Thursday, August 8, 2013

Margot Quan Knight

Is basically a photographer that has become disillusioned about the idea that photographs can describe a version of truth.

Until she was hit by a car and started graduate school along with other things converging, her encountering Berenice Abbot and other readings, a strobe-light dance and the thought of her mother getting older, before those things happened and caused a break Margot was doing things like this one of her defying time.

But now her art has taken a different direction, one that is all about reflective surfaces and the tricks that she plays does not work well with photography, you have to move across it and see yourself in there or look into infinity of reflections, so Margot Quan Night has provided a video herself to show her new art, and it looks like this:

Jen Graves writing for thestranger provides an In/Visible audio interview with Margot Quan Knight posted here.  


deborah said...

That's neat, Chip. It makes me think of the reflective quality of the Vietnam Memorial.

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

Now she's not disillusioned? Because now I think I am.

In my admittedly limited exposure, it appears to me that it's rare for an artist who obviously works hard at their craft to also get appreciated. I see it as something similar to "acting white", where the artist isn't respected if they try too hard, or do something that obviously takes substantial concentration and effort.

There seems to be a bias that art that requires great effort is work rather than talent. I disagree emphatically.

I understand the attraction to that with music where I'm most envious of the artists that seem to do it well naturally and without effort, because I imagine how great that would be.

So what is really more worthy of admiration and wonder, the rare natural talent or the hard earned quality brought through long hours and concentrated effort.

I have more, but I don't feel like being a dick today. Hey, maybe that's my natural talent - being a dick. If so, then even at that I'm an amateur compared to some really talented dicks out there.

deborah said...

"So what is really more worthy of admiration and wonder, the rare natural talent or the hard earned quality brought through long hours and concentrated effort."

Two sides of the same coin.

rhhardin said...

Dog photography secrets.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

That video reminds me of the stuff I used to do way back in the days when I was lonely and smoked dope and thought I might someday grow up to be an artist and achieve some sense of purpose but now I'm a half-assed lawyer who is deeply lonely and who drinks too much and who knows where the time goes?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...


Look at the time!

There's a rerun of Cheers on the TV!

Gotta go!!!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I tagged along with some friends when I overheard them discussing going to eat, at about half past noon.

They were going to a new buffet off of route 17 across from Lowes Home Improvement.

I tried to keep up with them, I shouldn't have. Luckily I believe I have a good constitution. Because when I came home, about an hour later, I went immediately.

Took a nap and as I awake I feel in good shape compared to when I arrived earlier in the day.

I think I understand her art work, but maybe that is not what I'm supposed to do. Or maybe what I'm supposed to do has nothing to do with it. Any which way is cool.

bagoh20 said...
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