Sunday, August 25, 2013

cartouche t-shirt

I hate this t-shirt to pieces, and I wanted to love it. It is so wrong I cannot stand it. I started to enumerate the problems I have with it and it turns out to be too much to talk about. 

Just look at the Tut ligature that usually would read as "twat" but the configuration so famous because it resembles a % sign. The t artistically and logically moved into the spaces created by the diagonal chick is a unique ligature that sticks out among others, but not here because it leaves out one of the two essential "t", like an improperly formed % sign.

The king Cheops cartouche, whose non-Greek name is spelled inside a cartouche "Kufu" is improperly spelled out "Rufu" by substituting Aa1 for N5, the same mistake early transcribers made. Changing an "x" phonetic value to the honorific "Re." 

On the same line his son Chephren is missing the D36 human forearm symbol, phonetic value "eh." 

These people were very careless with the hieroglyphics on this shirt, admittedly there is variation in the way the names are written and much confusion with overwriting in antiquity, and such, but still, these are glaring mistakes and omissions, the people had no interest in accuracy at all, as if nobody was going to check. 


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

There's a little Sheldon Cooper in us all.

Chip Ahoy said...

What would you think if your chemistry t-shirt said water is HO2? Your math t-shirt says pi is 3.151? Your American History t-shirt says Democrats freed the slaves? Your automobile enthusiast t-shirt says Chevrolet Mustang? Your recipe t-shirt says chocolate chip cookies take 1 cup salt? Huh? Then what? You wouldn't wear your shirt, that's what.

The Dude said...

Che was a great humanitarian. Many shirts have his face on them.

edutcher said...

They should have gotten Eve Carnahan.

ndspinelli said...

It actually says, "I'm w/ Stupid."

ricpic said...

What would you think if your hieroglyphics t-shirt said blah blah blah?

Walk like an Egyptian and you can fake the rest.

deborah said...

mwahahaha...giggle giggle...teeheeheehee...guffaw...spit rushed to the ER.

This is why I ADORE Chip Ahoy.

Come on, doll, walk like an Egyptian with me with me.

deborah said...

My one sister doesn't like her husband to wear t-shirts with logos. Except for Indians games, I guess.

ndspinelli said...

Deborah, I make it a point to not wear clothing w/ logo's or ad's, except for baseball hats.

AllenS said...

I just ordered a polo shirt with a logo through Lem's Amazon thing.

YoungHegelian said...

I've seen a local car with the bumper sticker "Isis! Isis! Ra! Ra! Ra!" which I rather like.

One would think that if someone's going to bother with drawing a bunch of cartouches on a T-Shirt that it would be done right, but, no.

Damn Chinese lack of quality control!

deborah said...

Nick, just to vent, I dislike the Indian logo. Find if depressing and tacky. I want to get one of the new caps with the 'C' on it.

Fr Martin Fox said...


You continually amaze and impress me.

ndspinelli said...

Deborah, The 2 Indian logo's that I see as offensive are the Redskins and Chief Wahoo of the Indians. I think the new caps are giving folks like us an option. The Blackhawk logo is noble and regal in my view.

ndspinelli said...

AllenS, Wearing Polo! The only man in your county I bet.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'd like to get one of the new caps with the "C" on it myself.

C for Cody, of course.

Not the filthy, filthy Cleveland Indeeans.

Cody Jarrett said...

I like the Blackhawk logo myself.

Not nearly as well done as a spoked B, but still a good logo.

On the whole, I find I prefer hockey logos to other sports. It was true when I was young, then I moved into a fairly long stretch of not caring, now I'm mildly interested again.

Cody Jarrett said...

I think my favorite sports logo/jersey might be the Philly Flyers. I like orange.

I used to like the Broncos, back when they had the old school colors and logo. Now they changed colors, changed logo style and added the bitter lesbian quarterback's illegitimate brother, plus the dwarf that used to be Tommy Brady's BFF.

They suck now.

deborah said...

The Redskin logo with the chief in profile? Why?

The old wahoo and the new aren't much diffent, each with a shit-eating grin.

deborah said...

I'm sorry, Cody, I didn't catch what team you support?

deborah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cody Jarrett said...

The one that doesn't suck, Deb!

ndspinelli said...

Deborah, The name "Redskins" is to me the offensive part, not so much the logo. However, the Redskins owner is adamant he'll never change it.

ndspinelli said...

Cody is a bandwagoner.

Cody Jarrett said...

No, Spinelli, I'm not a bandwagoner. I've been a fan of my teams forever. I just don't feel like mentioning them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where ever this shirt resides, I hope you marched down there with your concerns.

Maybe more people understand the Ancient Egyptian language - but I don't. We're depending on you, Chip.

Sadly, your concerns about H2O and pi and re-written American History are already coming true. The American education system and the hollywood propaganda machine already indoctrinate tender young minds that Hillary Clinton and Jane Fonda freed the salves.

The Dude said...

The team formerly known as the Baltimore Bullets decided they wanted to get rid of the violent implications of the team name so they switched to being called just The Bullets.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I just ordered a polo shirt with a logo through Lem's Amazon thing.

AllenS is my hero.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

...Of course that was after they killed all the dinosaurs in the final battle in top of mount Everest...

The rule of Lemnity said...

BTW, thanks to the people that have been using it.

You know who you are.

Aridog said...

ndspinelli said...

AllenS, Wearing Polo! The only man in your county I bet.

Bah. "Pollo" was just a copy-cat of the original "Alligator" ...aka La Coste, shirts of our yout. Nobody calls tee shirts with collars "Alligator shirts" anymore, now they are all "Polo's."

When someone, maybe it was "Polo's" Ralphie, added pockets, it solved the dilemma of where to put the Copenhagen tin for us cowboy types wit boney asses.

Why yes, I do still have one pair of very worn jeans left with the snuff tin's wear imprint on the right hip pocket.

Cody Jarrett said...

You still dip, Ari?

I quit years ago. Grew a little white patch and got scairt.

Started again a couple of times, always quit again within a month or so, just felt like quitting, just like I felt like doing it.

deborah said...

"I just don't feel like mentioning them."

You in one of your Moods again?

deborah said...

Got it, Nick.

Cody Jarrett said...

Nah Deb, I'm not in a mood. Why?

Certain people that hide around here use personal information as weapons.


But really. Not a bandwagon fan.

Aridog said...

Cody Jarrett said...

You still dip, Ari?

Nope. Not recently anyway. I started the dipping habit when around horse barns where smoking was verboten if you had any brains. Smoking kind of gets in the way of many other equine activities as well, in the saddle or afoot. Away from the barns and hay stacks I was a regular cigarette smoker, many packs a day, Camel's or Winston's, for over 50 years.

Then they discovered an unusual form of cancer in my right lung. That was the end of my smoking or tobacco use, period.

I was just too lucky...not metastasized, thin walled, bleeding regularly, and very slow was discovered when growth sped up and a 2nd biopsy proved it was cancer. Very lucky was I, no spreading, ray-gun high intensity radiation blasts (4 focused doses in 8 days), and it seems to have subsided to a mere shred of its former size...and it not growing again to date. I'm checked up on every 120 days this year.

I still want to smoke, and I am sorely tempted to dip again...but I won't. Not my lungs at risk, but cancer is cancer, and I am now known prone.

Besides, I no longer participate in events, trials, and shows where I could get Copenhagen tins by the dozen for free ... an 8 day trial could supply me for some time, heh heh. Loved them Copenhagen/Skoal folks.

I always wondered about those Marlboro Man commercials...I would love to see a cowboy ride hard, throw a rope, dally if necessary, and tie off, etc...same thing for three day eventing cross country as you navigate solid fences and obstacles, not arena jumps. Both hands are busy, how you gonna smoke, eh?

Cody Jarrett said...

Yeah, the Cope folks (is that US Tobacco, I forget now) sure are nice.

One of them followed me out to my car once from a grocery store. I tried to buy a tin of Cope and it was out--except for some that had a date on it I didn't want to try. He hadn't brought in the fresh stuff yet. So to apologize he gave me a roll.

That cancer thing isn't good.

When I was younger--the first time I quit--there was a kid who used to hang out with us, he was several years younger than us, maybe 5 or so. Because of us he started dipping. I guess because of his tender age or something, a few months of Kodiak gave him a nasty lesion his dentist pronounced as pre-cancerous.

deborah said...


Comin' in loud and clear.

Cody Jarrett said...

Comin' in loud and clear.

Wicked awesome!

And hey--at least the Indians finally have a good manager. I'm a big fan of Mr. Francona.

Mitch H. said...

This is a world with chuckleheads walking around sporting wildly inappropriate kanji and hanzi tattoos, and weaboos wear "looking for a Japanese girlfriend" t-shirts in public. Looking for textual accuracy in obscure dead languages in your slogan t-shirts is an exercise in futility.