Sunday, August 25, 2013

Commenter Material

In Case you missed it.

Where Were You? by The Crack Emcee


The Dude said...

What a catchy melody.

chickelit said...

Crack has a familiar sounding voice.

Cody Jarrett said...

Sorta sounds like a younger Eminem.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Crack has a familiar sounding voice.

Pollo is raising awareness.

Phil 314 said...

Wasn't listing "Conspiracy Theories" a bit of an irony?


edutcher said...

Oh, no, TMR has gone multimedia.

KCFleming said...

Damn good, Crack!

virgil xenophon said...

My Man Crack!!!

Chip Ahoy said...

)))) )) kuh BLAM (( ((((

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Crack has more tracks at his blog.

Chip Ahoy said...

My favorite part was "herbs and spice" and I was all, "I use that!"


Anonymous said...

Are y'all going to be nicer to Crack now?

Aridog said...

"Crack" is many things to many people. One of them is he is harshly real, real with a capital R. Not always easy to take or accept, but worth a listen none-the-less. Without the "Cracks" of this world, real folk, the rest is just an echo. It has nothing to do with color. But sometimes it does.

He made a post once that caused me to reflect on what I'd lost as
Detroit was re-segregated ... only now beginning to re-assimilate in the 30+ crowd that I am a bit, only a bit, in touch with via my daughter and here friends.

What I'd lost the black families around me lost as well, their very essence. When I wrote to Crack about it he understood what I was saying (he had broached the topic after all), but had no cure...and I expected none.

Inga...there is a time not to be clueless...this is one of them. Said as nicely as I can.

Anonymous said...

Aridog, I'm trying to clue folks like you in. Please don't address me, not after what you did. Get a clue yourself.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks Aridog.

Aridog said...

Inga...I have a clue. Do you want me to continue? I was referring to your remark about "Crack" and nothing else. Do you think I've been disrespectful of "The Crack MC?" If so, cite, link and expand the topic. Do you think I dislike him, don't care about him, perhaps? Come on, spill it?

Note: I don't take orders from you on who to address or not. ESAD.

yashu said...

Said as nicely as I can.

Aridog, I admire your restraint.

My advice is to just ignore further provocation. There's no point engaging with this kind of thing (here and in other threads). It's not worth it.

yashu said...

Awesome, Crack!

Meade said...

I wish someone could explain to me what's so good about this. Frankly, I was disappointed by this effort of the great Crack Emcee. Maybe I've had my expectations unfairly raised.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Better than PDiddy.

Aridog said...

Surprise, surprise.

XRay said...

"Maybe I've had my expectations unfairly raised."

'Falsely' raised might be more appropriate.

ndspinelli said...

Crack, Don't you love criticism of your music from your lawn boy?

ndspinelli said...

And, it looks like you got you a new, white, old widow groupie.

Icepick said...

Crack has a familiar sounding voice.

Your ... voice ... it's so familiar.

Cody Jarrett said...

Lord. I wind up agreeing with Pegme Mommy.

Yes. This is one of Crack's weakest efforts. In fact, out of the couple of dozen of his songs I've heard over the years (approximately) I'd say this is the weakest.

Personally, of course.

But I do kinda wish Lem had better taste or had taken a couple seconds more to pick one of the really good ones. It's pretty easy to do--any of the rest would've worked.

I think one of the best features of Crack's stuff is the biting cleverness of his lyrics. That can't be shown in a recitation of all the new age stuff he's against.

Aridog said...

Evil BloggerLady has a good post up about Crack and his music, including a link to Crack's Youtube channel.

When all y'all, especially Mr Drive-by birdie, put your creative stuff out there (as a couple of others +/- do here) for critique, as Crack does, then you/we've got something wothwhile to say. is what it is. No gun to anyone's head to demand appreciation.

It's like modern jazz to me, a lot I like, and quite a bit I'm "meh." My entire wad of CD's installed in my truck are modern jazz, it is my "road music" ... but I do have a couple in their midst that are different, "Bat Out of Hell," ( I have thing "thing" for Karla de Vito) and "Adiemus."

Like all performance artists, within their repertoire will be things you/we like and others not so much. For me, think Lady Gaga...holy shit, almost nothing she's done appeals to me, but there are exceptions buried within her scores. I'll credit her for taking Madonna shtick and making it theater of the absurd. Some one must like it. It sells.

Cody Jarrett said...

Evil BloggerLady has a good post up about Crack and his music, including a link to Crack's Youtube channel.

Which we'd all know if Lem bothered to put her name on the blog roll like he's been promising to to.

The Dude said...

Weasels can't type with their tiny ESL paws.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I hadn't known that Meade and The Crack Emcee were at odds.

Did Crack take Meade's order for some discs or something and fail to deliver?

Cody Jarrett said...

Crackers has been fairly vocal about the pathetic nature of someone making 180K begging for amazon business.

Among other things.

Taking pennies out of Pegme Mommy's mouth makes him cranky.
Gotta keep that meal ticket rollin'!

Cody Jarrett said...

Crackers has been fairly vocal about the pathetic nature of someone making 180K begging for amazon business.

Among other things.

Taking pennies out of Pegme Mommy's mouth makes him cranky.
Gotta keep that meal ticket rollin'!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Ah, thank you.

When William Shatner sold his kidney stone for $25,000, he took the money and set up a charitable foundation.

He was also embarrassed by the unseemliness of it all, quipping among other things, "If you subjected it to extreme heat, it might turn out to be a diamond."

Who would have thought that William Shatner would turn out to be less of an egomaniac than whatserface?

The Crack Emcee said...

Mitchell the Bat,

I hadn't known that Meade and The Crack Emcee were at odds.

Did Crack take Meade's order for some discs or something and fail to deliver?

Nope - Ann & Meade heard that song years ago and I've got an email around here, somewhere, with them praising it - so go figure.

The resequenced album is now up at TMR. It still didn't come out as I liked, but then, nothing seems to, so we'll - all - just have to settle for what we get.

Special note to Sixty - Thanks, Big Guy:

You sound just like Elvis and The Beatles trying to discover what inspired them,...

Methadras said...

In the performance arena he's certainly braver than I am. Props to crack for putting that out. I give him respect because we don't always see eye to eye, but at least we can have a discussion in our disagreements.

deborah said...

First, I like Crack's shit. At his new Youtube site, I listened to the first few of the top post. It has it's own sort of non-typical rap groove...not that I know from rap all that much.

Now who/what is Pegme Mommy? What is the origin?

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

"Ann & Meade heard that song years ago and I've got an email around here, somewhere, with them praising it "

You have our permission to copy and paste that email - the one in which we praised that song - right here in these comments, Crack. Otherwise, admit that your memory was mistaken or that you're lying, whatever the truth is.

I'm unsuprised that, so far, no one seems able to explain (or even interested in trying to explain) just what is so "awesome" about that song. I suspect, instead, we're just seeing a lot of awesome posing and patronizing.

deborah said...

I agree with the Cubs fan that it would have been nice if Lem found a better song, but I think Lem wanted to tie in Crack's anti-junk science stance.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hey, Meade,

I haven't found it yet, but I did find this from Ann, so far:

Ann Althouse
Subject: Re: ballpark figure for blog transfer?
Date: June 10, 2011 8:48:55 PM MDT
To: The Crack Emcee

I really like having experts, including Palladian, taking care of things for me. It makes me realize how vulnerable I have felt all this time... always worrying that things would screw up or the blog would disappear and I'd be on my own trying to get it fixed. Being spared the distraction is worth a lot.

Palladian was really great at understanding what I wanted and reinforcing my belief in my own preferences, then moving everything up to a higher level of taste and elegance.

Revealing, no?

Meade said...

Revealing of what, Crack? That you publish personal private emails without the permission of the other party? Yes, I'd say it reveals something about you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Meade - another classic - proving how "crazy" I am:

Subject: [♆ The Macho Response ♆] New comment on Can We Stop The Wisconsin Comparisons Now?.
Date: February 27, 2011 10:42:04 AM MST

Want to see cultism? Come along with me to the Wisconsin Capitol.

They're even having yoga sessions and drinking "energized" water.

But I'm the nut job!

The Crack Emcee said...


Revealing of what, Crack? That you publish personal private emails without the permission of the other party? Yes, I'd say it reveals something about you.

Hey - I'll stop digging when you do,...

Meade said...

Crazy? Did I say I think you're "crazy", Crack? I don't think I did because I don't.

I think you're manipulative and malicious.

Meade said...

And by all means - keep digging: find that specific personal email I gave you permission to publish - the one in which we supposedly praised your video that Lem linked to. The one with the awesomeness I fail to see.

The Crack Emcee said...


And by all means - keep digging: find that specific personal email I gave you permission to publish - the one in which we supposedly praised your video that Lem linked to. The one with the awesomeness I fail to see.

You're bullshitting already - I didn't say you praised the video but the song.

Or are you claiming to have gotten it and said nothing in reply? You wrote back and said it sucked?

Hardly anybody here trusts a word you say,...

Meade said...

Is that the "macho response"?

Song... song/video... whatever. Go ahead and publish the email in which we praised it.

Or admit it never happened.

Cody Jarrett said...

deborah said...

I agree with the Cubs fan that it would have been nice if Lem found a better song, but I think Lem wanted to tie in Crack's anti-junk science stance.

Wait...did you did.


Nope, not a Cubby fan. Not from the midwest. Did live in WI a few years, but escaped.

Cody Jarrett said...

Out of curiosity, what does he win when he finds it and posts it?

Will you be good enough to commit seppaku for us, and post the video?

(Or, you know, have someone post the video).

Meade said...

"Out of curiosity, what does he win when he finds it and posts it? "


Cody Jarrett said...

He's already got that--and I'm fairly sure he's not going to get any of it splashed on himself from you.

Too bad. I was hoping there was a cool prize.

deborah said...

unscientific poll

Cody Jarrett said...

Heh. Deborah, you're way too cool to be real.


(love the poll choices)

deborah said...

Thanks, Cubbie :)

Cody Jarrett said...

Someone in the Cubbie front office used to be in the front office of the team I grew up supporting, but honestly--baseball isn't what it used to be.

ndspinelli said...

Crack, Don't let Whining Larry bullshit you. When you are a party to the email, and you did not receive the email under false pretenses, it is YOUR EMAIL. You can publish it on a blog w/o the other parties consent. In many states, including Wi., only one party needs consent to taping a telephone call.

chickelit said...

In many states, including Wi., only one party needs consent to taping a telephone call.

That doesn't sound right, Nick.

The Dude said...

It is right, E. P. - I have done that myself and had it stand up in court.

Also, my lawyer always taped all his phone calls. A necessary precaution in that line of work.

Just ask Saul Goodman.

Aridog said...

The Crack Emcee refered to...

...trying to discover what inspired them,...

The never to be forgotten Bo Diddly, born Ellas Bates, writing as Ellas McDaniel, and performing as Bo Diddly. Larger than life to this guy when he was a 14 year old focused on jazz, but had his head turned to new Bo Diddly. May he rest in peace forever. I bought the first record he ever got published in 1956 or so and have never seen him as less than an R&B God among rockers, influencing virtually every famous group anyone has ever heard of anywhere. You cannot listen to his music and not move...if you do not move you are just dead and don't know it yet.

I was a weird kid, happy to listen to Ahmad Jamal, then change over to Bo Diddly seamlessly. It was the 50's, everything was blooming new ... a great time to be alive and young.

deborah said...

Strange. I thought the expectation of privacy angle would reign supreme.

The Dude said...

I know, right? Then NSA - bam!

deborah said...

PS, Cody, by way of full disclosure, the third choice in my poll is an almost verbatim phrase Althouse used, at least once, back in the day.

chickelit said...

Remind me to never ever speak to Nick on the phone.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Out of curiosity, what does he win when he finds it and posts it? "


Great - now somebody ask him what he loses. Here's my email with Ann's reply:

This is one thing from a project I was going to do under the stupid name of "Dick Dangerous & The Luggnutts". It's a working track I stopped fiddling with, because the basic idea is there enough to finish it in the studio - but it's not mastered or anything - and still needs to have a second chorus added ("The Beastie Boys were there", etc.) and that last verse re-worked (everything that comes after the Downward Dog reference). I think it'll give you an idea where one of my next projects is going and how I might sound with accompaniment.

Hey - I figured, if it works for Dylan, it might work for me! Hope you like it:

Ann Althouse

Excellent. I enjoyed that. Meade liked it too. It got him dancing.

ndspinelli said...

Chick, Most states require only one party notification[permission]. I think ~15 or so states require two party notification.

ndspinelli said...

Crack, The mofo has no credibility or integrity to lose, that's why he shoots from the hip.

The Crack Emcee said...

Aridog ,

I was a weird kid, happy to listen to Ahmad Jamal,...

I met him just a few years ago - he was one of my father's best friends.

Small world,...

Trooper York said...

That was very interesting.

Also document you dealings with grifters.

Otherwise you will end up like Fred Wilpon.

Trooper York said...

I think it is quite foolish for someone who never created or wrote music to criticize someone who is an expert in the genre. The Crack Emcee is a master in the art of rap/funk fusion. It would be just the same stupidity if some third rate blogging hack criticized the work of a best selling master of the art of the novel like Elmore Leonard. You just have to laugh at the degree of pompous self delusion that would lead someone into such pure idiocy.

Trooper York said...

After all we need to give the colored people their due. When they are good at something they often the very best at it. Music. Tap dancing. Basketball. Collecting welfare. There is no comparison.

It is just the same if you tried to compete with Lem's people in killing cockroaches in the corners with their pointy Latin shoes. Bow to the masters and move on.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'm not sure Lem's people are the variety that wear the pointy shoes, are they?

Cody Jarrett said...

deborah said...

PS, Cody, by way of full disclosure, the third choice in my poll is an almost verbatim phrase Althouse used, at least once, back in the day.

Well what the heck???

You didn't have to tell me that.

That's like looking up and saying "jesus, aren't you done yet?"

Total mood destroyer.

Aridog said...

... if some third rate blogging hack criticized the work of a best selling master of the art of the novel like Elmore Leonard

Ah, you noticed that, too.

Cody Jarrett said...

And Crackers...Dick Dangerous?

Is Weiner a fan of yours?

The Crack Emcee said...

Trooper York,

After all we need to give the colored people their due. When they are good at something they often the very best at it. Music. Tap dancing. Basketball. Collecting welfare. There is no comparison.


Trooper York said...

Lem's people the Dominicans stole everything from the Puerto Ricans who had already done in in the 1950's.

They are your basic copycato's as they say in Spanish.

The Crack Emcee said...

Cody Jarrett,

And Crackers...Dick Dangerous?

Is Weiner a fan of yours?

When I heard "Carlos Danger" I, too, was glad the DD concept was abandoned. You kinda had to have been there. Prom suits, ruffled shirts, it was a thing.

ndspinelli said...

We called them PFC's. Puerto Rican fence climbers. Being a baseball players I played w/ and became friends w/ quite a few PR's. They're good people.

Here's a good attorney story. I was working a case involving a Puerto Rican who lived in an apartment and raped a 10 year old girl. The young, female attorney asked me to check the immigration status of the Puerto Rican. I looked @ her and said, I could make some calls, BUT HE'S AN AMERICAN CITZEN. I don't suffer fools easily.

ndspinelli said...

I didn't know Lem was a Dominican. I like a Dominican rum, Brugal, when I have an infrequent mojito.

Meade said...

I dance to all kinds of crap. Dancing is in my blood.

But good memory there, Crack. You were right and I was wrong - we praised your song in an email.

Still not sure why though. I guess I must have liked it better when it was still in its developmental stage.

The Dude said...

Dominican rummy. Sounds about right.

ndspinelli said...

The one thing about grifters, even apologies are backhanded.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, My old man spent a lot of time during WW2 in Cuba. He LOVED the rum, and always told me American rum is horseshit.

Meade said...

We'll take your word for that, Nick. And who would know better than you?

ndspinelli said...

The "adult" version of, "I know you are but what am I."

Meade said...

If you say so, Nick "Always The Adult" Spinelli.

The Dude said...

Meade, really?

Go back to polluting your "wife" and quit polluting this thread.

Don't you have some shrubbery or hobbit feet that need trimming?

Your alcoholism has damaged your brain. Your "wife" is becoming more enfeebled with each box she consumes. You are a pair of "loosers", to use your "spelling" of the word.

Now get back to dreaming rotisserie dreams of Ann and Inga - you know you want it.

The Crack Emcee said...

I guess I must have liked it better when it was still in its developmental stage.

It isn't different. It's the same song, with no changes what so ever.

You're just trying to be a dick - and succeeding.

Cody Jarrett said...

Everyone's gotta have a talent.

Rocky said he boxed cuz he couldn't sing or dance.

Cody Jarrett said...

When I heard "Carlos Danger" I, too, was glad the DD concept was abandoned. You kinda had to have been there. Prom suits, ruffled shirts, it was a thing.

are there any pictures?

ndspinelli said...

Larry is a natural born dick.

Cody Jarrett said...

I agree with the Cubs fan that it would have been nice if Lem found a better song, but I think Lem wanted to tie in Crack's anti-junk science stance.

either that or he's just overmatched.

The Crack Emcee said...

Cody Jarrett,

are there any pictures?

No - everyone else was too embarrassed!

This was the beginning of my NewAge period, when NewAge artists thought I had gone nuts (some still do, some have come around). They didn't get that I'm an atheist. Not "spiritual" in the least. They thought I was one of them (and, listening to some of my work, it's understandable) but - same as with the Democrat/Republican divide - I'd never known there was a "them" necessarily, much less pertaining to MY friends.

Then again, I watched William F. Buckley and they didn't, so,...

deborah said...

"either that or he's just overmatched."


The Dude said...

It's a good thing Crackie has a day job. You do have a day job, right?