Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Police Lives Matter

Officer Brian Moore died today. He had been shot in the face when he stopped Demetrius Blackwell who obviously had a gun in his pants. Officer Moore was a plainclothes anti-crime cop just 25 years old.

There will be no protest because of the murder of Brian Moore. No professor or pundit will go on MSNBC or CNN and rant and rave about how unfair it was. How Officer Moore was a young man with his whole life ahead of him. How he played it straight and by all the rules. How he came every day to protect and serve a community that hated him. By a skell who should have been incarcerated but who they would want to go free because there are just "too many minorities in jail." It doesn't matter that Blackwell was a career violent criminal. He is exactly the type of person that they want to go free.

If Officer Moore had tazed this mook they would have started a riot. God forbid he had shot him while he was pulling out his gun. They would have demanded that he shoot the gun out of his hand. They would have asked why did he even stop and frisk him. They would have shut down the Brooklyn Bridge for weeks. Officer Moore probably hesitated for that split second because he didn't want to be the next cop thrown under the bus by the racialists.

You will not see one tenth of the blog posts or comments decrying the murder of Officer Brian Moore. There will be no protests. No press conference by President Obama expressing outrage at his murder. No demands that the Justice Department get invovled. No demonstrations. No outrage at all. They save that all for the skells and career criminals like Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and Freddie Grey. I expect Demetrius Blackwell to be the commencement speaker at Oberlin college next year.

Because these people think that this is how it should be. Another cop shot dead. Big deal. If they don't like it they should go do something else.

Police lives matter. Just not to them.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I find myself wondering how things ever got to this sad state of affairs, how long things have been like this, and whether I'll live long enough to ever see things change for the better.

Trooper York said...

Thanks Lem.

edutcher said...

Nicely done, sir.

And right on the money.

Amartel said...

Well said. The people who believe that police lives matter are at work (the real Working Class) and as such are not available to gather and block traffic, shout threats and inapposite slogans, and destroy property ostensibly "in his memory" but really in time for footage to make it onto the 5 o'clock news and be "interpreted" on the 6 o'clock news. (Nor would it occur to them to believe that any of that would be an appropriate tribute.)

We'll remember, though.

Methadras said...

Interesting how there is zero outrage. Not one blurb on any site or network other than Fox about this. It's disgusting the levels this country's culture has sunk to. All because we don't have the balls to tell hold people accountable for the wrongs that they do and use them as an example. It's all kid gloves.

chickelit said...

Thanks Troop.

And I think you're right that other blogs will try to sweep this away. They'd all rather try to redefine manliness - even when it's staring them in the face.

Trooper York said...

Who is Demetrius Blackwell?

On July 2, 2000 he robbed Andre Willingham of his wallet at gunpoint. When the victim started to follow him in his car he shot up the car and was arrested and convicted of armed robbery and attempted murder. He spent a mere eight years incarcerated and was back on the street.

In May 2013, Blackwell tried to rip the badge off a cop and injured an officer while being arrested.

In November 2014, he allegedly threw bricks at the windows of a house and a parked car while waving a gun.

He was involved in numerous encounters that didn’t end with his arrest, including getting shot in the hand and stabbed in the groin.

But that is not who he really is.

He is the skell that murdered Officer Brian Moore.

He is the guy they are talking about when they say too many young black men are incarcerated. He is the guy that they say should not be stopped and frisked. He is the guy who is the victim of racial profiling when the police stop him because he is adjusting a weapon in his pants. He is the guy they want to drink with an open container, smoke weed and urinate in the street.

He is Freddie Grey with a gun instead of a knife. He is Michael Brown who got the gun away from the cop. He is Trayvon Martin who picked on someone who didn’t have a gun to defend himself.

He is the guy who will get fancy lawyers like Professor Turley to defend him and his commenters to post comments and theories that will support him and help him beat the rap. He is the guy that the President and the Attorney General and New York Times will lionize and tell us that we have to understand the circumstances that forced him to pull that trigger. He is the progressive poster child that they strive to protect and cosset as they do everything in their power to delegitimize the police and what they do to protect the ordinary law abiding citizen.

Officer Brian Moore?

Not even an afterthought. The new Attorney General is rushing as one of her first acts to comfort the family of Freddie Grey. The family of Officer Brian Moore will not even get the back of her hand.

Officer Brian Moore will soon be laying in the cold cruel ground.

The President and the Attorney General might as well just spit on his grave.

Shouting Thomas said...

I join you in mourning for Officer Brian Moore.

poppa india said...

Amen, Trooper.

AllenS said...

Good investigative work, Troop.

edutcher said...

Don't know Troop's email, so somebody please pass this link along to him.

He may well have seen it, but I think he'll like the way people are responding.

Trooper York said...

Thanks Ed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


William said...

I grew up in a housing project. I knew some kids who claimed that the cops gave them a hard time. Perhaps they did, but those kids gave every vulnerable person in their orbit a much harder time. And those kids were St Francis compared to Freddie Gray.......It amazes me how much support and love is extended to lowlifes by the community when they're killed by cops instead of a rival gang member.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Excellent post, Troop.

Sadly, this sad story won't make the news because it doesn't fit the narrative that divides our nation on racial lines. but we all know that.