Some have expressed concerns about how reactive I am towards communists who took over the legal profession and used their position to subvert the justice system into a two tiered system where results are solely based on race. I mean it's as if some two bit whore from up north is living in my head rent free.
Dude, why do you get so worked up about the destruction of our nation? What does it matter that the brilliance of the Founding Fathers is now being destroyed by Affirmative Action bints who attend Alcoholics Anonymous? It will all be fine. Who cares it they want to murder the unborn - that's just them being honest about how little they value life. Millions of unassimilable illegals streaming in - diversity is our strength, just not in her lily white gated community.
So I talked to a trusted advisor and mentioned that it makes me angry when Marxist millionaires who haven't even done an honest day's work or drawn a sober breath in decades are currently blathering away about trannies, faggots and gigolos, and that's just her immediate family.
Trusted advisor said "I totally get it - that cunt is an insane commie whore! Your anger is righteous!"
He then pointed out some comments on a website:
After years of cutting and pasting from liberal “blogs” like NYT and WaPo,
Vanity Fair etc., without comment (with agreement?) and pretty much nothing
else this penchant for periodic halfway middle of the road effluvia gets tiresome.
She lost me after she waved the rainbow flag after, like the US embassy
in Kabul, after Obergefell. I got taken in by the “cruel neutrality” schitck.
The now completely irrelevant A** A******. The comments on her blog were the
only good thing about her blog.
I always caught a whiff of genocide in the air at A******'s blog.
This see you next Tuesday has the gall to split hairs on murdering the innocent.
Do the letters F and O mean anything to you Ms. A******?
A** A******: “I support abortion rights...
That's disappointing.
BeMoreBader Entirely consistent with her illogicality on most issues.
"I support abortion rights..."
You support the murder of innocents. There is no evil you can't be talked into
If A******, or anyone else for that matter, wants to support a woman murdering
her unborn baby in barbaric fashion before it's even had a chance to breathe
because letting it live would be
inconvenient for the woman, well, go ahead, just don't try to pretend you're
supporting something
other than that.
I mean, I support hanging violent criminals who pose a danger to society
and am not afraid to
make it clear that I realize the criminal is D-E-D dead afterwards. Can
supporters of Mothers-Killing-Their-Babies be as honest?
A lot of women out there were utterly failed by their parents.
Except that they were still given a chance to live and breathe air.
FrancisChalk •
Just another piece that demonstrates how little of value she really has to say.
Saying “I support abortion rights" is entirely similar to saying
"I support slavery". They're both based on dehumanizing people and
denying them basic human rights.
brainy435 D W And both deeply-held Democrat Party ideals.
She is OK with killing babies as long as it's not done with a coat hangar
in a back alley. What about the rights of the baby?
Does anybody pay attention to that dingbat A****** anymore? I guess
Professor R******** does.
"I support abortion rights"
Anyone here shocked A**'s OK with killing babies? Anyone?
No? Didn't think so.
I imagine A******* is pro-abortion in theory, that is, she hasn't
funded any
abortions herself and won't, but wants the public to bear the
cost of her whims.
That's pretty much painless virtue
signaling to the crowd currently and tenuously in power.
I assume she is quite morally flexible
should those power arrangements change.
A****** supports murdering babies.
But she holds herself above the baby killers who want to celebrate
baby killing.
Which is nice.
She’s the very image of a nice white lady.
It’s a grim matter of death and destruction
Yet A****** supports the "right" to inflict death and destruction on an
innocent unborn child.
Cowards support abortion, and evil scum.
Which are you A**?
A** A****** - she supports abortion and she's got a sodomite son who
'married' another guy which she also supported. A mental midget
if ever there was one.
And G**** links to her regularly which speaks volumes to his intellectual prowess.
And so on for hundreds of comments. I guess I am not alone in my loathing for that
murderous piece of shit and I, for one, am pleased to see that others do not worship
her rapidly decaying remains and pickled intellect.
So when you contemplate the hell that is now Afghanistan and the hell that will soon
be visited upon us here, remember, that stupid broad could not bring herself
to vote for Trump.
And I post this because the low IQ minion she brought to prominence on her
site cannot stop commenting here.
“ Who cares it they want to murder the unborn”
Would that she and your parents had been more committed to such barbarity.
He's like a moth to a flame.
Count your blessings.
amper, I'm thinking of the Carol Burnett spoof of the curtain dress of Scarlett O'Hara. That's a lot of fucking fabric to cover that beast.
He's like a moth to a flame.
Maybe the denseness in the house on days when declarations like "The main satisfaction you get from gas is visual..." are being made, is too much to endure and this place actually seems like a breath of fresh air.
ND I was going for "It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good."
In keeping with the scene, the queen and the post's theme, "Following an Old Fart" 'twould be more fittin'.
Well, just remember we left of our own accord rather than waiting to be thrown out.
Well said my friend.
Thank you, and while I try to delete the cocksucker's comments as soon as they pop up here, he keeps trying to get in on the action. Hey douchebag, how about you go trim your mistress' bush?
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