Friday, October 18, 2013

"How to ward off a giant hornet attack"

Thumb-sized giant hornets, which have a sting that’s been likened to a hot nail going through your skin, continue to plague the Chinese province of Shaanxi. More than 40 people have been killed by hornet attacks, and there are nearly 1,700 reported injuries.

Since they’re seemingly here to stay, doctors and insect specialists in China offered up these tips to prevent an attack, courtesy of China Daily:

Stay away from their nests. Giant Asian hornets, Vespa Mocsaryana and Vespa Mandarinia, do not generally sting without provocation, but anyone touching their nests is vulnerable to a group attack.
Don’t run. If you do accidentally disturb a hornet or its nest, keep in mind they can fly faster than you can run. Instead, crouch low to the ground, stop moving and try to cover your head.
Wear brown or black. Giant hornets are excited by bright colors.

Skip the aftershave. They are drawn to perfume and cologne.

Don’t be drunk: They’re also agitated by the smell of alcohol.


betamax3001 said...

Re: "Don’t be drunk: They’re also agitated by the smell of alcohol."


betamax3001 said...

I've Seen the Giant Hornets But No One Believed Me, They Just Asked Me to Set Down the Chainsaw and Put My Clothes Back On.

betamax3001 said...

They Would Fly in Circles Around My Head But No One Else Could See Them: It is Maddening.

betamax3001 said...

The Incessant Buzzing: I Could Hear Them Even When I Couldn't See Them. Crafty Buggers. Cunning. Smell Like Worcestershire Sauce.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Then if must be true that the Chinese eat everything possible.

AllenS said...

May I suggest a giant can of Wasp & Hornet spray from RAID!

AllenS said...

I'm now noticing that my can has the words in English and Spanish. Wouldn't be that hard to add some Chinese characters to it.

Kung Foo Wasp & Hornet spray.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Glad the hornets around here do not have that type of venom. I'd be dead.
On one rare occasion, I opened the mailbox and the angry hornets flew out and ambushed me. They stung me like a very pissed-off and revenge filled Larry Flynt.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I sprayed that stuff at a yellow jacket nest in the ground.

Then I stood there and watched as they came crawling up out of the hole.

They came out single file, spasmed a bit, and then died. Maybe eight or so.

Made me think of those WWII movies where the guy throws the hand grenade into the Nazi pillbox.

Strangely satisfying.

KCFleming said...

The Chinese should send them here. We'd make them all citizens.

Then surely they'd stop stinging.

Paddy O said...

Good advice as well for staying out of trouble at many college campuses.

AllenS said...

Here's a good song with words of advice --

Little Charlie and The Nightcats

KCFleming said...

Call the hornets racists.

They'll slink away in shame.

Mumpsimus said...

Can we please stop blaming the victims here? By offering this sort of advice, you are not only excusing the stingers, you are supporting and perpetuating Stinging Culture.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

@Pogo, if we dont allow them in, they will vote democrat.

AllenS said...

Hang one of those giant hornets hive in the halls of Congress.

Leland said...

If I can't drink around them, then nuke them from orbit.

call the hornets racists.

You could just name a NBA franchise after them. Then they will literally slink away in shame.

ricpic said...

If they nest under the eaves of your house you have to go out and zap 'em with wasp spray at 6 AM before it warms up. Start the day on an up note.

The Dude said...

Michael Jordan can't manage Hornets or whore nets.

The Dude said...

But on the upside, those killer hornets will manage to sneak over here in a shipment of bamboo or some shit and we will know the pleasure of death of 1,000 stings.

Methadras said...

Wow, those suckers are huge.