Thursday, June 27, 2024

If you missed it

Good for you. The massacre (self-inflicted, I might add)  is over.

Theodor Morell could have done a better job. Freezing, mumbling, slurring, changing odd expressions, it was a strange parade of symptoms.

No, it doesn't mean the election is over, but they can't run with Brandon and expect anything other than a wipeout worse then the Rs had back in 1932 (it could happen, anyway). And you can count on this being the only debate.

For all the fixing, for all the doping, it just didn't work. I don't believe in any coalition between the Ozarks and the Os, given Willie's famous, "A few years ago and he would have been getting us coffee", to Teddy Kennedy. They're both run by the Davos crowd, as much as the Ozarks have any influence left to peddle.

If you want to see Brandon's greatest hits of the evening, go to Gateway. It's not a pretty sight and Jill Kermit Wilson is going to feel the scorn heaped on her by the ton. The issue is, again, where do the Demos go? Certanily not Chlamydia. Not King Gavin, as he's called. Mama's governor? Doubtful.

4 months to go and the Trump Train, whether you like it or not, will be blowing its whistle through every town in the country.

UPDATE Brandon and his followers are in full denial of what happened last night, most notably Pelosi Galore. He again gives us his word as a Biden he won't step down  (compare that Brandon with this one) * while many Demos say he has to, although the one most logical to replace him, Chlamydia, isn't even being considered, even though she is a "black" woman.

In sum, the Democrats have advanced themselves on so many lies that they don't seem able to break free of them. Be ready for a long and bloody summer.

UPDATE 2 It's looking like there's a formation of blocs beginning inside the Lefty establishment. The Ozarks, both he and she, are on X pledging their undying supprt and one of their apparatchiks has issued a distinctly Hillarian threat. Pelosi Galore and Jim Clyburn have denounced the naysayers. Fake News is, of course, panicking, but no name Democrat except for Bobby Kennedy wants to be the first to publicly say, "No Joe, No Ho".

It may turn out Edmond Burke's glorious insight, All that needs for evil to happen is for good men to do nothing. It may turn out All that needs for good to happen is for evil men to do nothing.

We shall see.

* Taken today, both of them. I'm really starting to wonder if this is another Rudolf Hess switch. 


MamaM said...

I watched it after the fact, as it was easier to sort through, pause and consider. While the cat is out the bag with regard to JB's decline and compromised ability to stay present and alert, there also seems to be something more askew and a-paw going on. Plus there's the ferociousness of a cornered cat to be considered.

Yes to the truth of "so many lies used that they don't seem able to break free of them".

With one deception exposed, the door leading to another huge mess of scheming, power grabbing and manipulation has been opened. Onward we go.

One of our favorite lines from a children's book by Richard Scarry, involves Mrs Rabbit standing in the doorway of her home shouting "Dump it there!" to Mr Rabbit, who is standing in their yard alongside a wheel barrow of dirt, sharing the page with a collection of all kinds of trucks filled with different loads. Her shout is followed by the narrator attempting to describe the resulting mess by solemnly declaring, "And all the trucks dumped all there loads right there!"

Last night's presentation was a Shout that came through loud and clear with a world full of people listening.

edutcher said...


MamaM said...

It's afoot only more cat-like.