"Republicans have plenty of reasons to dislike Obamacare already, but they haven’t focused on one that could affect them in 2014 and beyond: anyone signing up for insurance under the Affordable Care Act will also have a chance to register to vote."
"By more than a 2 to 1 ratio, uninsured Americans supported Barack Obama over Republican Mitt Romney in a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll last summer (62 to 27 percent). Obama led by a smaller eight-point margin among those who have health insurance. African Americans and Hispanics make up roughly half of the nation’s uninsured, a factor that explains much of the political divide."
“We are less concerned with the voter registration element of the enrollment application, and more concerned about defunding the law or at least getting a delay in the individual mandate,” wrote Dean Clancey, director of policy for the conservative group FreedomWorks, in an e-mail. ”Regardless of what’s on the enrollment application, the greater point is that enrollment in ObamaCare should be voluntary. Give Americans a choice.”
WP The Fix , Mother Jones
Not if they can't access the site they won't.
Couple UrkelCare with Amnesty and you will have a democrat voting bloc that will become unbeatable. Republicans can still maintain a hold on the house for a while, but I can assure you that won't last. And with republicans wanting to commit national suicide at the altar of socio-medical political correctness, they will jump on Amnesty thinking they will become the PR beneficiaries of it and they will be wrong and fail. Again. And we will be fucked for good. You will most likely not see a republican controlled senate or a republican president again for a long long time.
I would expect that this smooth running system would register voters as well as it does everything else its fine-tuned programming hums through, so it will probably register everyone as Whigs, sex offenders, or set you up a match.com account.
I just found out today that many prominent conservative journalists like Krauthammer and York among others have had a private/secret meeting with Obama and the administration. I'll see what more I can find out.
Wasn't exactly a secret.
I do like Krauthammer's reasoning.
This assumes people want it.
I believe it was someone here who noted a lot of potential Death Panel applicants were bailing when they found out the "free health care" wasn't free.
Methadras said...
Couple UrkelCare with Amnesty and you will have a democrat voting bloc that will become unbeatable.
That's what Rosevelt and Harry Hopkins thought.
Then people had to live with all that wonderful government help.
Between the EBT meltdown, ChoomCare, and the shutdown, I think people are finding out a) most of them can live nicely without the Feds or b) the Feds are in the process of writing the Peter Principle large and may not always be up and running, and what those consequences may be.
I'll say it again, the Demos may come to regret stealing the "election" last year.
"Bureaucracies in the Obama Administration have thus far published approximately 11,588,500 words of final Obamacare regulations, while there are only 381,517 words in the Obamacare law itself.
That means unelected federal officials have now written 30 words of regulations for each word in the law."
I just found out today that many prominent conservative journalists like Krauthammer and York among others have had a private/secret meeting with Obama and the administration. I'll see what more I can find out.
That was a few days ago I think. It was reported in the news but off the record meeting.
Honestly, I didn't know. I was out of an information loop for a bit.
Lem said...
"Bureaucracies in the Obama Administration have thus far published approximately 11,588,500 words of final Obamacare regulations, while there are only 381,517 words in the Obamacare law itself.
That means unelected federal officials have now written 30 words of regulations for each word in the law."
This isn't legislation. This is tyranny. This is crushing on every level and these unregulated regulations should not be allowed to be on the books. This is basically another tier of law that no one knows about and yet has to comply with. Madness.
Hey, more madness.
Does it give democrats back rubs too? and does it kick repubs, tea partiers, constitutionalists, libertarians, common sense individuals, tax payers, hard workers, independents and moderate non-neo-fascists in the nuts?
I bet it does.
Meth - the collective asshole left in CO have lost their collective minds.
Indoctrination starts early in the government run schools.
And now they have the audacity to ask for more of our money.
AprilApple said...
Meth - the collective asshole left in CO have lost their collective minds.
Indoctrination starts early in the government run schools.
And now they have the audacity to ask for more of our money.
And yet, it appears that the leftists in CO have infiltrated positions of power, yet again, to the detriment of the state and it's people. This is how they work, this is how they operate and take over. Do the people of CO have the balls to fight back? I know the pacified cowards in CA don't.
By the way, a buddy of mine did a little digging and he found this on Urkelcare:
On October 1, the various "Health Care Exchanges" for Obamacare went live. In case you haven't heard, it was a disaster. Even "The Daily Show" trashed the roll-out.
So, what happened?
The symptoms pretty much boil down to very, very slow web sites, which appear to have failed catastrophically under a heavy load. The exact details of the failure(s) are hard to figure out, because the contractors who were in charge of the software refuse to say things like, what hardware it runs on, or whether they are using a major-name database infrastructure (like maybe Oracle or SAP).
So anyway, I did a little checking into the question of exactly who designed and coded the Obamacare web site, applications, and associated database. According to Ars Technica (and other sources), the contractors responsible for the web site were "CGI Federal" and "Quality Software Systems, Inc.":
Getting information on these people was like pulling teeth. Here's what I found:
CGI is an outsourcing company. They claim to be located in Canada, but this is false.
They are really located in India.
Head Office
1350 René-Lévesque Boulevard West, 15th floor
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1T4 Canada
Tel: +1 514-841-3200
Head Office
Electronics City Phase 1, Electronic City Post, Tower 2
No.: 95/1 and 95/2
Bangalore Karnātaka 560100
Tel: +91 80 6642 2222
Fax: +91 80 6642 1200
Quality Software Systems is one of those company names which seems to have been designed to make it impossible to figure out which of the 3 Billion Google hits is the company you are looking for. I am pretty sure that it is these guys. Note that they have done Insurance and Medicare work in the past:
So, here is something interesting. If you click on the "Careers" tab, it takes you to this url:
Silkroad.com??? This is a serious WTF moment, in that Silk Road was a notorious web site that sells drugs online, which was busted and shut down a few weeks ago. I can only assume that this is a different organization, which just happens to have the same name.
Silkroad.com claims that its corporate headquarters is in Chicago, but they have offices more-or-less everywhere. Their customer list is also interesting:
Note that QSSI is not on the list.
So, what do we have here? The Obama administration outsourced the computer system design for their biggest program to a bunch of companies nobody has ever heard of before. In fact, these "companies" appear to be fronts for somebody else.
Simple incompetence is the easiest explanation for this (do you really want these people in charge of your medical care???), but I suspect that actual corruption is also at work. After all, if they had contracted the Obamacare computer system to some cloud-based American company, there would be very limited opportunities for kickbacks. On the other hand, a foreign company would have all sorts of possibilities to give "consulting arrangements" to your relatives, or to pay for a "fact finding trip" at some luxurious tropical resort.
No proof of this, but the night is young.
For those of you who are interested in technical questions about why the system failed, there appear to be two issues:
First, instead of writing a cloud-based front-end application which could have been ramped up as needed (for example on the first day of operations), they went with a server-based architecture.
Second, they took a whole pile of existing servers and duct-taped them together using something like Python scripts. This was almost certainly motivated by the desire to save money.
What seems to be going on is that the system has a number of front-end web servers which interact with the user. When a user wants to, say, create a personal account, the front-end server sends a transaction request to the identity database server. If the user wants to request a quote, then the front-end server sends a quote request transaction to one of the quote servers (depending on which state you are in, etc.). If any of these servers gets overloaded, the whole system will grind to a halt.
Given that many of these servers are located in other government agencies (like the VA) or in private corporation (such as insurance companies or hospitals), it is pretty clear that a setup like this will have trouble running smoothly, on a good day. Oh yeah, did I mention that this "system" appears to use at least one copy of every operating system known?
Yeah, but you gots to love their tag line:
"CGI - Experience the Commitment"
Wait! So, not only do poor people pay less taxes, but they get to vote!? Who allowed this travesty?!
Reminds me of this.
"Could" is a nice choice of modal verb in the headline.
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