Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Poll: "Two in Three Uninsured Americans Plan to Buy Insurance"

"Nearly two in three uninsured Americans say they will get insurance by Jan. 1, 2014, rather than pay a fine as mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), while one in four say they will pay the fine. Less than half of the uninsured say they plan on getting health insurance specifically through a federal or state health insurance exchange."
"Gallup asked a nationally representative sample of 5,099 Americans between Sept. 17-26 about their awareness of several pending ACA provisions and their anticipated healthcare choices in the months ahead."

"New Year's resolution is a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year."
Some examples include resolutions to donate to the poor more often, to become more assertive, or to become more environmentally responsible."
Popular goals include resolutions to:
  • Improve physical well-being: eat healthy food, lose weight, exercise more, eat better, drink less alcohol, quit smoking, stop biting nails, get rid of old bad habits
Success rate
A 2007 study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study's participants were confident of success at the beginning."



Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I refuse to believe that any more than a tiny fraction of Americans have any well-informed concept of what the fuck is going on.

And Nancy Pelosi is not included in that tiny fraction.

edutcher said...

Considering all the "glitches", I'm betting no "uninsured Americans" will be buying it anytime soon.

And, given how many visits Gallup had from Solly an' da boys, why am I just a tad skeptical?

bagoh20 said...

Wait until the cost is actually known, and then the realization that they really have no need to pay it. These uninsured people are the least likely to pay for something they don't need. That's predominantly why they are uninsured in the first place.

edutcher said...

PS and OT:

Drudge is calling the fences around the DC memorials "Barrycades".

Watch the panic among the Demos if that catches on.

bagoh20 said...


Does anyone know why a number of my computers (PCs - windows) at work never keep the correct time? Even when set up to update the time via the internet, they go off by hours very soon after updating. I have half-a-dozen that do this.

chickelit said...

Perhaps they're being watched and reset to EST?

chickelit said...

Watch the panic among the Demos if that catches on.

The left is very sensitive about the image of barricades.

chickelit said...

How many Americans also plan to get in shape by Jan. 1, 2014?

YoungHegelian said...


Does anyone know why a number of my computers (PCs - windows) at work never keep the correct time?

Because the time in a Microsoft Windows domain is set against a domain controller, and must be so, or once the time difference between a domain controller & a PC becomes greater than 5 minutes, you can't log into the domain anymore.

Ask your sys admins why the time on their DC is out of whack. It helps to set up an internal time server, and have all the systems sync to it. It's easy to do.

YoungHegelian said...

Back on topic, I was discussing with the missus the other day that the ultimate shake-up from ObamaCare will be that everyone will get themselves insured just like they could before Obamacare, but didn't. But now, there will be the government boot on their butt if they don't get insured, unlike before.

There's was always the carrot. Now, all the slackers will feel the stick.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Call it what you will, but I'll always refer to it as a tax, and lovingly.

rhhardin said...

I've been uninsured forever. Which means self-insured.

Even catastrophic policies have lifetime limits, so you can't insure yourself that way.

Then you realize that it's all a fantasy risk. The worry is that you'll get really really really sick but won't die, which isn't a probable event.

The really really really sick thing is usually ended in dying pretty quickly.

Don't worry about it.

rhhardin said...

Windows time: I think the windows time update also changes the speed of the clock to make it work better, and the clock speed changing doesn't work right in some older hardware (aging? CMOS battery problem?).

I update mine with a home-built shell script instead.

Probe the time every 10 minutes, print out the time error. lessee is there's still some on the screen...

ALARM real 12:39:49 local 12:39:49 error 0 sec
ALARM real 12:49:53 local 12:49:53 error 0 sec
ALARM real 12:59:57 local 12:59:57 error 0 sec
ALARM real 13:10:02 local 13:10:01 error -1 sec
ALARM real 13:20:06 local 13:20:05 error -1 sec
ALARM real 13:30:11 local 13:30:10 error -1 sec
ALARM real 13:40:15 local 13:40:14 error -1 sec
ALARM real 13:50:19 local 13:50:18 error -1 sec
ALARM real 14:00:25 local 14:00:23 error -2 sec

yes, the last from the government site before it shut down is still there.

The script takes the max of the last 10 lines and uses it to alter the time of day, if you tell it to.

Once a month or so is enough, but it keeps probing the time just to log when the internet is alive, if nothing else.

AReasonableMan said...

rhhardin said...
The worry is that you'll get really really really sick but won't die, which isn't a probable event.

You have obviously never had cancer or heart failure, which can drag on for years or even decades. And you are really sick.

chickelit said...

Even catastrophic policies have lifetime limits, so you can't insure yourself that way

I'm not sure what you mean by that. It could mean that you can't outlive your death so why bother.

The idea is to not deliberately burden others with the cost of your exit however that may occur.

Methadras said...

El Pollo Raylan said...

The left is very sensitive about the image of barricades.

They should be. They are very good at putting them up politically and physically.

bagoh20 said...

PC time:

These computers never lose their connection to the local network, and are never turned of so I assume that eliminates both the cause a domain controller and cmos battery. The cmos batter should not matter if the computer stays turned on right?

Methadras said...

El Pollo Raylan said...

The left is very sensitive about the image of barricades.

They should be. They are very good at putting them up politically and physically.

KCFleming said...

"And you are really sick."

But now with Obamacare, we don't ave to let them go on like that for decades.

We can choose hospice over 'prolonging their death.' Just like in Europe.

bagoh20 said...

"cmos batter"

I know that's from using it for porn too much, but the clock?

KCFleming said...
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KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

Under MugabeCare, doctors are ultimately responible if their patients don't do well.

So if you don't take your diabetes drugs and keep gaining weight and your Glucose and Hgb A1C aren't improving, it's the MD who takes a financial hit.

So guess which patients get fired for 'noncompliance'?

Thanks, Mugabe!

bagoh20 said...

You want this government shutdown to end? Start blaming Democrats and it will be over immediately. I think that's starting to happen.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The shutdown forced obama to own Obamacara. I know that sounds strange but Obama has never owned up to his status as president. Obama is saying he rather have a partial shutdown than delay his plan. That is what is happening.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Keep it in mind for when he will try to run from it when it fails.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Run away from it.

bagoh20 said...

"Obamacare"? That was just something the Tea Party started calling it. At one time it was a great program before the Republicans and their allies in the business community screwed it up.

The Dude said...

Comparing Obama to Mugabe is unfair to Mugabe. He, at least, is a leader.

edutcher said...

More OT:

Looks like Choomie blinks first

House and Senate leaders (yes, both parties) called for a budget summit to 1600.

I think it was the WWII vets that did it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yeah sure and 65% of alcoholics are going on the wagon and 50% of smokers will go cold turkey by Haloween.

bagoh20 said...

"I think it was the WWII vets that did it."

Now if some Republican was behind that Memorial barricade, I'd call it "genius", but I'm pretty sure it was just Democrat stupidity and over confidence. They really do believe, with good reason, that they will never be blamed for anything.

Hagar said...

I saw an article that said a large proportion of those who so far have tried to sign up for health insurance were under the impression it was going to be free and immediately lost interest when they found out that was not so.

bagoh20 said...

The order to Barrycade the memorials came from the White House.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

You want to know who the real losers are in this shutdown mess?

The park rangers, that's who.

I just saw in our local where the deer broke into the rangers' station next township over and drank all their brandy and smoked all their fine cigars.

Those dirty, rotten, no-good BASTARDS!!!!!

Birches said...

Yes, I'd like to see how many of these people planning on buying insurance will actually do it when they find out the cost.

Some people have different priorities. My mom gave me a catastrophic policy as my college graduation present. Not sexy. Didn't need it. Priorities.

test said...

edutcher said...
More OT:

Looks like Choomie blinks first

I doubt this. He wants them to sit in camera view while he harangues them. It's the only tactic he knows.

edutcher said...

But he said he wouldn't negotiate.


He should just be there with Dingy Harry and Pelosi Galore, but, after losing the last battle of WWII yesterday and today, I think he's gonna wanna look reasonable (stress the word, look).

virgil xenophon said...


You're probably right about that. Anyone that thinks OWS types (and that's a large per-centage of whom we are talking about when we talk about the "uninsured" "young people") are going to spring for a healthy monthly ins premium in order to do their bit to "contribute to society" by supporting MugabeCare really needs to see me 'cause I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd really like to talk to them about.

bagoh20 said...

Mark my words: The failures of Obamacare will be blamed on the private sector portion of the medical and insurance systems. As our lefties pointed out yesterday, the biggest problem with Obamacare for them is that it's not single payer.

Being on the left means never having to say your sorry, and that every failure of big government is due to it not being big enough.
Even within The Borg they see room for better controls.

deborah said...

Okay, for the people who decide to wing it, what kind of care will they get in case of cancer? If it is not very good, the shit will hit the fan.

Michael Haz said...

This information comes from a friend who has applied for ObamaCare. Single female, 54 years old, good health, no pre-existing conditions:

In-network out-of-pocket annual limit: single $8,500. Family $25,000.

Annual deductible: Single $7,500. Family $22,500.

Obama lied. Her health insurance costs will not go down. She likes her current plan, but cannot keep it. She may not be able to keep her current physician.

What a fucking mess. And Congress has exempted itself and selected friends from it. But not you or me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bagoh-- your words have been marked.

Birches said...

@ Michael Haz

How much per month for coverage?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Are you a member of the tea party?
Do you pay taxes? If you are not an official member of the tea party, do you simply agree with the tea party?

If so... The Democrat party hates you.

bagoh20 said...

They hate me like a golden goose with severe Turrets and flatulence.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

More good news. Person paying his own way in life is now on Obamacare welfare.
