Friday, October 18, 2013


edutcher said...

It shows the Democrat Party is just another crime syndicate as corrupt at the Communists in the USSR.

They stay where they are through bribery blackmail, intimidation, and vote fraud.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's tragic what they're doing to the words paradox and hypocrisy.

chickelit said...

Low enrollment in Obamacare has so far been blamed on glitches in the system. Another reason is quite possibly that potential enrollees fear the secondary consequences of signing up: for immigrants, increased scrutiny of immigration status; for many poor, increased IRS scrutiny.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Think about how insane the modern democrat party and the corrupt pop-cult pro-democrat media complex is.

Aridog said...

El Pollo Raylon .... you are much closer to a real truth than you might imagine. I live in a "sea" of immigrants from two parts of the world. (Middle East and Latin America, primarily Mexico) I assure you that a good many of them are cautious about both ICE and the IRS. "The poor" as I have now come to "define" them in accordance with the PPACA have considerable to conceal in order to maintain their eligibility for other subsidy issues, such as SNAP, "Obamaphones," other supplemental assistance like Section 8 housing (significant issue in an urban area where "cheap" rent for a flat is $1000+), and yes, SSI for "disability". The latter is a corrupt system, over utilized by many who never really contributed much to it, that does not encourage enrollees to get better if they fact it punishes them for it.

I know one man, definitely disabled buy a gunshot, who has found he can do certain work, whihc is good for his physical well being and self respect, and does it for customers...but he gave up a $800 per week gig we arranged for him due to fear of a Form 1099...and having to pay back years of SSI payments. Whether his fear is founded in fact is immaterial, it IS the belief on the street...and it is at least partially true for a certain time period if he should earn too much. Negative incentive...BF Skinner would have loved it.

Hell, try to figure out going back to work once you've applied for regular Social Security. It really does seem to me that our government has designed a system that retains one in a category even when they could rise above it. Such as: You are poor and we will insure you stay that way.

The was the real issue Phx and I debated regarding Chip Ahoy's post about the stimulus impact of providing or withdrawing stimulus. IN designing our system it appears we have skipped the adage of "first, do no harm."

Aridog said...

DAmnit, in my usual verbose comment I forgot to say the main point I wanted to make:

Ben Stein is correct, it is a paradox, but I am convinced it was designed to be that way. Designed to control those it can in order to control the new arrivals as soon as possible. The entire "purpose" is pure control.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Obamacare Disaster

"The Affordable Care Act was passed in a dubious manner. The 60-vote level in the Senate was obtained by the subornation of Arlen Specter in that tainted window between his rejection by his own party and his defeat by the Pennsylvania voters, and by Al Franken’s questionable win in the Senate election in Minnesota, where partisan, county-by-county recounts overturned the people’s choice. Also, most egregiously, Republican senator Ted Stevens of Alaska had been narrowly defeated in 2008 after being convicted of taking a bribe — a conviction that was subsequently thrown out because of the prosecutor’s completely improper suppression of exculpatory evidence. (At least this was not a partisan act, as this was one of the more flamboyant initiatives of the George W. Bush Justice Department.)

The Affordable Care Act, then, owes its existence to political treachery, electoral hijinks, and extreme prosecutorial misconduct, and it ill behooves the Democrats and their incessant hallelujah chorus among both the hacks and the incurably gullible in the media to incant with woeful faces and in mournful inflection any misuse of due legislative process. The fact that the chief justice had to transform himself into an acrobat and claim that Obamacare was constitutional, under the federal government’s right to tax, does not excuse everybody else from seeing this ill-conceived monstrosity of a law for what it is and what its provenance is."


chickelit said...

Aridog wrote {ACA is] Designed to control those it can in order to control the new arrivals as soon as possible.

Don't the new arrivals face a stark choice between a pre-existing and still non compliant island of cohort and the sea of greater public? I can imagine it's a belong or sell out choice for many--family against state.

ACA should be reaching out to legal immigrants as much as possible to isolate the non compliant. Again, it's a "you get more of what you subsidize" phenomenon.

Aridog said...

El Pollo Raylan ... there is a reason that along with exemption for big business for one year, Obama also essentially exempted everyone from real means testing in that first year. Get them to the trough, and you've got them. After that all manner of deceptions will be utilized to keep what is in the trough, even if it is substandard, and still earn more tax free....perpetuating a defective system, as Ben Stein implied.

Please, for those "liberals" among us who've likely only read a Cliff Notes version of John Locke's work, (snark intended) don't come at me with the accusation that I don't care about "the poor." I've proposed an alternative system, with no "penalties," to the PPACA in sufficient detail for consideration, here twice, and elsewhere. Response: **crickets**.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If they pass amnesty, I plan to get a second identity [I assume they will be giving soc sec numbers to anyone who asks]. Then I will start to collect my soc sec checks and pension under my current soc sec number. But I will continue to work under my new soc sec number. It will be Win-Win for me! But I will screw Uncle Sam -afterall he is a no-good gringo anyway.

Aridog said...

AJ Lynch ... you thought of that too, I see.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Aridog: You too? It is what old CPA types do- we try to see where [if] a system has built-in internal controls. People like Obama and our elected officials have typically never been respoinsible for anything so they don't see a need for internal conrols- hence, POS like Big Sis Napolitano had no metrics etc or regular reports or goals even thoough she allegedly managed the borders and the ginormous Homeland Security Department.

test said...

Aridog said...
Designed to control those it can in order to control the new arrivals as soon as possible. The entire "purpose" is pure control.

This is the left's practice in all areas, not just healthcare. They are constantadvocates against freedom amongst the lawful while concurrently advocating leniency for criminals.

Leland said...

If they pass amnesty, I plan to get a second identity

Dammit guys, if you keep this up; they'll figure out the mistake before it is exploited.

deborah said...

AJ and Ari, what about fingerprints? Do you have any on file?

Aridog said...

Deborah .... of course I do, among other things less honorable, a finger print was part of the military identification CAC card.

But there are ways to trick that, too. Last print reader I dealt with didn't have any control over which finger I used, although it presumed it was an index finger.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I might from my misspent yute but don't really remember. Why do you ask Deborah? Do I strike you as a possible escapee from prison or onetime felon? :)

And do you think the govt will folow through on fingerprinting every amnesty beneficiary after the ACLU sues it for being mean and unfair?

deborah said...

lol thx guys.

Aridog said...

Me and AJ gonna have new careers. Thinking about new names....ah, "Carlos Danger"...oh, wait, that's already taken. Not sure what "digit" got printed for that however. :)

Aridog said...

Man, I've been finger printed so often I deserve a photo on the post office wall. Last time was 30 Aug 2013 in fact, for CPL renewal. The process is digital now. I wasn't immediately handcuffed so I assume there are no warrants...

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jeez I just realized I will be able to vote twice too!