Although the scene takes place in British shop, the short story told in four cycles is, not so much a metaphor as allegory for America (cowboy), just like Shakespeare's
The Tempest (brave new world that hath such pebbles in it)
NSFW PG swears / violence. America is a sweary and violent place.
Allegory. I had no idea.
I thought it went from The Tempest to Forbidden Planet to Star Trek.
Anyway, it seems to me that everybody must hear voices in their head so nobody will know I'm crazy if I just keep quiet about it.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it, and the man crouching around the corner as well as plastic chairs that can see for miles and miles.
Snuff box. How about that?
Presently I'm listening to a lecture series on human anatomy.
You hold out your hand and you extend all your fingers and the triangular well between your thumb and wrist is called the anatomical snuff box.
The reason is historical. The name stuck.
See how smart I'm getting?
And now you all are getting smart right along with me, together with this itchy scalp of mine that listens to those cats in the dream I had this morning that made me want to cry because they had no shoes until that crouching man lost his feet.
Quite the coy boy.
Well, that was different. A metaphor for life?
I'm not sure if silver cowboy boots are WMD or orgiastic sex. The point is you've got to keep looking.
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