deadly dull, a typical lefty shouter unable to handle debate.

Perfect for TOP, and no different than the owner there.

MamaM said...

That's the thing about commenting; it's a head game.

The other thing about commenting: In the long run, words matter, so does integrity.

rcommal said...

Hey, this one's for you.

rcommal said...


rcommal said...

What I admire about Mike Rowe is that he's simply right.

How shallow, your flat stance, no disagreement brooked. Unlike Mike Rowe.

As far as a career goes, it matters what you spend your time and money on, and there is no reason why you should have to wait for years to be employable.

I agree with this. I remember then, both when I graduated from high school and when I graduated from college. Never did I hesitate to take on a second job, back then, in order to enable a promotion in the first one.

Make sure you actually end up with something for your trouble - not just the appearance of competence, but real ability.

Well, hell to the yeah, guy!



Have you been raising a kid in the last 15-20 years (or even 10-15)?

If not, perhaps that's why you're missing what ought to be catching your attention.

If so, perhaps this might help underpin why you're not automatically considered trustworthy, much less knowledgeable.

rcommal said...

Should everything *actually* go to hell in a hand-basket, I do actually have an idea of whom we might allow into our world and whom we might not.


Of course, that sort of statement is purely for entertainment. As most statements are, of the type, in these har intarnets.

; )

rcommal said...

I agree with this. I remember then, both when I graduated from high school and when I graduated from college. Never did I hesitate to take on a second job, back then, in order to enable a promotion in the first one.

Also, never did I hesitate to take on any job, including "dirty" ones, from age 13 on, and so on.

Y'all might be surprised, but you should not be. Really, you should not.

rcommal said...

Organized labor must somehow feel immune to any effects of free-flowing immigrant labor.

Right now? Here in 2014?

Oh, bullshit. Organized labor* is mostly dead, and on account of the fact that its last gasps of dying has been carrying on since at least the '90s, if not before, and certainly thereafter.


(The obvious exception is: Unions of public [government] workers remunerated out of the general fund of monies extracted in the form of taxes from people who never will be able to negotiate, as never they have been able to negotiate, the terms of service for payment, much less the quality of product in exchange for largesse.)

rcommal said...

ndspinelli Unsubscribe

11:18 AM (17 hours ago)

to me
ndspinelli has left a new comment on the post "Importing The New Voter Base":

I have a standing offer on Titus. As I've said, if he crosses the line w/ anyone, get me the info you have on him and I'll take it from there.

Post a comment.

Unsubscribe to comments on this post.

For the record: I do not support anyone making that sort of direct threat. More: I'm not afraid to take on someone making that sort of direct threat, much less anyone who supports or contracts such a person to carry out what's threatened.

Cut. That. Shit. Out.

I'm not even a regular one here, much less a popular one here. Yet even I have the balls to call out that sort of shit.

What the hell is wrong with the rest of you? Can't you guys do manage/bother (bother/manage) to do that?

rcommal said...


Your threats, in general, are not OK with me. It's immaterial to whom the threats are directed. What is material to me is that you threaten.

Stop it. Cut that out.

(To everyone else: Don't think that I'm feeling all virtuous or something; I don't. Quite the opposite, because I've watched and seen ndspinelli threaten for years but didn't speak up. I was a coward.

I'm speaking up now, however.)

rcommal said...

I don't even care if ndspinelli is "just a character" that someone or another is putting on (and on, and on, and on), if that is case. Seriously, that wouldn't matter. A crossed line is a crossed line. Who the f'n' hell here wants to argue against the notion that some lines ought not be crossed? I'm asking you all, quite seriously.

KCFleming said...


Ndspinelli is a stand-up guy.

His suggestion is vague, you inferred violence.

Options for attending to miscreants are many, including legal. But violence is in reserve even when you yourself walk down the street and need defend yourself from a brute.

Titus is a brute. Responses to his crossing the line will vary as the situation demands.

You are assuming too much. But sometimes the threat of a physical response is needed. When my daughter was in first grade, a bully punched her every day. The teachers made them 'negotiate.' Still he punched her every day.

Until I threatened to fuck him up.
Yes, a first grader.
It never happened again.
He responded to the incentive I offered, whereas the teachers' incentive was to permit him endless punches.

I wish life were different. But it isn't.

chickelit said...

(The obvious exception is: Unions of public [government] workers remunerated out of the general fund of monies extracted in the form of taxes from people who never will be able to negotiate, as never they have been able to negotiate, the terms of service for payment, much less the quality of product in exchange for largesse.)

I did in fact mean State workers who are mostly protected by inviolable citizenship and residency requirements. Also, hordes of workers in law firms etc, which all but require native English skills. For them, a few million more lawn care workers and housecleaners and now primary and secondary school students are a boon to the economy, enabling them to shirk being parents. I used to work with them.

chickelit said...

rcommal said...
I don't even care if ndspinelli is "just a character" that someone or another is putting on (and on, and on, and on), if that is case. Seriously, that wouldn't matter. A crossed line is a crossed line.

I've actually met Nick Spinelli and had lunch with him. So I know he's real. I can't say as much for characters like Titus who along with a couple others were tolerated and coddled at places like Althouse by otherwise intelligent commenters and hosts.


My guesses are (1) a mean streak inside themselves or because he/she represented a minority opinion, e.g., "gay" which some otherwise intelligent commenters played along with because it assuaged something inside them. I could say much the same thing about Crack Emcee. I don't find them funny or worthy of respect. But nor do I respect threats of violence.

Just my $0.02, rcommal.

And once again I apologize. As the Rolling Stones sang long ago:

Got to scrape the shit right off your shoes

deborah said...

I read Nick's comment as an offer to find information, as he did with Inga Schlinga.

Trooper York said...

I remember when Crack threatened to have some of his New York friends come over to my store to shoot me. Nobody said shit. Except for Nick Spinelli TOP were perfectly fine with that. They left it up there and probably had a good laugh.

Nick was only offering to provide information in case somebody had to take legal action against someone who has made several veiled threats in the comments. Perfectly crystal clear to anyone who is paying attention.

Trooper York said...

I would trust Nick Spinelli with my life. My fortune. My family. My sacred honor.

Other people not so much.

rcocean said...

As a threat:

"I'll take it from there."

Is pretty damn vague. Its almost Rorschach Test.

ndspinelli said...

Thanks folks, I appreciate your support AND SANITY. Those who know me understand what I said. To the drama queens reading Lord knows what into my innocuous comment, get a grip on reality for chrissake.

rcommal said...

like Titus who along with a couple others

Heh. And among those others were some not just tolerated but encouraged not just there but in other places (even while some, well, um, cautionary notes actually were being sounded, though dismissed they were). Sorry, just can't not remember so easily, as others can.

Shit, I can remember calling out nastily Crack Emcee, even, back in the day when that dog didn't hunt.


rcommal said...

dog didn't hunt = [having the temerity to call out Crack Emcee]

rcommal said...


Shall I name the names of those whom I didn't trust from the git-go but whom a whole number of you embraced (and actually either had a problem, mild or strong, with my not trusting them or even called me out as being wrong--though, as it turned out, I wasn't).


I do think I'm right on those who do remember that, however the reaction to that is playing out, on a continuum of denial to truculence.

; )

rcommal said...

So, there it is.

rcommal said...

Thanks folks, I appreciate your support AND SANITY. Those who know me understand what I said. To the drama queens reading Lord knows what into my innocuous comment, get a grip on reality for chrissake.

I say: Thank God for my grip on reality, with or without drama, ndspinelli. Lord knows, it's needed--


and if you are as smart and skilled and all investigating as you say you are, you'd know that.

; )

rcommal said...

We are, and have been, doing what so many are advocating (including those who don't and didn't and--let's not forget--never had to do).

Yet--WTF?--so much brouhaha over the speaking up of those who are doing, as opposed to those who just keep advocating without actually having to (or ever having had to) implement what they advocate.

Q: Why tamp down those who are trying to do what's been advocated?

A: Because what works in the real world often is at odds with the hardened theoretical synapses of folks who don't have to try to do what they're advocating.

rcommal said...

Eek! Almost forgot to post this:

"Sweet Virginia"

Wadin' through the waste stormy winter,
And there's not a friend to help you through.
Tryin' to stop the waves behind your eyeballs,
Drop your reds, drop your greens and blues.
Thank you for your wine, California,
Thank you for your sweet and bitter fruits.
Yes I got the desert in my toenail
And I hid the speed inside my shoe.
I want you to come on, come on down Sweet Virginia,
I want you come on, honey child, I beg of you.
I want you come on, come on down, you got it in you.
(honey child)
Got to scrape the shit right off you shoes.
But Come on, come on down Sweet Virginia,
Come on, honey child, I beg of you.
Come on, come on down, you got it in you.
(honey child)
Got to scrape that shit right off you shoes.
But Come on, come on down Sweet Virginia,
Come on, honey child, I beg of you.
Come on, come on down, you got it in you.
(honey child)
Got to scrape that shit right off you shoes.

Thanks for the advice, chickelit. Considering it profoundly, I am.

rcommal said...

I'm LOL-ing at an old memory, at the moment.

Someone here called me out when I didn't post online at a blog a congratulatory comment at the event of an engagement (that someone assumed I hadn't congratulated the persons involved, which, by the way, I already had, offline, via a virtual card).

What's so funny about that, at the ground of it, is that there's no end to how one can be called out by other people, when other people are determined to spend their time calling out those supposedly not like their own selves.

rcommal said...

Also, this one's for you, ndspinelli, you and your pronouncements of who is and who is not sane, not to mention whom you paint as who is and who is not about the drama.

Personally speaking, I think you are a disingenuously dramatic, dishonestly judgmental personage. I wouldn't trust you to research how to fix a lawn mower, much less to actually fix one.

IOW, f-off.

rcommal said...

As for the rest of you, I find it profoundly amusing that you attribute to others "threats," what you would describe as serious ones, that you would describe as, essentially, weak-tea, even non-existent, should such a thing be attached to one of yours.

Principles, pfuie. Values, pfuie x10.

rcommal said...

And, oh, by the way:

Get off of my lawn, stay out of my yard. You might not like what's in my house should you breach our perimeter.

rcommal said...

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Trooper York said...
I remember when Crack threatened to have some of his New York friends come over to my store to shoot me. Nobody said shit. Except for Nick Spinelli TOP were perfectly fine with that. They left it up there and probably had a good laugh.

Nick was only offering to provide information in case somebody had to take legal action against someone who has made several veiled threats in the comments. Perfectly crystal clear to anyone who is paying attention.

July 27, 2014 at 11:56 AM

I am absolutely sure Nick was not threatening violence against Titus. What Troop says above is absolutely correct. So people can chill.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is said bad luck to say the name of a certain play by Shakespeare. Most actors refer to it as "the Scottish play."

MamaM said...

On the other hand, 'Tis luck to catch a leprechaun, but nobody can. Another catchy little ditty from the past, 1960's this time around, bringing the thread back to "shifty grades of fey", in black and white no less.

As for the question of goading, it's possible the query "Why hold back?" may have been perceived as a prompt. And that would be the generous explanation.

chickelit said...

Your link summoned a flashback, MamaM:


Here it is, chibitized: link

Oh for those days of carefree levity.

chickelit said...

@MamaM: OT, but I noticed that your link goes to a whole series of "Lucky Charms" commercials. I noticed in the first (B/W) commercial that the "stars" were six-pointed stars of David; in the second, they had become five-pointed stars. Hmm...executive decision at General Mills?

MamaM said...

I saw that too! Won't tell you how many I listened to, but they're almost as potent as the Mamas and the Papas for taking me back to another time, especially the black and white versions.

History on them: Lucky Charms were created in 1962 by John Holahan. General Mills management challenged a team of product developers to use the available manufacturing capacity from either of General Mills' two principal cereal products — Wheaties or Cheerios — and do something unique. Holahan came up with the idea after a visit to the grocery store in which he decided to mix Cheerios with bits of Brach's Circus Peanuts.

As for levity, some days, it's enough to laugh at "airrick-some" and find a simply charmin' chirbit.

rcommal said...

It is said bad luck to say the name of a certain play by Shakespeare. Most actors refer to it as "the Scottish play."

Yeah, yeah. Known that forever, but still I'm not all that superstitious, generally speaking.

Well, except for the fact that I do tend to say, "Break a leg--not an instrument" to my husband when he heads out to gigs, which is a nod both to general theatre lore and also to traditions of my family of origin, from earliest childhood.

What can I say? Life tends to a mix.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If this is true that Obama plans to legalize illegals with a stroke of a pen. Then Trump could end up an even bigger blessing in disguise than we could have ever hoped for.

How? A lot of people are paying attention for one.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Wait a minute this post was last year. It's showing up on my phone app probably because it was updated.