“It’s just going to list one of us as groom and one of us as bride, and we’re just going to wing it,” Marcye Nicholson-McFadden said breathlessly.
“Everyone was helping us and congratulating us,” Ms. Walpin said. She and Ms. Shapiro were two of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit that resulted in the judge’s ruling in favor of same-sex marriage last month. “It makes us just like everyone else — they were excited like they would be for anyone who’s getting married.”
“We had a personal shopper,” Ms. Shapiro added, still marveling. “They wouldn’t have had a personal shopper for just a civil union!”
“I think all four of us have spent most of our wedding day just tracking down a judge that would do it,” said Amy Quinn, 37, a lawyer who was planning to marry her partner of 10 years, Heather Jensen, 43, alongside a pair of gay friends, on the Asbury Park Boardwalk. “I’m so happy to get married in my own state, in my own town.”
“Now we have to wait,” Mr. Lesniak said. “But it’s only a short wait, considering we’ve waited for years.”
Then he counted down from 10, until midnight. The crowd cheered, and the brides kissed.
NY Times, Complimentary Video after "read more"
New Jersey should have passed this through the legislature and not through the courts.
It was just this past weekend that my sister-in-law asked me if I supported same-sex marriage. I said that I have nothing against it, but I wouldn't donate so much as a quarter to see it happen, so no, I don't "support" it.
And then I added that I see nothing wrong with a mother marrying her son, or a father marrying his son, or two brothers marrying each other, for that matter.
She recoiled in disgust at the thought, even though she's very much in favor of same-sex marriage.
I thought she was smarter than that.
Anyway, the good news is that, for the first time, the thought occurred to me that maybe I wouldn't mind banging her.
So that's encouraging, but in all fairness it was at that precise moment that the alcohol took effect.
The God botherers and those wishing to irritate the majority will now have to move on to a new crusade in order to feel superior to the "bigots."
Interesting what Ev said.
Notice how many states where it's done by the judicial fiat of the appellate courts and not the people.
And, of course, Christie is now all for it.
Evi L. Bloggerlady said...
New Jersey should have passed this through the legislature and not through the courts.
The courts are now the new legislative bodies. Besides, I'm getting the distinct feeling that no one cares anymore.
Shouting Thomas said...
The God botherers and those wishing to irritate the majority will now have to move on to a new crusade in order to feel superior to the "bigots.
Yeah, I'm not sure what the 'new outrage' of the day will be that the left will glom onto and let us know that it is a crime against humanity if we don't support it.
The next outrage is that religious institutions that will not perform same sex marriages.
They will demand that all religions preform same sex marriages or they will impose some penalty like the end of their tax exemption.
It is already happening in Britain.
The key words are "I am not getting what I want so I am going to sue."
I'm curious to know what would happen if a church refused to marry an inter-racial couple but not curious enough to bother to look it up.
It is also happening in New Jersey where the court ruled that a church had to rent out it's premises for a same sex marriage.
The court recognized that the church doctrine opposed same sex marriage but they didn't care.
It is coming to your church soon.
Trooper York said...
The next outrage is that religious institutions that will not perform same sex marriages.
They will demand that all religions preform same sex marriages or they will impose some penalty like the end of their tax exemption.
Yeah, I pretty much called that one a couple of years back. It's coming... Oh wait.
Anybody wanna see my big fat gay wedding we had over the weekend?
Check it out
Hey Palladian, If your out there, check out my post above. You got a visual shout out near the end.
Oh and for you Rhino fans Governor Christie just dropped the appeal which is just one of the many social and fiscal conservative stands that he will drop in service of his ambition.
He is not even worthy of Rhino status. He should just become a Republican.
It is fine if he believes in same sex marriage, abortion and tax and spend policies to bankrupt us. He should run on those believes forthrightly not hide them.
Please don't pretend to be a conservative and please don't pretend to be a Republican. Seriously.
Oh and by the way all you libtard concern trolls stop trying to sell him to us as our best chance. We ain't buying.
Christie will never ever be the republican primary winner for the presidency.
He will never win where the republican base resides...the south.
Nice job on the party, Bagoh.
What a nice thing to do - all that work preparing your home and it looks great!
Nice hot tub too.
I hope your guests enjoyed the cat fur thongs.
Face it, you are the party of Old Fat White Men with health conditions...and the South (except Florida, the most populated "southern state".
Not exactly a winning coalition.
Mississippi and Alabama love you though!
But Good Luck!
Well, titus - you're of the party of pissed away taxes, waste, corruption, economic ineptitude, and fraud. Very popular right now with the hip in-states. go team go!
It's true Titus. Soon all the old white men with health conditions will die and the protected classes will fight like crabs in a bucket.
It will be Detroit.
Titus, I guess that means you're just a couple tubs of Ben and Jerry's away from being what you apparently hate. You will just keep getting older and whiter and fatter, and since it's all you really care about, it really must suck to be you.
I am absolutely proud and highly satisfied with myself over my choice long ago to not be a liberal any longer. You really have no reason to be proud of your race, your intelligence, or your sexual preference, or even the opportunities you've had and capitalized on, because those things are all beyond your control. Conversely, to watch everything we predicted come true, and see the absolute rot, and incompetence, and abject stupidity of the left, and to know I'm not part of it because I actively chose to walk away from what I saw. Now that is supremely rewarding, and I'm proud of it. Old fat white guys like you, who don't get that, have the saddest story of all, but I can't help but laugh at you anyway.
Mark Steyn points out that the future belongs to those who show up, Titus.
I have four little Pantslets marching toward tomorrow carrying my genes and my values--what about you, friend?
Thanks April.
Titus...I find it amusing that you choose to cite two bastions of historic civil liberty, virtual paragons of rights in their heyday, and fail to note that the 3rd is a penultimate home to old white folks.
I disliked the first two back in the bad days of the 50's & 60's, but really like them now, they've come a lot farther in civility than any Boston or Detroit precinct ever will. The 3rd one is a fetid drained swamp I'd not bother to visit south of Jacksonville and the excellent Sawgrass Marriott.
Of course, that'd be in competition to Obama's cabinet of old white folks.
The faux liberal community likes to portray themselves as young, hip, and tack sharp...when the truth is they're frayed remnants from the 60's and every bit as old and knot-headed as any old white redneck.
Bagoh20...hell of a shin dig you threw in a great setting. Amazing how the bonds of friendship overcomes pettiness and it's great to read a report, and see photos, of how one such event played out.
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