"There’s only one method of manipulation that has stood the test of time: bribery.
Give a woman a present, and she’ll..."
That's the opening line of a press release for Carrot Dating, a new matchmaking app that lets men "bribe their way to a date."
The app enables users to "accept gifts/activities for a first date, with men and women being tempted with offers such as plastic surgery or a tank of gas for a “yes”. What doesn’t work: messaging and hoping."
By the way, he got the idea from his mother.
Business Insider
I'm assuming you can pay in carats.
Wonder what his mother does for a living?
Say hey...those Booz Allen guys again. Snowden probably couldn't get a date even using Wade's "WhatsYourPrice.com" so he just went ape-shit.
What Shout said.
Sounds like hookers.
Where solid relationships are born.
A tank of gas AND free breast implants?!? .... I love you!
I was in Manhattan on Friday for an interview with a potential client.
Huge fake boobs are all the rage! Astonishingly huge fake boobs. Look like beach ball inflated to the max.
Hard to believe that anybody finds this attractive.
The idea of 2 balloons filled with goo shoved inside my body... Yuck.
No thank you.
I do not understand the need to do this at all.
That said, I do understand reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy.
I'm with you ST - the big fake boob trend is rather astonishing.
Women with implants winning at dating and mating is counter-evolutionary. More deception from the Eve of destruction.
From an email I received this morning. Complete with pictures
Woman: "What is it with men and boobs, anyway?"
Man: "Biological, we can't help it."
Woman: "But, doesn't it bother you that they're so obviously not real?"
Man: "Santa's not real, but we still like to open his presents."
Ho ho ho, Allen!
I love email. I wish there was some way that I could slip them into a comment here. I get a lot of really good ones.
I've received that joke, too.
I once dated a girl with the fake jobs, and test drove them.
Awful. Just awful. I would never be involved with a woman who stuffed beach balls in her tits again.
The damned things don't even feel like real tits. The woman loses most of the sensitivity that makes the tits worth playing with. And, the nipple is usually stuck back on in the wrong position.
Back in the early 70's, I was at a friends house, and his wife had really large breasts. I had only met her a couple of times before, and couldn't remember them being that big. Later, other friends showed up and one of the women asked how she liked the boob job. Anyways, she let all of us feel them. So long ago, I can't remember exactly, but they were very heavy. People started to complain that it was their turn, so I had to cut short my examination.
For enough gifts you can even get a woman to play your wife.
Women can fake almost everything and fool a man, but a man can't fake anything at all, except perhaps love.
It's great being a gay male.
You can't fake having a big dick. You've got one or you don't.
Yes, there are penile implants, but that's probably like a partially-thawed microwave burrito, soggy and tepid on the outside, with a still-frozen center.
"For enough gifts you can even get a woman to play your wife."
On the other hand, some wives will play for kibble for a very long time.
Women with implants winning at dating and mating is counter-evolutionary. More deception from the Eve of destruction.
Sounds Sullivanist to me!
I have a big dick. Cut, pink, big head and circumcised.
I am about 8 1/3 inches.
It helps that I have a 30 inch waist, the big looks bigger against the backdrop.
Big Dick.
Also, preening the bush adds inches to the dick.
Mens, please, eliminate some bush and elongate the hog!
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