How many people showed up for the march on Washington Commemoration deal, do you know?
"If I had to guess, anywhere from 25k to 50k. For media inquiries... 150k.
-- Austin Thomas SEIUweaselzippers
Okay, thanks. Wow that's a lot. More than I thought, Jeeze, that's like, what, a billion, innit.
NSA should have the better aprox. Love-int.
I liked the comment at the link: The answer is 42!
Pay no attention to this gathering, it means absolutely nothing and nothing will come of it. Go your merry way as conservatives. There is nothing you folks should be aware of, just listen to Ted Cruz, you'll be fine.
Score Update: Red Sox 3, Dodgers 1.
Amusingly - the media don't need to be told a lie in order to lie on behalf of one certain party.
They do it all the time for free.
What a mess. And that poor lady left there in here wheelchair.
Progressives are so self-absorbed.
It's really sad to see how they have trashed MLKs fine words.
Seems "Content of character" doesn't mean much to some people.
My bad. That's a shot not of the big party, but of 2008 Obama Inauguration.
So it's still true the progressives do not know how to clean up after themselves. But that's universal.
It's just the "truth" X 5!
Sounds like another Lefty who thinks math is multiple choice.
PS To answer the She Devil of the SS, who do you trust, SEIU or Ted Cruz?
LOL Inga you're so cute when you deliberately steer 12039812 miles around the point.
I was looking up the word commemoration when I came upon this chart.
Maybe somebody can tell a story behind the chart.
Its not homework or anything like that.
I'm just curious.
Watching hours of MSNBC and Chris Matthews can place people in an "I hate ________ republican" trance.
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