Saturday, December 19, 2015

What's the easiest way to ruin your life in one move?

Reddit top voted answers...
Taking a semester off to go work in San Antonio for cable auditing company that promised $1500 per week in commissions.
Duck driving shit drunk.
Relying on other people for happiness, as soon as you give people that power, you will forever be chasing happiness and you will never fufill it.
Get a tattoo of a swastika on your forehead.
"I do".
There were other top voted answers in this Reddit thread I left out. Let's just say it's really easy to ruin your life. And now I'm wondering maybe I shouldn't have posted this. How do I turn this post around...


AllenS said...

"Hold my beer, and watch this."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A trip to the hospital usually follows.

ricpic said...

Nobody ruins his life. The life people end up leading is the life they wanted to lead. Including the "ruined" life.

Aridog said...

What Allen S said.

That never ends well :-))

William said...

Taking up bungee jumping too late in life. I know a guy who went bungee jumping in his late fifties. It screwed up his spinal alignment or something. He's been troubled with chronic back pain ever since.

bagoh20 said...

I call them "fuck it" moments. When you hear yourself say "fuck it, I don't care", it's usually an admission that what you are about to do is a bad idea and you know it, but you're gonna do it anyway. I don't do those anymore, or maybe I just stopped saying that first.

edutcher said...

Being afraid.

Methadras said...

Say "I do"

G Joubert said...

Having sex with the wrong person.

Aridog said...

I still have to go with AllenS's remark...."hold my beer, watch this" never ends up well.

Especially if in one of those bagoh20's "f*ck it", what were you thinking...obviously you weren't'....and I confess to this day that I've done it way to often, damn it. Some of us never get weary of knots on our heads...thus the name "knot-head." Hey, at least I admit it....and I like bagoh20's idea of just not saying it first, or admitting it all :-))

Aridog said...

Combine Methadras remark about "I do" and G Joubert's comments about "the wrong person" and you've got it!

Never the less, I admit I've been very fortunate in that category, or just lucky. I still do not dislike, let alone hate, any of the 6 or so women I've ever said "I love you" to...just can't. They're all great women...we just agreed to disagree along the way.