Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Thanks Big Guy!

This is what gas looks like in Manhattan last week. It has already gone up from there.

We drove a couple of miles to go to Costco to get cheaper gas. I don't know if it cost more in gas to go there but it was thirty cents cheaper so it was worth it I guess.

Now the supply chain is broken. That's what you get when you rely on China for some much of your products. When I go shopping I look at everything to see if it is made in China and then I don't buy it. When you actually look it is amazing how almost everything comes from there. 

We had to buy a new flag. I fly a giant flag every day but when you look on line a majority of the American flags you can find come from China! Can you believe that shit.

I tried to convince the wife to get a "Fuck Joe Biden" flag instead but she wouldn't go for it.

It's sick out there and getting sicker.

1 comment:

MamaM said...

The supply chain is broken for reasons that include and extend beyond reliance on China. The gas increase rests solely on Biden. And those who saw to it he was improperly inserted into a position of power.