Sunday, December 20, 2015

Is Hillary Pulling a Trump on Trump?

Campaign chairman: Hillary stands by claim ISIS is recruiting off of Trump. After claim was denounced as false.
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta, says the Democratic front-runner is sticking by her claim that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is using Donald Trump in recruitment videos.
Host Chuck Todd pushed back, saying the NBC report Podesta cited only said Trump “might” be used by terrorists in recruitment videos.
“If you go back and look at social media, if you look at what is going on they are definitely pointing to Mr. Trump,” Podesta rebutted.
Todd asked Podesta if Clinton stood by the statement.
“She does,” he said.
Clinton said at Saturday’s Democratic primary debate that ISIS is “going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.”
Left leaning Politifact found "No evidence for Hillary Clinton's claim that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump as recruiting tool"


bagoh20 said...

I think her point is that we should elect someone who ISIS approves of. Hey Gallup, can you poll those guys? It would really help me decide.

bagoh20 said...

Seriously, who do you think ISIS would prefer?

Shouting Thomas said...

We're supposed to worry about this?

That called "dhimmitude."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I guess ISIS is now under pressure to create the video Hillary is dreaming about.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What is it with Hillary and phantom videos?

She's got some kind of fetish.

This is not the first time she blame terrorism on a video.

Chip Ahoy said...

This is what ISIS whats you to think.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

About to start watching The force awakens. Got to shut off my phone.

edutcher said...

She may try, but IS does more recruiting off Benghazi and the response (or lack thereof) than The Donald.

It's a sign the Ozark Mafia is getting scared.

Also a great little reason to like Trump.

Leland said...

Uh no, the Force got Lem!

bagoh20 said...

"...IS does more recruiting off Benghazi and the response..."

It would be fantastic if Trump responded with that. Please, please, please!

bagoh20 said...

There has to be an ISIS recruiting video showing the Bengazi attack as a great victory. I bet there are many of them. The GOP needs to start loading them up in ads.

Amartel said...

Hillary Clinton and her merry band of propagandists don't have the mental acuity to outTrump Trump. They're just saying words that they know their brain dead zombie faithful will accept as gospel and spread around. I've already encountered this among lefty relatives visiting for Christmas. The TV tells them what to say. No thinking involved.

Amartel said...

Everything that would be antithetical to ISIS is an ISIS recruiting tool. Odd, that. Bombing ISIS is an ISIS recruiting tool for example. Since ISIS recruits disaffected useless murderous morons then we must all stop doing and saying things that upset useless disaffected murderous morons. Or ISIS will recruit them. I say let them be recruited and then when they're all gathered together we kill them all.

Meade said...

"There has to be an ISIS recruiting video showing the Bengazi attack as a great victory."

There is. In fact there are thousands and thousands of them. Made right there in Jersey City. Ask Trump — he's seen every one of them. Not good.

bagoh20 said...

She is such an amazingly bad candidate. The vulnerabilities are many and fatal, yet I still think she can win, especially the way we are going in the GOP. Trump may have already doomed the GOP whether he gets the nomination or not. If he get's it, too many will vote against him even if they don't like Hillary, and if he doesn't get the nomination, too many GOP voters will refuse to vote for whoever does get it just out of butt hurt. Lose/Lose.

She can be stopped really easy if Trump would just smarten up and stop sounding crazy to a majority of the country, or if Trump fans will just support the Republican nominee no matter who it is. If we don't get one of those things, it's gonna be President Hillary and every bad thing gets worse.

bagoh20 said...

Is there really any doubt that ISIS would be bragging about Benghazi, and of course using it to recruit? Not only did they have a great victory there over the infidels, but the American government was so shamed that the President and the SOS both had to lie about it and make it some kind of random uprising when absolutely everyone knew otherwise. It's a huge source of pride for ISIS: both the attack and how it was handled by the administration.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Catskills stand-up comic;

Did you hear Hillary is into videos? But she is so old her videos require a VCR! Ba dump bump.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Sure Meade let's equate Trump's hyperbole with an outright lie by Hillary.

bagoh20 said...

Latest Iowa numbers from a CBS poll:

Cruz – 40
Trump – 31
Rubio – 12
Carson – 6
Bush, Paul, Fiorina, Huckabee – 2
Kasich, Christie, Santorum – 1
Pataki, Gilmore, Graham – 0

Unknown said...

What Hillary is saying is the same as Obama and lynch. If you dare insult Islam, you are inspiring them to commit murder... So shut up. Fair, after all, is one insult away from Going postal, and it's your fault. You pushed them over the edge. According to the corrupt sociopath, it is best to submit.

Unknown said...

Fair = CAIR.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, whaddaya know. The country that never cares for honesty and accuracy has put two of its most shameless and/or unwitting liars in the frontrunner positions of both their parties' campaigns. This should be interesting - for the residents of Bizarro-Land.

Unknown said...

He do = Hebdo.
I'm about ready to lose it over autocorrect. Which is also butchered...
Hillary is horrid, but idiots will still vote for her.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

She is such an amazingly bad candidate.

True that. Half the time I'm appalled that a candidate as horrendous as she is gets as far as she does.

I think she represents all the professional victimologists and entitled self-martyrs in America, rolled up into one neat little pantsuit. There is quite a constituency for self-loathing professional victimology in America, and Hillary is that constituency's candidate.

Get ready for four years of "Hear me roar!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If Hillary gets into office and starts with the "Oh poor hurt feelings of all those peacefully vengeful Muslims" she will turn me into a conservative overnight.

Let her lobby for a position in the Saudi government. She would fit right in.

Unknown said...

Bagoh @ 3:39.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

IT wouldn't be hard for Trump to stop sounding crazy. He just has to take the edge off his rhetoric by about 20 - 30% (if you can measure that) or stop lashing out a third of the time less. He's on the right track, with the best overall message (poor concern for details notwithstanding), and could triangulate well. He needs to up the optimism and take the edge off the attacks and the negativism, and he could get it. Of course, maybe his feistiness is just a function of there being such a crowded field right now, leaving him no choice but to claw his way over everybody. But as the losers drop out (envision a huge "THUD" accompanying Christie's exit), he can start getting less nasty and more inclusive. This apparent "no attacks" pact between him and Cruz and Carson might be a step toward proving he can go in that direction.

Trooper York said...

I put up a post about this but I changed my mind.

Hillary will not win. She is fatally flawed as a candidate. Trump would filet her like a flounder. She would sputter and shriek just like Bush when confronted by Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I hate to disagree with The Good Trooper, but she is not fatally flawed as a candidate. She is fatally flawed as a human being, which is something that Americans unfortunately seem to almost like in their candidates, though. ;-)

Trump can beat her up all she wants. It will strengthen her, even more than Billjob's peckerdildoes "strengthened" her. Americans want a pity candidate, and she is the tops on that. Trump will have his own strengths, but it all comes down to whether you think bluster will win over pity. I think pity will win.

Trooper York said...

Hillary has never won an contested election in her life. Her Senate win was in a safe seat in New York that they went out and bought for her. Obama cleaned her clock and her opponents in the Democratic primary are laying down for her. She has never been tested.

In fact in everything that she ever tried and had real opposition she failed miserably. Her health care initiative under Bill. Her run against Obama. Her tenure as Secretary of State.

It seems unlikely that we are going to get two affirmative action candidates in a row. You don't get more points for having a vagina.

Trooper York said...

Of course I am not saying there is no way she can win. The Duopoly is strong. Quislings like Jeb Bush and Mitch McConnell are already readying their excuses as to why they will support Hillary over Trump. So it is very conceivable that she could win. But it is the farthest thing from a sure thing that is possible to conjure at this juncture.

Leland said...

Agree with Trooper. The funny thing is how many people think that Hillary is weathering attacks ok. She's hardly been touched. This stuff:
"There has to be an ISIS recruiting video showing the Bengazi attack as a great victory. I bet there are many of them. The GOP needs to start loading them up in ads."
It the run-up to the general election. Right now, everyone on the right can step back and let the progressives poor money into Hillary and old school socialist democrats poor money into Sanders, and then let the money fight each other.

The stupid party is still stupid and will waste money and good will insulting Trump, Cruz, and their supporters. But, they already lost their golden boy Jeb, and Rubio is struggling.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

Latest Iowa numbers from a CBS poll:

No, Cruz has dropped a point.

Rhythm and Balls said...

I hate to disagree with The Good Trooper, but she is not fatally flawed as a candidate.

All the analyses of '08 tend to say she is. Face it, she's got all the Lefty politics of Willie or Pissy without the sociopathy. She'd be Pissy's third term, especially on Moslems, but without that ability to appear as what any given person would want her to be, so she's going to be a victim of events - and events are not going to be on her side. She also can't make a decision (according to several books on '08) so her campaigns tend to be little catfights.

People don't like her and, after Benghazi, those who know about it don't trust her (if they ever did).

And then there's that bathroom break last night.

When your standard-bearer is brain-damaged, you have to expect these things.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wait WAIT!!!!! Guys...guys!

I found the ISIS recruiting video that they are using with Donald Trump

Do turn up the volume

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump would filet her like a flounder. She would sputter and shriek just like Bush when confronted by Trump.

Trump needs to walk a rather fine line. Too tough and it will seem he is beating up on the senile old broad. Just keep stressing her dishonesty, the poor State Department decisions and the results that we are living in now and in subtle ways her lack of "strength, stamina, staying power". In a subtle way, insert about her age and wealth. Do you know that many young people are shocked to know how OLD she really is and how RICH she is.

Stay away from personal comments such as her fat belly, baggy saggy eyes, witch like cackle, fake accents (And why the heck is she wearing the equivalent of tweed MuMu type jackets that come to her knees? Mao is out of style now?) If it appears that the big mean man is unfairly attacking her on a personal level, like it did with Fiorina, then Hillary might get some sympathy votes and it would leave a big opening for the media to pounce.

This is one reason the a Trump/Fiorina ticket would be strong. Let Fiorina make the attacks on Hillary. Woman to Woman.

Leland said...

And then there's that bathroom break last night.

When it comes time to work off her campaign debt, Hillary can become the spokeswomen for Depends.

ricpic said...

Why does it take two years to pick a president? Was it always like this? Who ordained it? The boredom!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I understand why people object to attacks on physical appearance, but why the offense at pointing out her phony cackle? It's atrocious-sounding. Do other women feel sympathy for women who have a phony laugh? Is this just something where women go, "Every woman's got to fake it, somehow?" and go along with it? Yes, the voice is annoying, but it's also the phoniness. When is a woman so dishonest that even other women have had enough, can't take it any more, and are so pissed off that they'll even cheer on a douchey old guy for calling her out, or even pointing out how horrible a person she is?

If that's true about her senate ascension, then the media's even more in the tank for her than I knew. Somebody's buying somebody off and it won't be pretty when the cloak is unveiled. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the lines of political favors between the Clintons and everyone they rely on in the media and government to market them are as complex as one of Glenn Beck's chalkboards.

edutcher said...

Leland said...

When it comes time to work off her campaign debt, Hillary can become the spokeswomen for Depends.

If I were the DNC, Depends would be a good outcome.

Rabel said...

If things aren't going well for Hill next summer, Bill may have to be sacrificed to bring out the sympathy vote. The tile in that bathroom in Chappaqua is still pretty slippery.

Rabel said...

Maybe our esteemed Republican leaders have decided that they don't really want to win the Presidency in 2016. After all, whoever goes into the White House next will inherit enough steaming piles of crap at home and around the world to fill a public toilet in downtown Mumbai.

In the US, as the Fed ends the free money party the economy will likely follow the market down the drain, racial turmoil, domestic Islamic terrorist attacks, the invasion from the South, an insane and vicious opposition party out for revenge. Abroad, with Russia resurgent, the Mideast in flames and ISIS expanding, Iran building the bomb, the Norks building Hydrogen bombs, Europe self-destructing, China leading the world economy into chaos - the next Presidential term will be a disaster for whoever wins in 2016.

They may be right. Give it to Hillary, good and hard.

ricpic said...

Reagan turned around the Carter debacle, with constant Schmendrik squealing from the sidelines. It'll be the same with the Trump cleanup crew after Obama. Never underestimate the recuperative power of 'Murica.

rcocean said...

"Too tough and it will seem he is beating up on the senile old broad."

That's really the whole problem isn't it? You have tons of morons who vote based on who has the better "tone".

What's Hillary going to do when Putin starts calling her some bad words? Cry?

rcocean said...

As for Hillary. It doesn't matter what she says or does. You've got 45% of the country that would vote for Karl Marx, if you could dig him up and run him for President. All that's required is (1) Be liberal enough for the MSM and (2) have (D) after your name.

You know before the election, that 80-90% of blacks and 66-70% of Hispanics, Jews, and other minorities will vote Democrat. The Dems also have the "I don't speak English" and "I've been to Prison" vote.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Reagan turned around the Carter debacle, with constant Schmendrik squealing from the sidelines.

That's funny. I don't remember being around and talking to you in the 1980s.

And you don't need to keep saying things like "Schmendrick." By now, everyone here knows you're not a goy - despite your best efforts to act like one and pretend you are one.

Meade said...

Rabel makes a strong argument. And it creates a clear path to the White House for Paul Reagan in 2020 -- the year of clarity, perception, and vision.

Meade said...

Reagan = Ryan. Heheh -- darn autocorrect.

Meade said...

"Sure Meade let's equate Trump's hyperbole with an outright lie by Hillary."

Why not, A.J.? In terms of demagoguery, the two are almost exactly equal.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why not, A.J.? In terms of demagoguery, the two are almost exactly equal.

I'll actually second that. Anyone who disagrees should be happy to point out for me in 2020 exactly what reasons have held up the Trump Administration's progress on a 1,500 mile wall that Mexico would pay for.

AllenS said...

Very good video find, DBQ!

Leland said...

Well, I guess if you enjoy demagoguery, then there shouldn't be any surprise at the excitement of Obama's nomination acceptance speech. Many others were not quite as impressed.

Methadras said...

Rabel, it almost seems that way doesn't it. Think about it. They have the house, they have the senate, but if they had the presidency it would mean what for them? Oh, something like actually performing and they don't want to do that. A republican or conservative president would start holding them to task on the principals of the ideology of their political leanings and that would require actually performing in that fashion. So if they had an opposition president, their jobs appear to be easy or easier. Look at it now. Going along to get along without nary a grain of resistance. Hands dealt and baked cakes and all.