Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Macy's to be open on Thanksgiving Day

"Macy's Inc. says it will open most of its stores for the first time on Thanksgiving, breaking a long-standing tradition for the venerable retailer.
In a release issued late Monday, the Cincinnati-based chain said it will open its doors at 8 p.m. on that day and will remain open for 24 hours straight until the close of business on Friday, which is usually about 10 p.m. Last year, the chain opened its doors at midnight right after the holiday. The department store chain cited increasing demand from shoppers for the earlier opening."


Methadras said...

I think all retailers are going to go this way eventually. They have to capitalize on the market.

edutcher said...

It's about the money, but most people will still stay home.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

If you live in NJ, dont forget to vote today.

deborah said...

Oh, I don't know. I have relatives who go to the movies on Christmas day.

Meth, yes, and internet sales are a big component, also.

Aridog said...

Macy's...uh, let me see...last time I was in there for anything? Got it! Last time I was there it was still the J. L. Hudson Company here in my town.

I have a rule: avoid covered malls and Wal-Mart always forever. If I can't get it outside those places I do not need it.

chickelit said...

@Aridog: This is a wonderful little paperback filled with photos telling the story of Hudson's.

ricpic said...

I read that Macy's really took a beating from its across-the-street competitor Lord & Taylor last year when L & T stayed open on Thanksgiving.

Still, it's terrible to do this to Thanksgiving, far and away the best holiday. Anyway, who are these people who eat a huge meal and then, instead of digesting it in the comfort of a warm familiar home, go racing out into the cold night to join in a shopping frenzy?!

Trooper York said...

Retail sales have been horrible for the last year. They are just trying to stay open. Something that Sears and JC Penny might not be able to do because of the retail environment foisted on us by the Jug Eared Jesus.

chickelit said...

Hmm, if we lose retail and manufacturing, what's left?

chickelit said...

@Aridog: Hudson's was America's GUM

Revenant said...

Something that Sears and JC Penny might not be able to do because of the retail environment foisted on us by the Jug Eared Jesus.

Yeah, I haven't been in a Sears or a JC Pennys since Bush was in office.

... George H. W. Bush, that is.

Obama is responsible for a lot, but not for the deaths of those particular dinosaurs.

Revenant said...

Hmm, if we lose retail and manufacturing, what's left?

Jobs that pay well and that you'd actually want your kids to choose as a career? :)

Seriously, though, the retail sector isn't dying. The retail sector is changing. The only useful purpose retailers serve is connecting buyers with wholesalers. There are more and better ways of making that connection with each passing day. Its just that the big mall-based chains missed the boat.

Sears most of all. They used to be mail-order kings, and de-emphasized home delivery just in time for Amazon to grab that market. Smooth.

AllenS said...

Hmm, if we lose retail and manufacturing, what's left?

Lawyers. Suing whatever is left of this country.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I think retail stores should get together and agree they won't open on days like Thanksgiving and I think it would be good for the country if retail stores offered double time pay to all employees who are asked to work on any Sunday.

Trooper York said...

The theory behind closing on Thanksgiving is that you will do great on Black Friday when many stores have sales.

Retail has just sucked lately and anything a store can do to stay afloat will be done.

Like firing all of their full time employees and going part time to avoid Obamacare.

ken in tx said...

In the South, Hudson had a deal with the Belk chain. My mother worked at Belk-Hudson in Tuscaloosa. Now Hudson is gone but Belk is still here.