Saturday, July 26, 2014

Why is the White House inviting impeachment punditry?

Google News "Impeachment" search


Shouting Thomas said...

Because talk of impeachment is just more proof that racism is everything in this here U.S. of A.

Trooper York said...

You can not impeach a black man.

Get over it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It worked out well for Clinton.

Leland said...

Obama will continue to do stupid things until Democrats are the ones begging to impeach him.

chickelit said...

AReasonableMan said...
It worked out well for Clinton.

What his midterms, or his enduring legacy?

Trooper York said...

Obama could kill, cook and eat Honey Boo Boo and her dog on national TV and the Democrats would never vote to impeach him.

There is no crime up to including murder that people like ARM would see as reason enough to impeach him.

He is totally immune and he knows it. So this is just a big bag of bullshit that the White House is throwing out there to feed the lapdog press. Get over it.

chickelit said...

The correct remedy is a veto-proof majority in both Houses, an impartial SCOTUS, and continued opposition to Administrative overreach. None of these are radical departures from American tradition.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trooper York said...
Obama could kill, cook and eat Honey Boo Boo and her dog on national TV and the Democrats would never vote to impeach him.

Maybe one of the the Real Housewives of New Jersey, but not Honey Boo Boo.

ndspinelli said...

It is the Dem playbook. Diffuse the chance of impeachment by ridiculing it preemptively. Get comedians to joke about it. Get pundits to laugh @ it. This is an easy analysis. It's Dem 101.

Shouting Thomas said...


Put my bit together with yours, and I think you've got the full explanation.

Which makes me wonder...

What else has Obama done that we don't know about? The paranoia over impeachment may indicate that there are far more serious violations of the law that we don't know about.

Trooper York said...

It is not what he has done. It is what he is about to do.

He is going to issue defacto amnesty to all the illegals in the United States by Presidential decree. The past few months have carefully laid the ground work. "I have a pen and a telephone." "If Congress does not want to do the work then I will step in."

He knows the shitstorm that will ensue so he wants to take impeachment off the table preemptively by ridiculing it as Nick as so astutely outlined

KCFleming said...

I've lately been thinking about Chief Justice John Roberts and his unhinged vote ("it's a tax not a penalty") that shoved Obamacare into permanence.

And after all the NSA surveillance and IRS tax bullying, I now understood.

He was given an offer he couldn't refuse.

Shouting Thomas said...

My guess is that the IRS attack on the Tea Party was ordered by Obama and that the evidence of that exists.

If that's true, somebody will come forward. It's only a matter of time. Well, we've got 2-1/2 years.

deborah said...

It is to divert attention away from all the other items; IRS, ISIS, Putin, border, etc. It is treating the American public as the cattle we are.

KCFleming said...

Besides, you'd have to impeach the whole goddamned gubmint.

There can't be two dozen people left in Washington who find the IRS, NSA, VA hospitals, Benghazi, etc., et., etc. reprehensible.

Mocking impeachment talk is a distraction from their incompetence, to be sure, but even more it is a declaration that they own this country now.

And waddayougonnadoaboutit, huh, tough guy?

Paddy O said...

It charges up the base. Obama is suffering from even his supporters not liking him, so he needs to be attacked from the right.

Right now he's fading away and he needs to charge up an "election" fight so as to maximize his post-presidency speaking fees.

Impeachment is wrong in this case anyhow. Keep the focus on the future. The more Republicans wallow in the past, the more they are going to be soiled. They need to point the way forward and impeaching Obama isn't going to do that. Winning Congress will be a much better start.

"What his midterms, or his enduring legacy?"

Both. Had he not been impeached he would have not been a hero to the Left. It created a polarizing climate that continued with Gore. The Left is energized by a fight. Don't give it to them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Preemptive in leu of impeachable offense.

deborah said...

Okay, Trooper/Nick sounds right. It will be breathtaking if he does it. Many who voted for him will be dumbstruck, especially Blacks.

Blanket amnesty by presidential decree, and though Congress will scream and squeal, they'll sit on their hands because that is what the GOP actually wants.

The children's crusade at the border is a very clever move.

Trooper York said...

It's coming. As is the upcoming blanket pardons for felons so they can vote in future elections. That is how he can balance it out with the black folk. Both serve to create masses of new Democratic voters who will have a debt of gratitude to the Democrats.

The Republicans don't have the balls to do anything about it and as has been said the Rhinos and the Chamber of Commerce want the cheap labor anyway so it is a win/win for those spineless bastards.

deborah said...

Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night.

edutcher said...

Impeach him and let the Demos go on the record to excuse him after all his high crimes and misdemeanors come out.

It worked out well for Clinton

Actually, it didn't.

People were glad to see him go.

Trooper York said...

He knows the shitstorm that will ensue so he wants to take impeachment off the table preemptively by ridiculing it as Nick as so astutely outlined

Classic Uncle Saul, but it counts on people being uninformed and nice guys.

If he pulls this, people will be mad as Hell (even Gallup has him at 39 right now) and will take his ridicule as a dare.

He may do it, but, if he thinks white people will be afraid of being called racist or his homies will stand up for him, he may be in for a shock

edutcher said...

PS Insta has a piece by Kaus on this.

Interesting reading.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Maybe with all future Democrat presidents we should consider a pre-impeachment strategy, where we start the impeachment process before the inauguration in order to get all the paperwork out of the way and be ready on day 1.

Seems to be where we are headed anyway.

edutcher said...

For once an intelligent suggestion, since the Demos seem incapable of electing anything but raving sociopaths in the last 20 years.

Pogo: I never said I was a diplomat said...

Besides, you'd have to impeach the whole goddamned gubmint.

I believe the word for that is revolution.

deborah said...

Okay, Trooper/Nick sounds right. It will be breathtaking if he does it. Many who voted for him will be dumbstruck, especially Blacks.

Blanket amnesty by presidential decree, and though Congress will scream and squeal, they'll sit on their hands because that is what the GOP actually wants.

The children's crusade at the border is a very clever move.

Many who voted for him will be outrages, As someone observed today, the Demos have blacks used to voting for non-Demos (MS, GA), so this could be another invocation of the Law of Unintended Consequences, so it may not be all that clever.

It seems, like Genral Homma in the Philippines, the Choom Gang didn't count on the numbers they'd have to handle. I think this was supposed to be handed to the country as a fait accompli after they'd infiltrated enough.

And what the Whigs want may not square with what the people want.

Ripon WI, 1854.

Shouting Thomas said...


I'm not in favor of impeachment on the practical grounds that (1) Obama only has 2-1/2 years left in office and (2) impeaching the first black president would be a civil and social catastrophe that would probably be far worse than his continued malfeasance.

That said, Obama appears to me to have potentially committed crimes that far outstrip those of Nixon or Clinton. Both deserved to be impeached and removed from office, and I voted for both. In Clinton's case, I voted for him twice.

Obama's abuse of the IRS to attack Tea Party groups would have, in the case of a non-black president, already lead to his impeachment.

Chip Ahoy said...

Please don't throw me in that briar patch, please don't throw me in that briar patch, I beg you, please don't.

How about throwing you in the briar patch soaked with tar and tossing a match onto it? Would you prefer that?

He is a colossal ass hole and so is his cow wife, and they're doing what colossal ass holes do: goatseing all over the place, and it ain't pretty.

And he's goatseing his supporters worst of all. Setting them back decades. Nobody, and I mean nobody with an ounce of sense, realizing that that leaves out untold millions, is going to invite any more of this bullshit.

First take the Senate, at this point a given.

Take away his airplane and watch the little man go bat shit crazy. Unable to use Republican money and Independent taxpayer money to do his endless Democrat fundraising. But we all knew his chief strength is misusing other people's money and resources before he was ever hired.

Yes, hired. He is an employee. Not a king.

Slash his departments. As you would cut a child's allowance. Their misallocation of resources is derelict where it isn't treasonous. You all saw the buzz feed photos of what they look like on the outside. And saw the b.s. paranoid reasons given by Barney Fifes for disallowing photographing our own goddamned buildings. Who would even want to go to a ghetto like Washington for a vacation or field trip is beyond me but for some bizarre reason they do.

A friend of mine with the Democrat shrine on the wall, his version of art, his homage to his own sorely misplace loyalty as one has for something so light as a sports team, called again with the idea of setting up something. Some reconnection of sorts. I played it off by using my truck as excuse. I hadn't yet received its registration. I have it now but I do not intend to use transportation for anything so stupid as reconnecting with malevolent retards no matter how charming and amusing they are. No matter how much fun we had together before things mattered seriously and devolved to this shit situation through their unwavering unquestioning support for it. My attitude is ta, but I do not think so. Too much must be reversed first, and I do not see anything remote to that happening.

So it's personal.

Not just theoretic.

It hits where I live, and I'm not having it. And these feelings I express are mild compared with what I see. (cue Paul Atreides: There is a storm coming. Our storm.) If you fail to feel it, you are insensate.

Rabel said...
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Rabel said...

LA Times seems to think executive amnesty is a done deal.

Lots of pushback in the comments. About 90% against. Only a strong negative reaction from Democrat voters will stop this.

Methadras said...

Impeachment for a self-identified black president is racist. If it were for a female president, it would be sexist. If it were for a philandering white democrat president, it's a GOP witch hunt. If it were under a white GOP president, it's the right thing to do for our country, for our children, and for the environment.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Methadras said...
Impeachment for a self-identified black president is racist. If it were for a female president, it would be sexist. If it were for a philandering white democrat president, it's a GOP witch hunt. If it were under a white GOP president, it's the right thing to do for our country, for our children, and for the environment.

This sentiment seems to lie at the heart of the obsession with impeaching Dem presidents - Nixon envy.

Aridog said...

Chip Ahoy said ...

Slash his departments. As you would cut a child's allowance. Their mis-allocation of resources is derelict where it isn't treasonous.

Absolutely, and this must be done from the top down. At least cut the SES+ by 70%. Your GS Civil Service Grades from GS-14 down to GS-2 are NOT the problem, they do whatever work is necessary in government, and they have already been slashed and slashed again in most agencies....all the while the SES+ graded appointees, with their staffs, grow like weeds. (That Lois Lerner could not be fired is 101% baloney...she was an appointee, she just knew too much)

Same thing is now happening again (on a 20 year cycle) in the military if you notice how the cuts are to be junior officers and enlisted members...the ones who do the fighting.

Until you gut the core of the senior bureaucracy in Washington, filled with people who go there young and never leave, unless for a brief stint in a crony defense outfit, it doesn't matter who we elect as could Mr Magoo, as the most recent example demonstrates. I was not fond of Bush's top advisors/officers either...Cheney and Rumsfeld, both heritage from the Nixon White House...need I say more?

If we are not careful, we will have a Politburo running things in stead of our three distinct elements that are growing softer by the day.

Aridog said...

I failed to say that in cutting the 70% of the SES+ guys you also must cut their "staff"...and those are usually GS grades for the most part, glorified clerks who don't actually participate in delivery of any real goods or services.

Agencies to start with, actually the necessary place to start is DHS(purely administrative hacks) and FEMA (once a bookkeeping outfit, now militariezd). The US government pre-DHS/FEMA had three very large and encompassing contracting agencies for every conceivable item government of the military could ever need....they were Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), General Services Administration (GSA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers. There was never a need, even slight, for FEMA to create their own contracting arm...but they did because under DHS they could. In general their performance in providing materials for disaster relief has been sub-par and barely mentioned by a captive press. I'd ask on question of FEMS's many do they have deployed, with pre-ordered supplies like water, etc., in the the days preceding landfall of the most recent hurricanes?

Answer: To the best of my is none or V-E-R-Y Few.

How it used to be: For Hurricane Katrina I (Army) and my counter parts in NFS, and other response agencies, sent teams to the point of landfall 48 hours in advance, a practice we began in Puerto Rico years before...easy to hunker down than try to drive in a ruined roads. Duh.

And FEMA's "contracting" arm, why you asked? Why that is a necessary component of increased power...graft by any other name.

Don't listen to me, if you disagree, I only worked in that environment for a couple decades.

Aridog said...

GS Civil Service grades to be saved should only be those in Operations, Maintenance, direct hands on Project Management, Construction design and direct oversight, and such things that actually reach citizens in need.

Aridog said...

I have to get going out of here now (to meet my daughter a some of her friends to blow holes in paper targets), but please don't let me have killed this thread...both Chip Ahoy's and ARM's posts, in particular, deserve more commentary, as well as ST, Pogo, et al ....this subject needs public consideration and most here (all of you/us can contribute)...repetition is how an idea becomes a policy concept.

You may presume my cynical attitude was generated by voting for the peace candidates in both 1964 and another one in peace. I have people I maintain contact with today, from long long ago, Vietnamese, to be specific...and do you know who they hate? Kissinger.

Amartel said...

Poor sclerotic blinkered old Bumble. Still riding that Nixon train. Of course, back in the Nixon days the media wanted the president gone and the president had at least some scruples about what was best for the nation. CHANGE.

Amartel said...

Possible reasons for WH inviting impeachment punditry:

1. "Nixon envy"
2. Obvious abuses of power
3. Firing up the morons

Amartel said...

The basic human urge to abuse power does not lie on one side or the other of the political divide and with more size and complexity in government comes more opportunity to abuse state power. This is why shrinking the power and size of the government is absolutely necessary.

Aridog said...
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