Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Murderer walks into a Press Conference......

They had a protest in front of the Cobble Hill Nursing Home where they protested the Murderer Cuomo's policy of sending Kung Flu positive patients to nursing homes to infect and kill vulnerable people. They put 6500 copies of his bullshit book in a coffin to symbolize all that died. Instead of using the hospital ship or the multi million dollar fiasco of a hospital set up in the Javits Center or the Cruise line terminal he sent these sick people to where they could do the most damage.

No accountability. No oversight by legislature. Very few questions from the enemy of the people media.

He is going to skate.

I just hope that these poor people who had parents die because of Cuomo's arrogance and criminality didn't pay for those books.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

If Andy had any dreams of the White House, they're dead now. Like Teddy Kennedy, he's the last of the dynasty.

Anonymity may be worse than prison for these people.

Just look at the Ozark Mafia and the Os.