(1) I'll bet I'm the only guy on the ENTIRE PLANET EARTH who is, at this very instant, sitting at a computer eating unsalted mixed nuts and drinking black coffee out of an orange mug.
And that makes me so very, very, very, very, very . . . special.
(2) Special. In Spanish that'd be "especial." Ever notice how in Spanish a word almost never begins with an "s?" They stick an "e" in front of it.
Spain once ruled the world, after all, so it must have been a very wealthy country. They had so much money they could afford the extra letters.
And not only that, they could even afford to pay for that Castilian lispy thing, too, and who doesn't love that?
It wasn't too long ago I saw the rerun of Star Trek where Spock goes all horny nuts because his biology tells him it's time to breed.
The episode goes into all this stuff about how going totally scooters for sex is the price the Vulcans pay for being so logical all the rest of the time.
No explanation was given for how Spock came to be half human and half Vulcan.
There's an episode where Spock's father explains he married a human because it was the logical thing to do. They played it for laughs.
Well huh. That thing had 300 views. I watched the whole film. It is shit, frankly. Every cliché known to cinema. Lens flare even when nothing is flashing. Helmets lit from within because all astronauts need their heads backlit.
" I turned 53 not too long ago and I'm just about rid of that maniac they chained to me about 40 years ago."
I thought I was free of him too, but he's been visiting lately with all kinds of crazy unrealistic ideas. He used to just be an obvious maniac, but now he has these will possibilities that he makes kinda sound plausible. He's gonna get me in trouble, I just know it.
(1) I'll bet I'm the only guy on the ENTIRE PLANET EARTH who is, at this very instant, sitting at a computer eating unsalted mixed nuts and drinking black coffee out of an orange mug.
And that makes me so very, very, very, very, very . . . special.
(2) Special. In Spanish that'd be "especial." Ever notice how in Spanish a word almost never begins with an "s?" They stick an "e" in front of it.
Spain once ruled the world, after all, so it must have been a very wealthy country. They had so much money they could afford the extra letters.
And not only that, they could even afford to pay for that Castilian lispy thing, too, and who doesn't love that?
Totally worth it.
The link has been assassinated.
It wasn't too long ago I saw the rerun of Star Trek where Spock goes all horny nuts because his biology tells him it's time to breed.
The episode goes into all this stuff about how going totally scooters for sex is the price the Vulcans pay for being so logical all the rest of the time.
No explanation was given for how Spock came to be half human and half Vulcan.
There's an episode where Spock's father explains he married a human because it was the logical thing to do. They played it for laughs.
Kind of makes you wonder.
By the way, I turned 53 not too long ago and I'm just about rid of that maniac they chained to me about 40 years ago.
I say good riddance to bad rubbish, for the most part.
But still, it is kind of weird being able to remember myself as a completely different person.
I suppose the day will come when I'll forget all about my former self, if I'm lucky enough.
Well huh. That thing had 300 views. I watched the whole film. It is shit, frankly. Every cliché known to cinema. Lens flare even when nothing is flashing. Helmets lit from within because all astronauts need their heads backlit.
" I turned 53 not too long ago and I'm just about rid of that maniac they chained to me about 40 years ago."
I thought I was free of him too, but he's been visiting lately with all kinds of crazy unrealistic ideas. He used to just be an obvious maniac, but now he has these will possibilities that he makes kinda sound plausible. He's gonna get me in trouble, I just know it.
87% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.
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