Saturday, July 12, 2014

Jack Ryan - Shadow somethingorother

Just rented it On Demand.  Fun movie.

I liked his girlfriend/wife because she was mad and got over it and then she said she'd go to the hospital in case the hospitals got busy later, so you figure she's not going to be constantly putting herself in harms way just to prove she's equal, or something.  And I always notice if a movie or story screws that up.

I did have one double-take moment though, when Ryan describes the basis of the whole Russian plot as the fact that the US doesn't have significant oil reserves.

I thought the news was that we just might have more than anywhere else in the world.


Unknown said...

Ever notice that all the cool male dudes in these types of movies are named "Jack."

Synova said...

Yeah I was sort of... wait... was that Jack Ryan or Jack Reacher?

I think it's a preference for a single syllable that ends with that hard K. I'm trying to think of other hm... Buck Rogers... Kirk... Alex Cross. Ks isn't quite a K but it's close.

There's Captain Jack Harkness.

And Captain John (Jack) Carter. Though I only think it's mentioned that he went by "Jack" on about page two of the first book.

Trooper York said...

Tom Clancy does not translate well to the screen. There is just too much going on. His books might be better served as mini-series.

Leland said...

My favorite fictional wife is Cathy Ryan. Never met a female ophthalmic surgeon who studied at John Hopkins, so I'm satisfied with a real life nurse. Any actress that plays Cathy straight up will be mentally attractive to me.

Leland said...

Jack Ryan or Jack Reacher?

Jack Reacher is taller, far taller than Tom Cruise.

Side note, working my way through the Jack Reacher series. Not bad, but the stories remind me of the A-Team television series; enjoyable but not high quality material, such as Jack Ryan series.