Thursday, December 17, 2015

Omnibus for 2016 quadruples H2B Visas

Congressional leaders quietly slipped the provision into the 2,009-page funding bill, with rank-and-file lawmakers only discovering it Wednesday morning. The move immediately sparked protests from both ends of the political spectrum. …
The Hill.

That is the line that kills me. So much information, so much to become angry about except the bits that are needed. What are H2B Visas, and who did this? It's important to know so they can be traduced.

First, H2B Visas are for low-skilled workers, The people who fly in to meet with senators to lobby for reform are all hotel owners and landscape companies.

I thought it was Silicon Valley and this does make some difference on who to be cross with but you still have to think the employers would make whatever adjustments necessary like pay people what their labor is worth. They cannot say they cannot find workers when the issue is salary.

I'm reading right side sites say whoever did this needs to come forward and have their positions known.

Well, who supports the legislation? Who was being lobbied?

That would be Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D, MD) Search results read like this:

* vice chair of Committee on Appropriations
* secures $390 million for new FBI headquarters in D.C. suburbs
* served in congress more than any woman in history, will retire after five terms
* served in U.S. Congress for 30 years as senator and a representative
* we've come to a standstill
* grabbed gavel of Senate Appropriations Committee, made history as first woman
* served longer than any other woman in history, won't run for re-election in 2016

This is a bit boring. And I'm becoming glad she's going away. There's more.

* Barbara Mikulski's announcement Wednesday that she'll be the decisive 34th vote for President Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran shifts
* The animated and occasionally irascible Democrat from Maryland who rose from being
* a friendship more epic than that between Hillary Clinton and Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski, you'd be hard-pressed to find it.


* announced her support for the Iran nuclear deal Wednesday, becoming the 34th senator to do so
* 78-year-old Maryland Democrat and longest serving woman in Congress, who announced Monday
* A lifetime of advocacy will be recognized Tuesday at the White House when Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski receives the Presidential Medal of

Yeah, it's like the Oscars. A plumber does a lifetime of advocacy. Electricians do. There is no medal-worth heroism here, just more knob polishing.

* On Wednesday, by a vote of 53 to 44, the Paycheck Fairness Act failed to pass in the Senate.

Because paycheck fairness is none of federal government's business. They would love to have it so. But it isn't. Anything named like that disingenuously will have the perverse opposite effect. Based on its name it needed to fail.

* who has served in the Senate and in Congress longer than any other woman

We get it, she has a vagina and she held steady. That's it for her. I'm glad she's gone. My guess, I'm a terrible guesser, Barbara Mikulski busted a move before she departs that august body -- what is it again? -- world's greatest deliberative body. Where budgets are not passed, only emergency omnibus bills with so much at stake and no one to blame.

Another person to blame, I'm guessing again, would be another senator heavily lobbied who proposed legislation. Thom Tillis (R. NC), a new guy. I'm curious what devious underhanded sneaky people look like, penis growing out the forehead, horns out the cheeks, pockmarks, scars, hair like Trump, bugs flying around. And I'm always disappointed they look normal.

He would be top suspect, due to reports of him being lobbied on H2B. Just curious what his search results say.

* junior United States Senator from North Carolina.
*  committed to creating opportunities for North Carolina families and


* is increasingly called on ...
* The hacker activist group Anonymous just claimed that U.S. Senator Thom Tillis
* Tillis' constituents might want to think twice before shaking his hand. The Republican senator from North Carolina said on Monday
* Sen. Thom Tillis (R- NC) described his own history of opposing certain health and ...
*  In 1947, 14-year old Willis Lynch of Littleton, N.C., was asked by a nurse to sing a song as she placed a mask over his face. Lynch unknowingly ...
* A list published over the weekend that alleges nine politicians - topped by Republican U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina - are secretly ...
* and Preserving the Second Amendment Act of 2015, Amendment Rejected -
* a story circulated that North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis is a member of the KKK.
* Requiring restaurant employees to wash their hands is too much regulation, says Sen. Thom Tillis.

I feel like I know them.


Co-sponsership support from:
Christopher Dodd (D-CT
Herbert Kohl (D-WI
Joseph Biden (D-DE)
Ted Stevens (R-AK)
Candice Miller (R-MI)
Dennis Moore (D-KS)
Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
Jerry Weller (R-IL)
Todd Platts (R-PA)
Ron Paul (R-TX)
Albert Wynn (D-MD)
Joe Schwarz (R-MI)
Steny Howery (D-MD)

Grounds magazine

The bill also fully funds the Refugee Resettlement program. It also contains billions of dollars of aid to Mexico and to Central America.

Unacceptable. The omnibus is unacceptable. Maybe there's a need for these visas and maybe not. The quadrupling does not allow an increase in visas, the cap is not raised, rather a requirement for renewal of expired visas is eliminated for some period and the need for going back and starting with new lottery is eliminated.

Conservatives are in angst because they feel Paul Ryan betrayed them by trading everything Democrats wanted for the benefit of selling American oil on the global market. And why American oil is not already on the global market is left unexplained. You'd think that would be only natural.  I'm certain if we look there will be a perfectly good reason for that distortion and disruption in the market. Betrayed once again. And there is not an explanation good enough to satisfy critics for why after all this there still isn't a budget.

Democrats claim several significant policy victories, celebrating Republican policies not being in the omnibus bill.

Democrats get funding for Planned Parenthood just as if those devastating videos had no affect whatsoever on policy. Planned Parenthood is applauding.

Money for Climate Change.

Here is the list of things the very successful minority Democrats got in this lauded  bipartisan agreement. It's long. The Daily Signal.

Harry Reid explains why this is a good thing, Free Beacon.


Methadras said...

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at how utterly vacuous the entirety of this process has become. Saying I told you so just doesn't matter anymore. There is literally no difference between the GOP/DNC mafia anymore. None. They have fucked all of us and they don't care. I haven't been a Republican for years, but it is absolutely clear that is really doesn't matter because it no longer matters what your political affiliation is anymore, you will still get fucked all the same. Paul Ryan is more of the same and the more things change the more they stay the same. The US is officially a Kleptocratic Oligarchy now. 536 people in DC just facerolled 330 million. The USA is dead. Long Live the United States of America. It's over.

Amartel said...

GOP establishment needs to be thrown under the omnibus.
I get the feeling they don't like us or much care what we think.
At least the Dem establishment pretends to care about their base.

ricpic said...

Limitless greed. Limitless. F the future. I want mine, and yours, and everyones...NOW!!!

It isn't even much in the way of compensation that they'll be hanging from lampposts in the not too distant future. I mean after the inevitable implosion. Because by then I'll be living in a van down by the river. Maybe not even that...under a bridge down by the river. And I like my comforts!!!

Amartel said...

Rubio on the tube this morning: This was going to pass anyway so no choice but to vote for it. We have to pass the bill because it's inevitable. Pelosi-style bill passing logic.

edutcher said...

Primary everybody.

Seriously, but especially Ryan.

Wonder what you-know-who thinks of him.

PS It's not over, but people are being pushed, and we all know where that leads.

It just takes the right incitement and things get nasty

ricpic said...

Rubio never heard of a protest vote? Silly question, he's the type who's on board his whole life.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We might as well have the democrats running everything.

Amartel said...

GOP establishment either willful or stupid or both. Just like the larger establishment.
Rights and concerns of citizens are not prioritized. These things are mocked as "nativist" and "racist." Corporate welfare and importing a new more compliant citizenry is prioritized.
Peasants wanted. Uppity proles need not apply. Stand aside.
We need to import a new government instead, one that is responsive and knows its place.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I was thinking the other day about the word infidel, and how maybe we should turn it into a good thing.

Maybe voting could be used to recruit people for our side against the jihadists.

It's really the last thing we sort of have going for us that we could say it's not only better... it's the best. And worth preserving.

edutcher said...

Amartel said...

GOP establishment either willful or stupid or both

Probably both with some crooked (doubtless, that NSA surveillance picked up a lot of useful info for the Choom Gang's use as well as Donahue's bucks buying many) and a few who are gutless defeatists at heart.

bagoh20 said...

Which candidate(s) would veto this bill as President?

AllenS said...

The only person that I think will kick these people in the teeth is Trump. He has nothing to lose, and he doesn't need any of them as friends.

ampersand said...

What party would pass this mess in the first place?

Titus said...

It's RINO hunting season the biggest RINO from Janesville is very endangered.

Are u with me real mens?

Nuff said.

Get to work!!!!!!!

bagoh20 said...

The only guys who would veto this are Cruz or maybe Paul. They are the only ones who have ever stood on principle in the face of overwhelming bipartisan winds of go along to get along.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Two things come to mind that could work.

One would be for Americans to boycott products or services sold by the corporate welfare fatcats on the fed govt gravy train. GE would be one of the

The second is if only ten people acting entirely independently would kidnap and tar and feather five Dem bigwigs and five Repub bigwigs at the exact same moment. That would shake things up.

Methadras said...

AJ Lynch said...

Two things come to mind that could work.

One would be for Americans to boycott products or services sold by the corporate welfare fatcats on the fed govt gravy train. GE would be one of the

Guess which one of the major US corps gets to deal with Iran legally now? GE and I can assure you that once those embargos were lifted, guess who was selling them their nuclear material purification parts and can now do so legally. GE.

bagoh20 said...

I don't understand why companies would especially want unskilled immigrants in today's over-regulated labor market. You are forced by law to give them every benefit including minimum wages that any citizen would get, and minimum wages are rising rapidly. They are harder to train and manage because of language barriers. It used to be that illegal aliens were desirable because an employer expected they would be scared to complain to the authorities, but that is no longer the case. They can sue you or use your workers comp just like anybody else, and you can't threaten them with calling immigration, in fact it's a crime,and they won't come anyway. Having them immigrants that are legal makes it even more impossible to take advantage of them. Citizens are always preferable, except they are very hard to find ones looking to work.