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picture above okay'd by Salon editor Joan Walsh for 2012 Sarah Palin article |
Excerpt from today's NYT:
"But Mr. Clinton’s most pointed remarks may have been when he took aim at Sanders supporters who, he said, use misogynistic language in attacking Mrs. Clinton. He told the story of a female “progressive” blogger who defended Mrs. Clinton online through a pseudonym because, he said, the vitriol from Mr. Sanders’s backers was so unrelenting.
“She and other people who have gone online to defend Hillary, to explain why they supported her, have been subject to vicious trolling and attacks that are literally too profane often, not to mention sexist, to repeat.” Mr. Clinton, growing more demonstrative, added that the liberal journalist Joan Walsh had faced what he called “unbelievable personal attacks” for writing positively about Mrs. Clinton [my emphasis].
...The appearance by Mr. Clinton, absent the entourage and crowds that usually surround the former president, was striking and somewhat poignant, and it felt far apart from the frenzied final campaigning happening around the state on Sunday. The junior high school’s small gym was not full, and only a handful of reporters showed up, at a time when campaign events are being flooded with dozens of national and international journalists."
Hillary supporters think they have it bad? Try supporting any other candidate, other than Trump, on our side.
Trump supporters eat people alive.
Bill looks sicker than Hill but my money's on him outliving her. Or should I say outlasting?
The only hope for the Clintons is Millenials' jaw-dropping ignorance.
I am perplexed by anyone who would support either of these candidates.
It's all good fun contemplating the Clintons' comeuppance until you realize that they have been rejected by the Dems because they are insufficiently left.
Then all your sympathy and good will for young perplexed millenial ladies evaporates immediately.
Who do you think would give the Republican nominee more trouble in the general?
My first impulse is to say Sanders would because Clinton suppresses voter turnout just by existing.
This Dem race is interesting. Hillary! and the DNC have probably already put together enough "super delegates" to give her the win. What they will do if Sanders wins it, or just comes close to winning it? If that happens where Hillary! is nominated, you'll hear Sanders supporters screaming bloody murder.
Can't wait.
"This is a fantasy" "my wife and I need to keep our power or we are dead broke. Come on people do you know what this means? Bernie is a fantasy."
Lem @3:28.
"...more trouble in the general?"
I would say Rodham for only one reason: The Dems are dead without strong so-called minority support. They need 90% of the black vote and I'm guessing at least 70% of the hispanic vote, more likely 75%. Bernie is essentially a white created and supported candidate. Forbidden for leftists to talk about but that doesn't make it any the less so. With Bernie the academics and their students are dreaming of Sweden. Well, Sweden pre-muslim invasion. How they'll get to their homogenized milk socialist paradise is beyond me, but they think they can get there with Bernie. Which is why Bernie will drop like a stone in South Carolina. The gap between Bernie Birkenstockers and blacks and hispanics is just too great to be papered over.
Why did the dems let this happen? Is Hillary, a corrupt sociopath, really the best the you can do?
John Kasich needs to be on the democrat side. He would make a much better candidate than either C/C. (corruption/Commie/combo)
All we need to close the Clinton chapter is Bill the first husband doing a viagra pitch during the Super Bowl.
Ricpic, if you listen to a clip of the speech, he sounds like weak, sick old man. Wouldn't be surprised if he has a chronic STD.
AllenS - exactly. A Bernie nom will infuriate ClintonHoes and a Hillary nom will enrage BernieBros. They're already fighting amongst themselves and unlike Repubs, it's very very personal and emotional and there are so many delicate feelings involved. Obvs, I'll be cheesed off and anxious about a Trump nom but I won't sit out the vote if it happens.
If anyone thinks that when the Repubs complain about a fishy vote count are just complainers, just wait until the Berniebots find out that they just got screwed on the vote count. Holy Hell will erupt. Berniebots already have watched the Iowa count just went down.
Joan Walsh is a big girl and I think she can take whatever internet flak comes her way. When she is selling clicks and notoriety in order to get guest appearances on MSNBC then an internet fight is good for her business. .
"He told the story of a female “progressive” blogger who defended Mrs. Clinton online through a pseudonym because, he said, the vitriol from Mr. Sanders’s backers was so unrelenting."
Been mentioned before how quick the leftist is to grab the censorship tool- in this case the leftist is censoring her own name. If someone has a solid reasoned defense of Hillary they should be able to throw it out there loud and proud. So why would some jerks comments cause her to go underground? I think that it undermines her seriousness as a progressive blogger that she could be intimidated by nasty comments. If they were stalking or breaking the law then call the cops, buy a gun, grow a pair. But maybe I just don't allow a troll that much power over me.
How about the Lemmings? Has anyone ever been so mean and nasty to you on line that you had to run away? Did you just ignore them or spit in their eye?
Bring ole Bill out to stump for Hillary is not a very good idea. Bill looks old, frail, sick and rather befuddled. The Bill Clinton of yesteryear is not the Bill of today and all it does is to remind people how much time has passed and how very VERY old these two people are.
Old and past their sell by date. Tissue thin old person skin. Skin and bones with some sort of illness lurking in the background. Pale and feeble looking. Then there is Hillary trying to disguise the sagging and the wrinkles, with her body looking more and more bottom heavy like a giant overgrown weebel wobble. She also looks ill, tired, cross eyed and often is befuddled as well. Although she disguises it by yelling like a demented fish wife.
It is like the ghosts of the radical 60's have aged beyond belief and just will not go away and die. Their time is past. Please just fade away gracefully!!!
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