Monday, April 1, 2024

I have an important announcement.


I have long been a committed Catholic. I used to go to church every Sunday. Until this new pope came in and abandoned the Faith for socialist tripe. Traditional priests and cardinals have been fired and homosexual enthusiasts have been empowered to fill the churches with kid touchers.

Enough is enough.

I have decided to become a Muslim. It has a lot of things going for it. I don't have to shave or bathe. My wife and mother-in-law have to shut up and walk three feet behind me. I can protest and disrupt the Mass without any repercussions. I can discriminate against the homo's and the Karens of this world won't say shit.

So why not go with the winning side. 

Allahu Akbar!


edutcher said...

So I guess Christmas with the Troops is out?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Easy to do since you had to give up sausage and wine anyway.