Monday, July 21, 2014

Playing at the jury room

I'm all talked out.

CBS The Talk playing at the jury assembly room


Amartel said...

Great. It's what the jury clerk wants to watch. Nobody wants to serve on a jury or even be called up for jury duty and herded around and kept in suspense but to be subjected to THIS on top of all the other indignities .... No wonder you're all so grumpy by the time I see you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They are letting us go. They settled. It's settled. That settles it.

deborah said...

A while back, I had jury duty scheduled. I was told to call a phone number the night before to see if the case was settled. Thankfully it was.

Trooper York said...

The last time I was called for Jury Duty I said "Seriously? You are not going to accept an old white guy on this jury so lets stop wasting everyone's time."

The funny thing was the defense kicked me off when I was very sympathetic to the defendant. But old white guys never get kept in Brooklyn.

AllenS said...

I'm the absolute perfect juror. I'm able to just look at someone, and I'm able to tell if they are guilty or innocent.

chickelit said...

Has anyone voir'd you or dire'd you yet?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Good one Chicke

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm home already. It was uneventful. The most excitement was going thru screening.

The coffee was unexpectedly good.

Amartel said...

Thanks, Lem.

The Dude said...

I was dismissed from jury duty when I told the defense lawyer that I thought all drug dealers should be executed.

Thank you for your time, Mr. Honkie, don't call us, etc.

Amartel said...

Okay, but why would you do that and automatically preempt yourself from at least convicting a drug dealer? More important to avoid serving as a juror than convicting a drug dealer?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They played us a short video explaining the importance of serving as jurors.

It turns out we are very lucky.

Amartel said...

Judges always ask right off the bat if anyone has a felony conviction. You should see how happy the felons are about raising their hands. Memememe!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ha. I get kicked out of every jury pool each time I get put up on the panel.

One time it was because I was a financial advisor and something to do with being licensed and having to follow government regulations. I have no idea what the case was about. I guess they didn't want a detail oriented person.

The last time it was because I got the entire courtroom, jurors, prospective jurors and even the judge to laugh out loud at the defense attorney. She was asking stupid questions trying to lay the idea that the defense didn't need to present a defense and that the prosecution was supposed to make their case. OK we got it. But she kept on going on and on about it. OK WE GOT IT the first 6 TIMES!! Her last round of statements to the jury was something like "If I (the defense attorney) didn't say anything, didn't present any evidence, didn't question any witnesses....what would you conclude?" She wanted us to say that she didn't have to defend...blah blah blah. Instead she asked ME....big mistake....I said...."I would wonder what you are getting paid to actually do." Laughter. The judge buried his face in his hands. Kick....

I walked out with a happy face and skip in my step. Tra la la la.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The vote of a single juror counts for more than the collective votes of many of the states in a presidential election. A single juror's contribution to deliberation is greater by several orders of magnitude.

But inconvenience is a bitch.

There's an evolutionary explanation, probably.

XRay said...

I was one of a pair of holdouts on a twelve man. Largest piece of evidence, eye witness testimony, not realiable enough to my mind. Until one of the other jurors reminded me the eyewitness saw the guy three seperate times. As the perp twice backed off when customers came in. Well duh. So we convict, armed robbery. Later and coincidently going down in the elevator with the prosecutor he relayed the info that the perp had a long and violet record going back years. That was a close one.

XRay said...

Yes, the perp loved flowers, too.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I tried to get excused for hardship. I live over 90 miles away, one direction from the court house. So 180 mile round trip. It was winter. Icy cold. Snowing. Black ice. In order to get to the courthouse by 8am we have to leave in the dark at at least 6am and to get home after the jury recesses at 4 to 5pm I would be driving in the dark, in the snow and not gt home until 7 or even 8pm. Not even considering the cost of fuel at over $4 a gallon.

I told the judge it was a hardship. He disagreed. I indicated that I would go to jail first before putting my life in jeopardy driving back and forth every day. I can LIVE in jail. I can DIE on the roads.


Tank said...

Last time for me I had a bias against the Plaintiff's PI case (based on my disagreement with the law, I'm a lawyer). I advised the Judge and Counsel at side bar. The Judge refused to dismiss me for cause, but the attorney for the Plaintiff kicked me off, as he should. I was admittedly biased.