Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Why Six Seconds?

"GE recently held a contest via the Vine app asking how much science can you fit into six seconds?"
On August 15th, GE launched the world's first #6SecondScience Fair, a week-long celebration of science on Vine. By the time the week ended, over 600 projects had been submitted.

How Much Science Can You Fit Into 6 Seconds? - GE

Crack Emcee fan qmqz commented...
Unfortunately, some of the townspeople here seem to have no concept of the wonders of science. Some of them even claim my little inventions are magical! Such poppycock! There is no such thing as magic!
Via It's Okay To Be Smart


chickelit said...

Some are quite clever. My favorite was early on -- the one where the wire coil spins around the the battery. I *knew* that was possible in theory but never saw it so simply demonstrated.

I worry about attention span though.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

(1) Science is science but it's still business. I have a friend who does subcellular research; something to do with the mitochondrion. He gets into regular pissing matches with his boss over skewing things with an eye towards getting more grant money. It's fair to say my friend loves his work but absolutely hates his job. He lives his professional life in the no-man's-land between quitting and getting fired. Unfortunately, it bleeds over and affects his personal life deleteriously.

(2) I'm a lawyer and there have been a few times when some older lawyer would pass on some words of wisdom in the form of a lament: "This used to be a profession but now it's only a business."

I never laughed because that would have been impolite.

(3) All that having been said, I very much wish I'd done better in school and gone into the hard sciences, because living your life like an episode of The Big Bang Theory would be like totally awesome!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

An explanation of magic and science?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Attention span is down to 6 seconds?

edutcher said...

Less than that.

Actually, it's the explanation that takes so long.

Icepick said...

And I guess I'm the only one that wants to say, "Yo, bitch! Magnets!"

Icepick said...

Also, I see some guys have confirmed the Russian discovery of Element 115 recently. SCIENCE!

chickelit said...

You mean eka-bismuth, icepick? Mendelev could have predicted that one.

chickelit said...

They still haven't found the legendary "Island of Stability"

Icepick said...

They still haven't found the legendary "Island of Stability"

I saw that in the article. Is there any reason to believe such a "place" exists? I thought it was fairly accepted belief that once you got a little past Uranium that the nuclei were just too damned big to be stable. I guess it wasn't/isn't. Is the math too hard to calculate an answer?

chickelit said...

I'm making a new post, icepick