Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Best Movie Ever (For 20 Minutes)

I have to agree with the nebbishy nerd who made this video. "Streets of Fire" is one of my all-time favorite films. It is a retelling of the classic John Wayne movie "The Searchers" with bikers replacing the Apache's. The music was composed by the great Jim Steinman who wrote every one of Meat Loaf's hits. In fact, if you love Meat Loaf's music then you love Jim Steinman. Directed by the best Western director since John Ford in the amazingly talented Walter Hill, this movie is a classic. The first twenty minutes and the last ten are amongst the best movies I have ever seen. Nobody could keep that up for an entire film. Nobody does. Yeah, it's pulp. But it is sublime pulp.

Do yourself a favor and rewatch it. You won't be dissapointed.

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