Saturday, October 19, 2013


This chick is a "W" sound  in Egyptian hieroglyphics. 

Sometimes a "U" sound. You just have to know when it is a "W" and when it is a "U."

How do you know? You don't really. Sometimes there are clues. Most times you guess, and most times it really is a "W" and not a "U". That's why when you see it you automatically go, "W" in your head, or perhaps actually verbalize as you're reading. It is one of the more reliable and among the most frequent symbols. 

The eye goes to it instantly in the name king Tut because the ligature with the two "T" sounds is uniquely diagonal due to the spaces created by the angle of the chick. Good space-conservation there. It reminds me of a percent sign %. And so when reading, upon noticing the T-chick-T ligature you silently go, "twat," or perhaps, "twit," and then finally, no, that's not it, "tut." 


Eric the Fruit Bat said...


There was probably a hieroglyphics thing that said that, a lot of good it did some European archaeologist.

Chip Ahoy said...

Really? Oh. Chicks. Dating. Eating seeds, and SPAM. It all makes sense.

Wanna hear something really really really really stupid? Okay, goes like this:

I threw my pants on, socks and shoes, and ran an errand and the whole time I was thinking, "Damn, these hiking boots sure do have high insteps. I remember that first pair of cowboy boots I had were like that too. Felt like a pencil under there and finally after weeks I got used to it and developed the most outrageously high arches ever. Kept me bouncing for years. I didn't realize that until they flattened due to immobility. And now this." I thought all that the whole time of running errands and walking the street.

And then the next day, same thing.

Except I felt it even more. Walked around and recalled the boots all over again, and thought, "Man, this is great therapy. I can really feel its effects" Walked around and never did get used to it, hurt too much. Started really bugging me but I kept thinking, "Stick with it, Dude, work through the pain.This will fix your fallen arches and just like before you will eventually adjust. Come on, be a sport and keep at it." And finally it was too much. Took off my boots and there was a bunched up sock in there.

AllenS said...

Unfortunately, I'm unable to read Egyptian cursive.

Chip Ahoy said...

Wanna hear something that's like karma? Or something. I do not understand the forces of the universe, their pataphysical tendrils working mysteriously and interdimensionally, in convoluted ways, their small wonders of concurrences to behold.

Two days ago I gave to two rabble rousers, ne'er do wells, miscreants, two noisy blokes looking to stretch the night's reveling when good people are already abed, ten dollars to persist awhile before turning in, or falling down or whatever it is they get up to. We parted, and the two went directly into the bottle shop.

And I look heavenward through the faint milky way veritably obliterated by city lights, but I know that it's there, and asked, "Lord, is this what you want of me? " and the Lord said, "eeemmmm, eh, uh, mmmm"

A fellow called to convey good tidings and my phone acted up, cut off, shut down, and started all over as a new born. That took awhile. The guy called back and I answered, "My phone's a canute." There was a long pause then the guy burst out laughing.

Then. (music intensifies)

* The next day, a card from the State offering me a free phone and free phone service if I am sufficiently poor. Tell them how poor I am and they'll send me one.

* The next day, another person wrote snail mail to say, "You know your remarks about my i-phone are spot on. I need somebody to show me how to maximize its utility, it's connectivity and such. Here's a deal: You teach me how to use mine, and I'll buy you a new i-phone."

So two offers for new phones out of the blue. Unsolicited. Unexpected. Strange, huh?

* Yet another snail mail, and I don't get many of those, containing a brief note and $20.00 for no reason at all. A note saying "this is yours." For what, I have no idea.

Three things converge having to do with serendipity and double and triple the paybacks or whatever that is.

Icepick said...

LOL, that's a great really really really really stupid story, Chip.

But did you know that vultures won't eat Spam? They absolutely refuse to touch the stuff. Except in Hawaii. I didn't know that either until I just made it up.

Finally, I am pretty sure that hieroglyphic says something about the Partridge Family, perhaps that they thought Shirley Jones was hotter than Susan Dey, or at least kinkier, which is what really matters. Or maybe they just thought Danny Bonaducci was a dick. Hard to see why they'd immortalize that in stone, though, cause everyone knows that. But TV was kind of new then, not having been invented yet, so maybe the novelty of it all got to them. Plus, someone had to say it first.

Anonymous said...

Re: "perhaps that they thought Shirley Jones was hotter than Susan Dey, or at least kinkier, which is what really matters."

Oh, Shirley, Performing With the Family in Those Black Hot Pants: My Partridge Becomes a Heron. Or an Ostrich.

betamax3001 said...

I Love Chip's Explanations of Hieroglyphics (Doing the Susanna Hoff 'Eyes To One Side / Hold / Eyes to the Other Side' Move).

betamax3001 said...

I Tried to Unwrap the Body But Mummy Wouldn't Let Me.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

That looks like a Fayoumi chick...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The universe provides, Chip.

King canute was very wise
Nothing matters - king or queen
Nothing stops the seven seas
Seven seas in seven tears
Seven hours in seven years

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip: What is the hieroglyphic for what the fox says?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

AprilApple: What did one ocean say to the other?

Nothing, they just waved.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Evi- LOL. A clean joke for my nephews. Thanks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Karma wants to stuff money into Chip's pockets. That might not be a sock, Chip. It might be a wad of $50s.

edutcher said...

Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia

deborah said...

Full fathom five thy father lies
Of his bones are coral made.

Phil 314 said...

Chip chick trick.

Freeman Hunt said...

Prophesy for Chick-fil-A sandwiches.

Aridog said...

Chip Ahoy said ...

... another snail mail, and I don't get many of those, containing a brief note and $20.00 for no reason at all.

Hah! How about getting a snail mail from Medicare and it contains a check for $9.47 and little in the way of explanation?

I just got one...there has to be a trick involved. I'm scared to cash the thing.