Saturday, August 24, 2013

Guy freaks on Merkel's plane

Clutching a bag of pot and ecstasy, dancing on the wing, sprayed foam inside, in his underpants, released emergency slide.

And somebody quipped, "It's a merkel nobody was hurt."

But I was thinking, "Damn. They have giant planes for running around too?" I always imagined they were more modest and more reasonable, less ostentatious than us. But no. Apparently not.


rhhardin said...

It's a converted Luftwaffe plane.

Max encounters unknown 99 on a sidewalk


00:13:11 MAX: Here.
00:13:13 99: Oh, great. MAX: Sorry.

00:13:15 99: That was my last mile. I have no idea how fast it was.

00:13:17 MAX: You were moving. It's not easy to knock me down.

00:13:20 MAX: I have a low center of gravity. Pretty solid.

00:13:22 99: I'm just gonna call that one a 4:50.

00:13:25 MAX: Impressive. I once ran a 5:16.

00:13:29 99: Oh, really? That's, uh, slower.

00:13:32 MAX: Not everything's a competition.

00:13:34 99: Well, if it were, I'd win.

00:13:36 MAX: Ah. Are you flirting with me?

00:13:39 99: Not at all. Are you flirting with me?

00:13:41 MAX: That depends. Is it working?

00:13:44 99: Not at all. [jogs away]

00:13:46 MAX: Well, nice meeting you! I admire your focus!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"He then blagged his way past security claiming he was going to a wedding reception in the officers' quarters..."

7 UD entries... unfamiliar until now.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

They're still less ostentatious and tacky than our current administration.

One of the biggest annoyances about the Obamas is their shameless elbow rubbing with celebrity lowlifes. Did you guys see that their BFF Jay-Z was running around in a t-shirt depicting Jesus having sex with Satan? I don't find it offensive, per se, just pathetic. The president of the USA acts like a twelve year old trying too hard to be cool by hanging out with the juvy kids. I guess it's too much to ask that the American people elect someone with some notion of dignity.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

No German airplane is complete without a siren for dive bombing.

Phil 314 said...

blag (blæɡ)

— n 1.a robbery, esp with violence

— vb , blags , blagging , blagged obtain by wheedling or cadging: she blagged free tickets from her mate snatch (wages, someone's handbag, etc); steal rob (esp a bank or post office)

Learn something new every day

edutcher said...

Angie may be re-thinking that 3rd gender thing now.

Indulging lunacy can be dicey.