Sunday, June 30, 2024

Just had to...

God, I'm having fun these days.

There are all kinds of reports out and about, but I'm sure this takes somebody's cake. The Ubersturmbannfuhrerin has set up a soft coup to become PUS (and the Lefties say we're paranoid) by setting up Brandon's meltdown in the debate so her apparatchiks have infiltrated DC ‘on manouvres’ and meeting with Democratic officials.

Just remember the Hitlerian, um, Hillarian threat.

Frankly, I think it's all stuff and nonsense. Unless Brandon dies or is 25thed out (imagine the filibusters), any attempt to force him out would cost the Demos several swing states. Not that True Gret isn't above it, but a lot of the wheels in the party seem to be prepared to dig in, meaning the ghastliest floor fight since Goldwater in '64.

UPDATE: The Ubersturmbannfuhrerin has announced she won't run against Brandon. I guess Arkancide is such an honored Democrat tradition it lasts even after the Ozarks are irrelevant.


MamaM said...

Oh My & Hoe Lee Cow!

Best line from the first link was Tudor Dixon's prediction (which I hadn't seen) regarding the replacement of one pathological liar with another.

"Tudor Dixon, Whitmer’s Republican opponent in Michigan’s 2022 Gubernatorial election, predicted that Whitmer would replace Biden if he bombed the debate (which he did).

“If pathological liar Joe Biden fails tonight, this is the next pathological liar they’ll replace him with,” she wrote.

If pathological liar Joe Biden fails tonight, this is the next pathological liar they’ll replace him with.

— Tudor Dixon (@TudorDixon) June 27, 2024

If this prediction comes to fruition, America should be terrified if Whitmer somehow prevails against Trump.

Second awareness and "aha" arrived with the line "She has consistently sold Michigan out to the Chinese Communist Party."

Not only would one liar be taking the place of another, one Puppet willing to sell would take the place of another sold out Puppet if the CCP were to help facilitate her election from afar!

The soft coup angle makes sense to me. Another circling "truck" ready to dump it's load, as she secretly swans around DC, sniffing hair and waiting for the bat signal.

MamaM said...

Even if Whitmer were to get the nod and backing needed to enter into the next set-up, I don't see her wearing well with voters in the long run. She might, however,be able to spark a lot of drama and media excitement in the beginning, sparring with Trump.

edutcher said...

Agreed on the last couple, but the legalities make it difficult to get rid of him. Apparently, part of the Omerta of the Democrat party is you don't 25th another Demo and several swing states have laws that stick a party with its filed nominee unless he dies or is 25thed.

That said, she may be trying to pull some kind of a Hitler, but the party fathers (and mothers (insert punchline)) seem to be making it clear they don't want anybody encouraging the hysterics in Fake News.

PS At 52, she's a pretty good-looking babe if you don't look at the eyes. Another one of those cases where you wonder if there's a portrait in an attic somewhere that shows externally what hewr soul loks like.

MamaM said...

There are so many factors in play right now. Whitmer's potential for involvement, while it might be far-fetched, may not be totally out of the picture. I see her as a younger, female version/clone of Joe. (In addition to her CCP toadying, she also has the support of the Muslim contingent in Detroit.).

Along with the state rules and election legalities, there's also swirling around in the mix:

-Leverage by Foreign Governments

-Internal influences (the Soros/Arabella pipeline and the financial clout and stake held by Big Pharma and the War Machine)

-Personal Bribes, Black mail, Favors and Extortion --Who has what on whom, along with CIA and FBI involvement.

-AND the party's supposed commitment to DEI, which goes out the window if they ditch Kamala!

What a mess!