Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Boehner rules out impeachment: ‘Scam started by Democrats’

"Talk of impeachment was cooked up by a White House desperate for something to rally Democrats ahead of November’s elections, House Speaker John A. Boehner said Tuesday, flatly ruling out any action on the controversial suggestion."

“We have no plans to impeach the president. We have no future plans,” Mr. Boehner said. “Listen, it’s all a scam started by Democrats at the White House.”

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Boehner


The Dude said...

Orange is the new black, or something.

Shouting Thomas said...

What if Obama commits a really serious, provable offense in the future?

The Dude said...

You mean like in the past? Who gives a fuck - the mulatto can't be gotto.

Trooper York said...

There s nothing he would do that would make a Democrat vote for impeachment or removal from office.

He is immune because of the innate racism of the Democratic Party.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What if Obama commits a really serious, provable offense in the future?

"We have no plans" at the present does not necessarily bind them in the future.

ricpic said...

"We have no future plans."

An inadvertent admission of the truth by Boehner. Other than keeping their seats at the inside the beltway table GOP Establishment pols have no future plans.

ricpic said...

Only the election of Charo as our next president will expunge the White American sin of racism!!!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Shouting Thomas said...
What if Obama commits a really serious, provable offense in the future?

At least you appear to acknowledge that Obama has not done anything to justify an impeachment trial to date. It seems unreasonable to complain about Boehner for not doing something that is currently impossible.

ricpic said...

...Obama has not done anything to justify an impeachment trial to date.

The lawless marxist that calls itself ARM has no problem with the lawless marxist president, Obama, who has, to date, unilaterally changed his own signature achievement, Obamacare, nineteen times. That alone is grounds for impeachment. I won't add all the other grounds because it is literally wearying to number them.

Rabel said...

What I hear ARM saying is that Obama has not been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt to have done anything that absolutely demands impeachment - to date.

I agree with him on that.

deborah said...

"I won't add all the other grounds because it is literally wearying to number them."


There have been no impeachable offences that will stick because Justice won't release key evidence.

How is Fast and Furious related to the current border crisis? Circles within circles.

At this point, Obama is like a teen on a joyride. The adults will clean up the mess when he leaves. Sheer audacity. If it's semi-broken, smash it the rest of the way.

Shouting Thomas said...

Impeachable offenses are whatever Congress decides. The impeachment process is part judicial, but mostly political.

Do I think Obama has committed impeachable offenses? Yes. The use of the IRS to attack the Tea Party might well have resulted in the impeachment of a president with white skin.

I'm opposed to impeachment, and the issue as always is the color of Obama's skin. We cannot impeach the first black president. (You may not perceive him as black, but his constituency does.) Beyond that, he only has 2-1/2 years remaining in office and the impeachment process takes time.

Republicans would be particularly foolish to attempt impeachment unless they are certain that they can produce a conviction in the Senate. That does not look possible to me.

MamaM said...

Sheer audacity.

Audacity is another one of those words that can go two ways.

With one meaning including these synonyms: boldness, daring, fearlessness, intrepidity, bravery, courage, heroism, pluck, grit;

And the other going this direction: impudence, impertinence, insolence, presumption, cheek, bad manners, effrontery, nerve, gall, defiance, temerity

Which helps account for this division: Almost eight in 10 Democrats say Obama is more a uniter, about the same percentage of Republicans who call him a divider. (May 2013

edutcher said...

Translation: The NSA has way too much on me and I have had yet another visit from the IRS.

At least you appear to acknowledge that Obama has not done anything to justify an impeachment trial to date. It seems unreasonable to complain about Boehner for not doing something that is currently impossible

Leaving 4 guys to die when help was within reach would seem to qualify.

Not too mention ignoring numerous court orders and decisions.

But TheTrollWhoMocksHisOwnNomDeNet is just belching the KosKid defense.

rcocean said...

We all know what would happen based on the experience with Clinton. The Dems in the house would cry "racism" and even if it got to the Senate, the Dems would vote as a block to oppose hearings while Johnny McCain and his gang would support the Dems, preen for the cameras, and cry that all the House Republicans were Racist.

Its why the Republicans winning the Senate will solve nothing. As long as you have RINO's like McCain in charge, nothing will change.

chickelit said...

"Voting is the best revenge" said Barack Obama in November, 2012. It was a cynical, impolitic thing to spout, but it turned his people out.

chickelit said...

Its why the Republicans winning the Senate will solve nothing. As long as you have RINO's like McCain in charge, nothing will change.

I don't follow the AZ polls, but it's hard to believe that the man is gaining ground politically. Perhaps he's even losing ground.

chickelit said...

I just wish all the mindless fantasizing about Republican challengers in 2016 would stop until after this midterm. The whole notion of a Republican savior at this point is idiotic because the problem is a Constitutional imbalance.

Anonymous said...

Republicans would be particularly foolish to attempt impeachment unless they are certain that they can produce a conviction in the Senate. That does not look possible to me.

ST gets it right. Impeachment is a political caclulation, not one determined by comparison to some mythically explicit catalog of impeachable offenses.

As things stand, it would be a grave miscalculation for Republicans to impeach Obama. But things don't necessarily stand as they have forever.

Team Obama has repeatedly overestimated their ploys. Daring Republicans to impeach Obama could well blow up in their faces too. Give Obama another year to hang himself and it might yet come to pass.

But I say, Impeach Obama!, as I have in the past, because I deem it worth reminding Americans of the possibility.